Novascapes Anthology

of $3,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 15th Jun 2014 at 11:50AM.
Novascapes is an anthology of stories from across the speculative fiction range. All the stories are penned by authors who currently live, or were born and raised, in the Hunter, Newcastle and Central Coast regions of New South Wales Australia. It is an indie project showcasing some of the best speculative fiction authors to come out of this region alongside a collection of fantastic emerging talent.

The project was conceived to get stories into print from the emerging writers of the region who, mostly due to a lack of confidence, had yet to submit their stories anywhere. It started as a small scale just get a few stories from the local writers group in print and quickly blossomed into a full blown anthology including stories from Margo Lanagan, Kirstyn McDermott, Jenny Blackford, Janeen Webb, Russell Blackford and Thoraiya Dyer.

Now with the stories in hand and the final details slipping into place I have decided to branch out with this crowdfunding campaign in the hope that I can raise enough money to double the first print run and promote the anthology to a wider audience.

Appearing in the anthology are:

The Enternal Twilight Of His Maze
by Jenny Blackford
Idol by Russell Blackford
The Switch by Morgan Bell
Never Love A Wild Thing by Megan Buxton
Portal by Sheree Christoffersen
Night Herons Curse by Thoraiya Dyer
Heartsick by Samantha Fisher
The First Stone by Andrew C. Jaxson
The Fold by Bethany Kable
Mouth to Mouth by Margo Lanagan
Devils by Blake Liddell
She Said by Kirstyn McDermott
Siren by Catherine Moffat
Arms Dealer by C. E. Page
Shulamite by Danuta Electra Raine
Focused by Rob Riel
Dystrophic by K. M. Ross
The Cat Detective by Willie Southgate
Reunification by Aidan Walsh
Paradise Design’d by Janeen Webb
Illegal Aliens: A Space Oddity by Lee-Anne Wilson-Smith

The cover art is being produced by the wonderful Tallulah Cunningham examples of her work can be seen here:

Stretch Goals

So we know what will happen if the initial goal of $3000 is reached:

-The campaign is successful: HOORAY!!!
-The first print run will be 400 books instead of 200
-Wider promotion will be possible

But what happens if we go over this goal? I created a few stretch goals to give you an idea of how we can make this anthology bigger and better together.

$4000: Shoot for the Moon

The limited number lock on the hardback copies will be lifted. Hardbacks will still only be available through this campaign but there will be more available.

$5000: Aim for the Stars

Each story will get its own spot illustration. The image here by our wonderful artist Tallulah is an example of the type of illustration that will accompany each story.


Everyone above on a $50 tier or above shall receive two limited edition fantasy art postcards. Designs to be announced at a later date.

$8000: The Galaxy is Ours

A book launch and signing party for those on tiers $30 and above. If you can’t make it you will receive a personalised, hand written message and speculative fiction themed bumper sticker pack for your space vehicle (or car)

$10,000: Gone Supernova!

Will allow the production of Vol 2 of ‘Novascapes’ and a fantasy anthology that is currently waiting in the wings. While Novascapes is only open to local writers the fantasy anthology will be open Australia wide.

Mini Goals

If we reach our total funding goal all reward tiers above $30 will receive a limited edition fantasy art postcard.

The wonderful thing about this postcard is you will get a say in what the image is. Tallulah will provide three choices and all supporters will get to vote on which image they want to see made into a postcard.

So when you do you get to see the images?

$1000: The three designs will be revealed and the voting will open.

$2000: The winning postcard design will be revealed.

International Post

If you are not an Aussie but are interested in supporting this project and receiving one of the physical rewards then please add an additional $10 to cover the international postage. 

How The Funds Will Be Used

Regardless of the outcome of this campaign 'Novascapes' will be published.

This campaign is an effort to make the anthology bigger and better. The funds will go towards doubling the first print run from 200 to 400 copies and promoting the anthology, and local speculative fiction writers to a wider audience.

The Challenges

All authors are already lined up and the stories have all been received. Of course there is a slight possibility of someone pulling out at this stage but should that occur it will not detract from the other great stories in the book.

The biggest concern at this stage would be delays in editing and production. Such delays are always a possibility however my main goal is to provide you with a quality product. All backers will be kept in the loop should such delays arise and you will be told what is being done to resolve them.

Novascapes ebook (your choice of format) and your name shall appear as a backer on the webpage and in the ebook

12 chosen

Est. delivery is Jul 14

A structural edit for one short story or a single chapter of a longer work. Your name will also appear as a backer on the website and in both the print and ebook.

3 chosen / 47 available

Est. delivery is Jul 14

A copy of the Novascapes print book. Your name will appear as a backer on the webpage and in both the print and ebooks. You will also receive a copy of the ebook. (format of your choice) This price also includes post within Australia.

20 chosen

Est. delivery is Jul 14

A limited edition hardback. Hardbacks will be numbered and only be available through this campaign. You will also receive a copy of the ebook (your choice of format) and your name as a backer on the webpage and in both the print and ebook. Includes postage within Australia.

17 chosen / 33 available

Est. delivery is Jul 14

A soft cover of Novascapes and a signed poster of the cover art. You will also receive a copy of the ebook and your name as a backer on the website and in both the print and ebook.

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Jul 14

A fantasy art workshop with illustrator Tallulah Cunningham. Date and Location TBA though it will be in Newcastle or Maitland. You will also receive a copy of the ebook and your name shall appear as a backer on the webpage and in both the print and ebook.

0 chosen / 8 available

Est. delivery is Jul 14