Director’s Statement - Jason Hooker, Writer/Director/Producer
My journey as a filmmaker began 10 years ago, with a short story I had written called Source Artemis, which I made into a short film. Though it was something created at the beginning of my learning curve, in it was the seed of an idea: a concept with the potential to grow far beyond its beginnings. It was the first piece I had directed, and in the process of making it, I discovered not only did my talents align with the artform of filmmaking, but I felt at home in it.
Between now and then it has been an incredible rollercoaster of back-to-back productions, endless learning, many nights up late filled with inspiration, and many prayers given to God in the hope that all of the hard work and aspiration could amount to something impactful. Over the course of those years, the story of Source Artemis continued to grow; expanding, deepening, maturing.
And now I’ve arrived here, full circle, with this project that not only feels like the fulfilment of a story 10 years in the making, but a piece created as the culmination of all of my learning and hard work thus far. And it is a platform not just for myself but for the wonderful filmmakers - and dear friends - who I have been blessed to share this journey with.
We hope that our journey will continue beyond this moment, and with your help, we pray that it will.
A crime journalist is hunted by his enemies in a desperate attempt to uncover the identity of his secret source.
Source Artemis is about the way truth and lies have a powerful effect on our relationships, and ultimately, it is a story about men and women who want to do good in the world.
Meet the Team
Clockwise from top left:
Caroline Dehn (Producer)
Jason Hooker (Writer, Director, Producer)
Cassy Vincent (Production Designer)
Matthew Nguyen (Director of Photography)
Tim Evans (Producer)
Isaac Bowen (Editor & VFX Artist)
Meet the Cast:
Left to Right:
Heath Ivy-Law as Norman Harrington
Zoe Harlen as Lily Alcott
Rob Fragnito as Mick La Rosa
Budget Overview
Your financial support will go a long way in covering the costs of essential filmmaking equipment such as camera and lighting gear, location hire, production design, post-production costs, and providing payment to our extensive cast and crew.
By contributing financially, you’ll be an integral part of creating an exceptionally high-concept, high-quality film worthy of international film festivals and distribution. Not only that, Source Artemis will serve as a proof-of-concept film with the potential to expand into a fully-fledged TV series.
Risks & Challenges
This film is the most ambitious project we’ve worked on to date. With decades of collective filmmaking experience within our team, we’re confident we can handle the unique challenges involved, which include a choreographed fight scene! Your financial support will enable us to take crucial precautions that will make this film a smooth and safe production.
Other Ways You Can Help
Spread the word! We understand that this is a challenging time, and if you don’t feel able to contribute financially, the good news is that there are other ways you can support us. The best thing you can do is spread the word about our campaign! Like and share our social media accounts, tell your mates, and make some noise! Every little bit counts.
We are so grateful for your support.
~ The Source Artemis Team
**Music performed and produced by Leon Ross and Paul van Nimwegen.
No Reward
We owe you a high-five! You’re getting this thing off the ground. Thank you!
Social Media Shout-Out
You're a gem, and we wanna tell the world. We'll shout you out on our social media for being such a legend!
Name in Lights
Because you’re a stunning human being, we want to tell the world about you! We’ll illuminate your name in the end credits as a heartfelt thank you from us. This reward includes: - Social media shout-out - Your name in the credits
Digital Package with BTS Material
Psst… Can we tell you a secret? You’re a legend! Okay, it’s not a secret. But we have some secret goodies for you, including extra behind-the-scenes material for your eyes only, because you are oh-so-special, and deserve our endless gratitude! This reward includes: - Social media shout-out - Your name in the credits - Digital package with BTS material (within which we'll do a shout out to you as we slate one of the shots in the film! And create a reel of every slate shout-out cut together, among other things...)
Signed Screenplay
It’s a fact: you’re incredible. You’ll receive a signed screenplay and a note of thanks from the director. You deserve it! This reward includes: - Social media shout-out - Your name in the credits - Digital package with BTS material - Signed screenplay with note of thanks
Source Artemis T-Shirt
Everybody should know how cool you are, which is why we want to thank you with your own Source Artemis T-shirt! Strut your stuff in style, knowing you’re the kind of person who makes dreams into reality. Because you do. Thank you. This reward includes: - Social media shout-out - Your name in the credits - Digital package with BTS material - Signed screenplay with note of thanks - Source Artemis official T-shirt
Signed Poster Print
Ahem. Did you know you’re brilliant? Because we sure do. To say thank you for your generosity, the team will sign a printed movie poster for you. This reward includes: - Social media shout-out - Your name in the credits - Digital package with BTS material - Signed screenplay with note of thanks - Source Artemis official T-shirt - Source Artemis offical poster print, signed by the team
Director's Lookbook
You're an inspiration, so we want to share our process with you! You'll receive a director's lookbook with storyboards, moodboards, exclusive BTS footage and documents from the filmmaking process. This reward includes: - Social media shout-out - Your name in the credits - Digital package with BTS material - Signed screenplay with note of thanks - Source Artemis official T-shirt - Source Artemis offical poster print, signed by the team - Director's lookbook
Early Release Trailer & Sneak Preview
Hip, hip, hooray, you've made our day! To express our thanks, we want you to have early-bird access to the film's trailer, as well as an exclusive sneak preview of a portion of the film whilst it's in post-production. This reward includes: - Social media shout-out - Your name in the credits - Digital package with BTS material - Signed screenplay with note of thanks - Source Artemis official T-shirt - Source Artemis offical poster print, signed by the team - Director's lookbook - Early release trailer & sneak preview of the film in progress
Early Release Cut
You're incredible. You've been so generous, so we want to show you the film before anybody else lays eyes on it. Consider yourself a VIP (because you are). This reward includes: - Social media shout-out - Your name in the credits - Digital package with BTS material - Signed screenplay with note of thanks - Source Artemis official T-shirt - Source Artemis offical poster print, signed by the team - Director's lookbook - Early release trailer & sneak preview of the film in progress - Early release cut of the film
VIP Tickets to the Premiere Screening
You’re the real MVP! We want to personally invite you to take the best seat at the premiere. That’s right, time to throw on your tux, walk the red carpet, and be showered with love for making this film come to life! *Please note, this perk is restricted to Australian contributors for a Melbourne premiere. This reward includes: - Social media shout-out - Your name in the credits - Digital package with BTS material - Signed screenplay with note of thanks - Source Artemis official T-shirt - Source Artemis offical poster print, signed by the team - Director's lookbook - Early release trailer & sneak preview of the film in progress - Early release cut of the film - 1 VIP ticket to the premiere screening
Visit to the Set
Our guest of honour has arrived! We’re bowled over by your generosity, and would like to personally invite you to visit the set as we shoot the film. Be a part of the action as it’s happening, because you’re the one who made it happen in the first place! Thank you! *Please note: the date of the visit is non-negotiable according to the shooting schedule and it will be a location in Melbourne, Australia. This reward includes: - Social media shout-out - Your name in the credits - Digital package with BTS material - Signed screenplay with note of thanks - Source Artemis official T-shirt - Source Artemis offical poster print, signed by the team - Director's lookbook - Early release trailer & sneak preview of the film in progress - Early release cut of the film - 1 VIP ticket to the premiere screening - Visit to the film set
Extra Role
What’s cooler than watching a film? Only being in one, of course! Time to step into the limelight and claim your fame, because we want YOU as an extra. Moviemaking is pretty magical, and as a thank you to you for making it possible, we want you to share the magic with us. *Please note: the date of the visit is non-negotiable according to the shooting schedule and it will be a location in Melbourne, Australia. Transport to and from the film set will not be reimbursed. This reward includes: - Social media shout-out - Your name in the credits - Digital package with BTS material - Signed screenplay with note of thanks - Source Artemis official T-shirt - Source Artemis offical poster print, signed by the team - Director's lookbook - Early release trailer & sneak preview of the film in progress - Early release cut of the film - 1 VIP ticket to the premiere screening - Visit to the film set - Extra role
Associate Producer Credit
We’re blown away. Thank you so much for your support. Your name will be in lights as an associate producer of the film. Totally deserved, in our opinion! This reward includes: - Social media shout-out - Your name in the credits - Digital package with BTS material - Signed screenplay with note of thanks - Source Artemis official T-shirt - Source Artemis offical poster print, signed by the team - Director's lookbook - Early release trailer & sneak preview of the film in progress - Early release cut of the film - 1 VIP ticket to the premiere screening - Visit to the film set - Associate Producer Credit **Please note: The assoc/exec producer title does not endow the recipient with decision-making influence or authority in the filmmaking process. The credit endows the recipient with the rewards stated above and is a declaration of their significant level of financial support toward the overall production.**
Executive Producer Credit
What can we say? We’re amazed. Thank you! You’ll receive an executive producer credit (also known as ‘The Big Dog’ producer, which you totally are), so everybody knows how awesome you are. This reward includes: - Social media shout-out - Your name in the credits - Digital package with BTS material - Signed screenplay with note of thanks - Source Artemis official T-shirt - Source Artemis offical poster print, signed by the team - Director's lookbook - Early release trailer & sneak preview of the film in progress - Early release cut of the film - 1 VIP ticket to the premiere screening - Visit to the film set - Executive producer credit **Please note: The assoc/exec producer title does not endow the recipient with decision-making influence or authority in the filmmaking process. The credit endows the recipient with the rewards stated above and is a declaration of their significant level of financial support toward the overall production.**