The Flower Girl

of $12,500 targetyrs ago
Successful on 30th Jun 2015 at 11:51PM.

THE FLOWER GIRL is short 'coming of age' film about the corruption of innocence that endeavours to show what it's like to be a victim of human trafficking through the point of view of a child.

Whilst travelling through South East Asia, the director purchased a rose from a young girl in a busy tourist area. It was not until some time later that he became aware these children were actually victims of human trafficking. A lot of them are sold by their families in poor villages of neighbouring countries and forced into selling roses to tourists.

We are team of independent and student filmmakers who with your help will be able to put THE FLOWER GIRL into production, allowing us to spread awareness for  an issue that effects millions of people world-wide.

May, a six year old girl from a rural Cambodian village, is sold by her parents and forced into selling roses to tourists on the streets of Bangkok. 

Due to the trauma of her early childhood, May feels a sense of disassociation from her surroundings. Po, another child in the same circumstance, helps give May the courage she needs to overcome her fears.

Facebook pageWebsite

How The Funds Will Be Used

The goal of our campaign is to raise $12,500. With out the help of big Hollywood studios it takes a lot of time and dedication to produce a film. Most of the expenses will be covered by our experienced and passionate crew but we need your help in getting us over the line.

Your support will not only allow us to go into production with THE FLOWER GIRL, but will also help us raise awareness on an issue that needs to be talked about. Once we have achieved our goal, we would LOVE to give any other additional amount raised to some amazing charities who are supporting people effected by human trafficking.

These funds will contribute towards:

- Our Thai Cast and Crew (Through WindUp Films)
- Equipment Hire in Thailand
- Location and Filming Permits

Click the [PLEDGE NOW] button at the top of the page. You will be asked to select a Pledge amount and choose a Reward. From there, you will be taken through the Pozible checkout and payment process.

It's simple, it’s safe, and every pledge brings us that little bit closer to realising our vision. For the generous-minded among us, there are some great rewards on offer, as listed down the right-hand side of the page, however any support for the project, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated.

You can also show support through a business sponsorship! For more information, refer to contact details at bottom of page.

Don’t forget though, we do have a deadline! If our goal is not reached by the campaign's end on the 1st JULY, your pledges will not proceed and no payments will be processed. Please help us make sure we reach our target!


Pledge Now

The Challenges

THE FLOWER GIRL already has the support of some great people including our crew in Thailand. A lot of people have contributed there time and efforts to the pre- production process and we have overcome most of our challenges.

There is no doubt that THE FLOWER GIRL will be made. However, with your help and support through our crowd funding campaign, we will be able to focus more of our efforts on the story, concentrating on the issues that THE FLOWER GIRL explores in order to do the film justice.

** All shipping prices are based on Australian postal prices. If donating from an international address please contact us for a quote on shipping.

Go Behind The Scenes!

You will receive access to exclusive behind the scenes photos and videos from Thailand! AND a shout out on THE FLOWER GIRL'S Facebook page and a SUPPORTER CREDIT on THE FLOWER GIRL'S website

6 chosen

Est. delivery is Jul 15

The Film!

Be one of the first people to see THE FLOWER GIRL! You will receive a digital download of the film after it's premier! PLUS: All of the above!

40 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 15

The Movies!

While you wait for THE FLOWER GIRL to be completed, relax and enjoy a movie with an admit ONE to any Palace Cinema or the Waverley Cinema! Ticket will be sent out to you immediately after the campaign target is reached. PLUS: All of the above!

12 chosen

Est. delivery is Jul 15

Admit 2 and the Bluray!

Choose a Blu-ray or DVD, with behind the scenes footage and other goodies! AND enjoy a movie with a mate with an admit TWO to any Palace Cinema or the Waverley Cinema! Tickets will be sent out to you immediately after the campaign target is reached. AND get your name in the credits of the film as a SUPPORTER! PLUS: - SUPPORTER CREDIT on THE FLOWER GIRL'S website! - Access to exclusive behind the scenes photos and videos from Thailand!

22 chosen

Est. delivery is Feb 16

For The Collectors!

Receive a limited edition poster, signed by cast and director! A signed production still, with a personal note from the director. A special edition Blu-ray or DVD of THE FLOWER GIRL signed with a personal message by the filmmakers. AND enjoy a movie with your family with an admit FOUR to any Palace Cinema or the Waverley Cinema. PLUS: - SUPPORTER CREDIT in the film and on THE FLOWER GIRL'S website! - Access to exclusive behind the scenes photos and videos from Thailand!

7 chosen

Est. delivery is Feb 16

Our Favourite Frame!

Hang a canvas print up on your wall displaying one of the directors favourite 16mm frames from the film, signed by the director and cinematographer! AND you will receive a special gift from one of the markets in Bangkok which feature in the film, hand-picked by the director himself. PLUS: All of the above!

3 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Professional Photo Shoot!

Your very own professional photo shoot on the set of THE FLOWER GIRL beach scenes. (To be shot on location in Vic, Aus). PLUS: All of the above!

1 chosen / 4 available

Est. delivery is Nov 15

Associate Producer

Support independent film makers with an Associate Producer Credit and you will get to sit in on the final cut of the film with the director, producer and our amazing editor, the D-FAM! AND receive a copy of the script signed by the director! PLUS: All of the above!

1 chosen / 4 available

Est. delivery is Nov 15

Executive Producer

Wow! Thank-you for your amazing support of THE FLOWER GIRL! You are now an Executive Producer and will be credited in the film along with a company Logo! PLUS: All of the above!

1 chosen / 4 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Come to Thailand!

For your generosity and support we will fly you over to the shoot in Bangkok with 5 nights accommodation. Not only that but you will also be an executive producer with your name and company logo in the credits! PLUS: All of the above and more!

0 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Jul 15