Black As

of $70,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 31st Mar 2015 at 9:57AM.

About a year ago I received a message from a group of young men from a remote homeland in Arnhem Land. They wanted me create a new show with them, just like Bush Mechanics, which I made 14 years ago. They seemed super keen, so I flew up and met them. Their idea was to show the outside world this amazing bush life of hunting and living off the land, stories of survival, adventure, cars and near disasters.

Jerome, Chico and Dino are Yolngu men who live and grew up in Yathlamara, a homeland near the community of Ramingining in East Arnhem Land. Joe moved to Ramingining as a child and grew up with the others. He was adopted by a local family and is considered part of the community. All four men have gone through Aboriginal customary law and live by all cultural and societal codes expected of them as initiated men.

These guys grew up with “Bush Mechanics”. Now with mobile phones, TV, music and the Internet, a new generation has emerged and the time is right to celebrate life in the bush all over again…but in today’s world. It is neither straight doco, scripted drama or reality. It is a genre of its own. And importantly, The Black As boys are partners in this project

Mobile auto repairs, Black As type...EASY!

Each webisode will continue “the journey”, discovering the wonders and secret spots in and around Ramingining, the Arafura Swamp and its wild and inhospitable coastline and rivers. The boys will use all their bush skills to keep cars going, build with bush materials and find innovative solutions to curly predicaments. They’ll travel in broken cars, dinghies, and when all engines fail…take to the foot.. They’ll live off the land with nothing, survive islands infested with crocs and have mystical interventions from greater powers.

Snacks on the go... Mangrove worms.

I love the dynamic created by the Yolngu and non-indigenous crew. It’s refreshing and honest and leads to fascinating insights into both cultures. Joe is still the “white guy” and the others play on this and tease Joe continually. Joe in turn is often the motivator who keeps them on track and organized. Their combined bush skills and know how are something to behold. Their respect for the elders and landowners is ever present. All four are strongly immersed in traditional cultural life, family and its obligations.

The series will be a positive celebration of young people living in a remote Aboriginal community. It will embrace life in the bush and all it has on offer.

One slip and you're croc bait!

WHY “Black AS”

Living in Remote Aboriginal communities is often about a sedentary lifestyle and its associated diseases. With Black As we’ll create a new show, which celebrates Aboriginal youth culture, bush foods, and a hunter/gatherer tradition.

The Black As boys are keen to pursue this project, especially since it was their idea in the first place. They traverse both white man’s world and their own with ease but hold their culture, traditions, ceremonies, country and language as their priority.

Black As will not only give these few young men a focus and direction in life but allow them to show others that contrary to recent bad press and negative television programs life in the bush can be fun, healthy and something to celebrate.

The project has everyone pretty excited and keen to go into production during the dry season this year.

So all we need now is some dolla!

Guess why he's on the roof?

Be part of the buzz. Help make it happen.

Contribute what you can and spread the word about BLACK AS. 

Here's lunch... Let's get started on dinner!

The Black As Crew

Black As boys - Dino Wanybarrnga, Joseph Smith, Chico Wanybarrnga and Jerome Lilypiyana.

Dino is the happy go lucky guy that lives for the moment, Joseph is the bridge connecting the Black As boys Yolngu and white worlds, Jerome is the cool cat in the group and the one with the laughs and all the dance moves, and Chico is the quiet leader. But to know more you will have to watch the series. And not to mention a cast of behind the scenes Black As supporters including Buddhi Lokuge, and Lloyd Garrawurra (2nd from right above) an inspiring journalist and organiser of young people in Ramingining.

David Batty - Writer, director, producer

David has 35 years of creating factual content and drama throughout most parts of Australia and more recently in Papua New Guinea. Based in Alice Springs for 13 years, Broome for 12 years and now has based his Rebel Film production company in Melbourne. David has a long and proud history of making programs with and for Aboriginal people. Establishing the television production unit at CAAMA (Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association) in the early eighties. To date delivered over 27 hours of factual content as Director, Writer, DOP to ABC and SBS.

Bergen O'Brien - Editor

Bergen has lived and worked in several very remote Aboriginal communities. He is a documentary editor with over 20 years of broadcast editing experience. An accomplished storyteller, he knows how to get the best out of the Black As series and bring out the character intricacies, mysteries and humour on these wild adventures.

Buddhi Lokuge – Co-Producer

Buddhi is co-founder of EveryVoiceCounts and a public health doctor who has worked in Afghanistan, Africa and the US for Medecins Sans Frontiers, and in remote Northern Australia. He is co-author of A Doctors Dream, a story of hope from the Top End and has Implemented large scale public health projects, and led international campaigns around malnutrition and low cost essential medicines. He has been the motivating force in getting this project up and plays a key role in driving this campaign. With his on the ground local knowledge and long term friendship with the Black As crew Buddhi is an essential asset.

Paul Diamond - Crowdfunding campaign manager
Paul is passionate about applying his skills as an entrepreneur to develop innovative film and multimedia projects.

The music
We have partnered with some amazing bands from the region such as Dunganda Street Sounds and the Nabarlek Band to create the dynamic soundtrack of the Black As pilot webisodes. We will work with these and other musicians from the region for the series.

If you liked Bush Mechanics, you are going to love this!




Latest Black As news!

In the three weeks since we launched our pozible campaign, the Black As webisodes (see below) have been viewed 230,000 times online. And the story of the Black As guys and our project has also been in the news.
A big thank you to our friends and supporters for the all shares and support you can give us. There is still some way to go but we are absolutely going to get there!

How The Funds Will Be Used

The pozible funds will form part of an overall budget we are pursuing from funding bodies and broadcasters. At this stage none of this money is “in the bag” but it's looking promising. The more support we get during the campaign the more likely other funding will be successfully attained. Needless to say we are a finely tuned production machine that can work on tiny budgets so if no other money is forthcoming so be it and we will proceed with any crowdfunding money and donations we get.

Production: I work with a small crew, with me behind the camera and directing, a sound recordist (budget permitting) and use as many locals as possible. Shooting along these lines allows for opportunities to pop up, and the narrative to gain depth, humor and to go with the unexpected. Cars break down, bush foods are discovered, rain, fire, tides all become part of the unfolding story as we pursue the mission to get somewhere or achieve something. It is a natural production style, which delivers a sense of the real and integrity to the story and the characters.

The Challenges

Apart from hanging onto bullbars, crocs, deadly snakes, becoming lost or stranded I don’t really see any insurmountable problems or difficulties. We have produced 3 webisodes already as proof of concept and the ability of the guys to deliver.  

When's NRMA getting here? 


A very heartfelt thank you for helping to bring the boys project to life!

46 chosen / 9954 available

Est. delivery is Apr 15


Love what your saw on the first episode? Then be the first in the world to watch all three episodes of Black As via digital download.

175 chosen / 9825 available

Est. delivery is Apr 15


Black As Bloopers will have you in stitches. Off camera the guys are just Funny As. They see the world in a unique Black As way. You will love this 25 minutes of Black As, behind the scenes (and also get the three pilot webisodes).

146 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 15

Exclusive Series Preview

You will receive the first 15 episodes of BLACK AS to watch online. This reward will be exclusive to Pozible pledges. The series will be available to you exclusively to watch online for a week before release.

8 chosen / 92 available

Est. delivery is Apr 16


We will send you a signed copy of an iconic Rebel Films production, as well as the 3 Black As webisodes for download.

86 chosen / 414 available

Est. delivery is Apr 15

Series Preview + T-Shirt

Watch all 15 episodes a week before the rest of the world*, receive an exclusive BLACK AS t-shirt and get one DVD from the Rebel films catalogue. *Series delivered separately when complete in April 2016.

9 chosen / 91 available

Est. delivery is Jun 15


The boys will scratch your name on the car being used in the show! A photo graphic record of all names on the car will be kept on our website. The original Bush Mechanics Holden is now a museum piece and has a place in history. Your name will be on the BlackAsmobile as it gains a cult following. And we will send you the 3 Black As webisodes for download

30 chosen / 20 available

Est. delivery is Jun 15


These six award winning documentaries have all been screened on the ABC. They tell stories of Aboriginal Australia. From the iconic and rare (original) Bush Mechanics to Wild Kimberley rodeo action, journeys with artists back to country, to a moving tale of Australia’s last massacre at Coniston. A remarkable collection.

4 chosen / 96 available

Est. delivery is Jun 15


Invitation to attend the Black AS cast and crew premier screening event in Melbourne. You will get to meet all involved in the production and join us celebrate this unique film experience.

1 chosen / 49 available

Est. delivery is Nov 15


All of the above (tickets to Black As world premier screening in Melbourne) PLUS join us for an exclusive dinner beforehand with the cast and crew, as well as an invite to the after party.

4 chosen / 16 available

Est. delivery is Nov 15


Guided bush walk along the NSW south coast…(per person). Join Black As Director David Batty on his popular guided walks (three days, two nights) along one of the worlds most pristine and beautiful coastlines. Camp in banksia forests, by sweeping bays and beaches or grassy headlands with million dollar views. All camping gear supplied. You must get yourself to Bermagui, NSW, carry everything required and be fit and healthy. All cooking by resident masterchef, David.

0 chosen / 8 available

Est. delivery is Nov 15


Get yourself to Bermagui on the gorgous south coast of NSW then be catered and cared for at the Rebel Films off the grid retreat. Eat freshly grown organic vegies, cooked on a slow combustion stove and go on excursions to the local fishing spots, beaches and forests. You will stay in a luxury tent for 1, 2 or 3 nights…you choose. Dinner party with locals, tennis, surfing, diving for abalone, or just chill and hang out, all on offer. Escape to the simple life and support the Black As cause!

1 chosen / 7 available

Est. delivery is Nov 15


You will star in an episode of Black As. Get to Ramingining during filming and we will film you with the boys who will show you everything they know about being Black As.

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 15