10 x 10 was started by a group of Sydney-based young professionals and creatives who wanted to fight apathy and engender a culture of giving and philanthropy within our communities.
There are thousands of charities – how do you know which one to support?
How do you know where your money is going?
I don’t have enough time to find out what’s out there, let alone whether they’re legit.
I’m not a millionaire so how can I make a difference?
1) 10 x 10 is a scalable platform of events that provide a unique and social forum for young professionals and creatives to give to emerging charities whose causes resonate with them.
2) Each event showcases three emerging local charities, carefully chosen as organisations creating solutions to complex social issues in our communities.
3) Supported by the 10x10 founders, each event is planned and hosted by a fresh committee of 10, typically guests at prior events. Each committee member hosts 10 guests at the event, bringing together over 100 people who each contribute $100 or more, raising $10,000 (at least!).
4) Each charity has five minutes to pitch in the style of the popular UK television show, The Dragon’s Den, and are then questioned by a special guest Dragon about their cause and business model.
5) The amount you donate through Pozible in advance ($100 or more) is turned into vouchers for 'Charity Dollars' in increments of $50. After hearing the pitches, you choose the organisations you most want to support. Many people want to support all three charities so they contribute $150 or more.
6) All costs of each event are covered by event sponsors, to ensure that ALL funds raised on the night go directly to the three charities.
After doing some research, we identified three outstanding social enterprises for the event on 5 November where a donation in the vicinity of $10,000 would be significant.
Birthing Kit Foundation Australia (BKFA) is an organisation dedicated to improving conditions for women who give birth at home in developing countries. Every 2 minutes, a woman dies of complications related to pregnancy and childbirth. An estimated 385,000 women die annually in childbirth, many from preventable infections acquired during childbirth. Most women BKFA assists have little or no assistance during childbirth for reasons of isolation, cultural choice or poor transport. By providing a clean birthing kit, these mothers will have the resources to reduce infection and complications related to pregnancy and childbirth.
Kickstart For Kids (Kickstart) is a not for profit charity which helps disadvantaged school children in South Australia by providing breakfast and lunch programs and a mentoring program. Kickstart aims to make a difference in an underprivileged school life tomorrow. With help from 400 volunteers, the organisation provides breakfasts and lunches to 205 schools in the north, south and western areas of Adelaide and presently provides around 35,000 breakfasts and 7,500 sandwiches per week. Kickstart also have about 80 mentors volunteering in schools around Adelaide. Mentors spend an hour a week with a child who is perhaps at risk of disengaging from the education system, or who needs a significant adult in their lives.
Sight For All is a charitable organisation based at the South Australian Institute of Ophthalmology in Adelaide, Australia. Their voluntary team of eye care professionals is dedicated to fighting avoidable blindness both in our community and in developing countries where 90% of the world’s blind live. Sight For All’s team comprises over 100 ophthalmologists, ophthalmic nurses, and scientists from all over Australia and New Zealand.
10x10Adelaide Thursday 05 November 2015
6.00pm – 8.00pm (Drinks & canapés from 6.00pm. Speakers begin at 7.00pm)
Bendigo Adelaide Bank, 80 Grenfell Street, Adelaide
Registrations close Wednesday, November 4th but may sell out before this date!
10x10 Adelaide is honoured to have David Paterson as our guest 'Dragon' in November. David Paterson is a specialist in strategic marketing and innovation, operating across both the business and social spheres.
David most recently served as Chief Innovation Officer of World Vision, the world’s largest international aid and development NGO. In a prior role with World Vision as Chief Marketing Officer, he raised around $1 billion. David’s next focus is The Social Capital Initiative, which seeks to position Adelaide as the ‘Silicon Valley of Social Innovation’.
David’s involvement in social marketing and innovation projects has ranged from reducing recidivism amongst juvenile offenders through to leading global humanitarian innovation workshops at the United Nations headquarters in New York.
David is a Williamson Community Leadership fellow; Board Member of the Committee for Adelaide Inc.; and a former Board Director of the YMCA. David also serves on the Advisory Board of the Monash University School of Marketing.
David Paterson (Dragon)
Bendigo Adelaide Bank (for providing the Premises, Food and Audio Visual)
Deloitte (Sponsor)
Pozible (Online Platform)
1. Your ‘buy-in’ to come along is a donation of $100 or more. You pre-pay this on Pozible, one of Australia’s leading crowdfunding websites, and get a confirmation of your contribution. The pooled funds are held securely by Pozible.
2. When you arrive on the night, you’ll get the amount of your donation back in the form of vouchers for charity dollars in $50 increments - so you'll receive 2 or more depending on how much you donated through Pozible. You will be able to allocate each voucher worth $50 charity dollars to any of the three charities over the course of the event. Each charity has a jar to collect charity dollars.
3. Each of the three charities will have 5 minutes to deliver their pitch in the style of the popular UK TV show, the Dragons Den. They’ll be pitching to you and the crowd, and to our resident dragon.
4. The Dragon will question each charity about their pitch and business model.
5. The audience will then have 5 minutes to ask their questions.
6. When all the pitches are done, you drop your charity dollars into the jar of the charity (or charities) who you loved the most. If you’re really inspired by the charities on the night, we’ll give you instructions on how to make an additional donation.
7. ALL of the pooled funds will then be distributed to the charities based on the tallied up contributions.