Madelaine's Organic Eggs
I originally started my business when I was 8 years old. With a small loan from my parents I bought 20 chickens. Now I have over 900 laying hens.
At the moment I am currently spending 3 to 4 hours a day cleaning and packing my eggs. I would like to make a positive impact on Melbourne and provide real organic eggs to more people. To do this, I need an egg cleaning and grading machine, to cut back the time I spend packing. Come spring I will have doubled my flock of girls and this will double the hours cleaning, packing and delivering to you.
So if we can raise $60,000 together, I get an egg cleaning and grading machine and you would be helping me to raise awareness of ethical farming methods, thus expanding the organic community.
With the new, stricter laws coming in for egg production, having a cleaning machine is a necessity, this new machine would help other small egg producers to get their eggs hygienically cleaned and packed at our farm too.
I have some awesome rewards to offer you for your help.
To find out more about my family and me, check out our website and join our facebook page.
Thank you. Madelaine

difference between Madelaines Eggs and free range eggs
- with 900 chickens per 1/4 hectare (3600/hectare) they have plenty of space
- moved onto fresh grass every day!
- they are able to eat fresh grass and bugs
- fed a supplementary certified organic feed that contains minerals, calcium, grains and flower petals, oregano oil and vegetables.
- NOT debeaked
- NOT given hormones/antibiotics.
- NO added artificial colourings
- able to do what chickens need to do: have a dust bath, scratch, fly, jump and lie in the sun.
- Madelaine's chickens can perch at night in a warm safe home.
- They love Madelaine and fly and leap for joy at her arrival.
Chickens that are merely free range:
- Can live on a site that contains up to 40 000 hens per hectare
- May never move off this site
- Are fed conventional feed, which could include GMO grains, hormones and antibiotics.
- Are debeaked to stop them killing each other from boredom and not enough room.
- Their eggs are washed in chlorine
- Their food may have added red food colouring to give colour to the egg yolks.
- They may have no nesting materials
- May not have perches for resting
- May never eat green fresh grass

The life of Madelaine's chickens - why the eggs taste so good
At fourteen days they venture out onto my green pasture in little mobile houses that are moved daily. These houses still have heat lamps and little perches so they can learn to fly and scratch. They spend the next four weeks in these portable houses eating green feed and growing fast and testing out their new feathers, which is lots of fun to watch.
For the next four weeks they are allowed to roam free around my family's lawns and exploring mum's flower garden. My dogs keep them safe from predators.
At 10 weeks of age they move into their adult chicken mobile homes. They get to use the perches and practise laying eggs in the nest boxes. They have lots of fun exploring their new quarter hectare pasture, which is new every four days. At this age they get so excited to hear the sound of me, they run and jump with excitement to greet me.

How The Funds Will Be Used
If I raise $60 000 I can do:
$53 864.54 for the machine 10CSG-VP - cleaning, grading and packing
$4,651 for freight
$2 400 for pozible
If I raise $90 000
it covers the machine, plus builds me a shed for the machine and a cool-room to store the eggs.
If I raise $120 000
it will cover the machine, shed and cool-room, plus I can raise another 1000 birds to point of lay
Check out the video below to see how it works.
The Challenges
I have four Maremma guard dogs living with the chickens and keeping predators away.

A dozen organic, actually free-range fresh eggs. To collect eggs I will send you a voucher which you can use in any of my outlets or you can come and see me personally at the Collingwood Children's Farm farmers market (2nd Saturday per month)
Hollyburton calendar This is a calendar of my families farm for all those people who want to be involved but are interstate or overseas. :) It will have thirteen beautiful photos of our farm.
A dozen organic free range eggs and a Hollyburton calendar. To collect eggs I will send you your calender and voucher which you can use in any of the shops that stock Madelaine's eggs or you can come and see me personally at the Collingwood Children's Farm farmers market (2nd Saturday per month)
A dozen organic free range eggs and a Hollyburton calendar plus 1 organic home grown chicken which is good for soup/curries/stock. To collect eggs and chicken, you can pick it up prearranged from one of my outlets or come and see me personally at the Collingwood Children's Farm farmers market (2nd Saturday per month)
Chicken workshop! I will raise a batch of organic meat birds and teach you how to kill, pluck and clean your own chickens. Come up to the farm for the afternoon and learn how to do this and take home 2 chickens ready to cook.
A dozen organic free range eggs and a Hollyburton calendar along with 2 organic home grown soup/curry chickens and 2kg of our organic beef or lamb. To collect you can pick it up prearranged from one of my outlets or come and see me personally at the Collingwood Children's Farm farmers market (2nd Saturday per month)
15 dozen of Madelaine's free range organic eggs over a period of 6 months. You will receive the vouchers in the mail, which you can then use any time whenever you need eggs. Just take it to any shops that stock my eggs across Melbourne.
Join a group tour of the farm for two, plus take home a dozen organic free-range eggs and a Hollyburton calendar along with 2 organic home grown soup/curry chickens and 2kg of beef or lamb. * the group tour will consist of no more than 25 people. You will see all aspects of the farm and have tea and scones on the lawn afterwards.
A group tour for a school class on the farm for up to 30 children. Young inspiring entrepreneur Madelaine will talk about business, life and chickens. The class will also get to help Madelaine collect the eggs, they will meet the goats, pigs, cows and sheep. They will try fresh goats' or cows' milk and see her permaculture gardens. The children will get a broad understanding of how an organic farm works.
Come up for the Hollyburton Treatment for two - A colloid mud pack, a swim in the lake. Then a hot bath overlooking the Macedon ranges, sipping homemade ginger beer, eating fresh produce from our land - homemade goats cheese, scones and jam. Plus a take home pack of produce - eggs, milk, jam, veggies and a Hollyburton calendar
Have Madelaine talk on business, life and chickens at your school. Listen to her inspiring and funny story of life on the farm: a mix education of school and home school. Dealing with being dyslexic. Travelling the world, building a business from eight years of age and having an SBS documentary made about her. Other Topics she covers are- - running a business - crowd funding - chickens - permaculture Madelaine also does business brainstorming with the kids.
A romantic candle-lit dinner, five course meal for two. In the fields by the lake with a fire heated bath. Includes a bottle of champagne.
A professional family/couple photoshoot with the animals on the farm taken by including 10-15 hi-res images on disc and ready to print. Valued at $1500 Afternoon tea on the lawns plus a Hollyburton produce pack - eggs, jam, veggies and a Hollyburton calendar along with 2 organic home grown chickens.
A night on the farm for two in one of our truck houses. Includes a home-cooked three course dinner, a cooked breakfast of nitrate-free home-grown bacon and Madelaine's eggs. A private tour of the farm plus a take home pack of produce- a dozen organic free range eggs, jam, veggies and a Hollyburton calendar.
The Hollyburton Produce pack - 10 boxes over 10 months - organic produce from the farm 3kg meat 2 doz eggs in season veggies jam and what ever we have that is special in season that month. delivered to your door (within 100k's of the farm)
A blissful weekend 'with the lot' retreat for two or a family in one of our Bedford truck houses including all meals, a full picnic, swimming in the lake, milking the cow and goats, collecting the eggs plus a photoshoot with on the farm. And a whopping six dozen organic free range eggs supplied over 6 weeks, a Hollyburton calendar along with 4 organic home grown chickens and 4kg of our organic beef or lamb.
Get married at the farm - for an intimate gathering. Use the field by the lake for a weekend, with power, portable compost toilet and lights.
A delicious three course organic meal to take home for 10 people from Amoro with Madelaine's eggs in the dessert.