VAN-ANH: Classical-Crossover Pianist CD

of $4,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 5th Sep 2012 at 2:00AM.


The NEWSFLASH!! from Jason Queue on Vimeo.

Thank you to everyone who has pledged and donated so far! I love you and thank you for your incredible support. I've set my MINIMUM goal of $4000 as to enable me to hit my target. Of course, pledges are still accepted after that and if I hit $5000-$6000, it which will assist me in:
1. Producing 50 limited edition 1st single CDs of the 'Libertango'.
2. employing a lighting designer for my launch show to create a reflection of colors, projections and video mapping for an experience you will not have had with a piano concert.
3. Add Adelaide to my official launch tour (and open to suggestions for any other cities)

All of this will be made possible through your generosity! so THANK YOU xxx

I'm a 24 year old Australian-Vietnamese classical-crossover concert pianist, composer and producer. I have been playing piano since the age of 13 months and brought up in an environment that is of the classical world (just think Vietnamese Von Trapps). 

Growing up though, I broadened my love of music into various other genres such as house, hip-hop, jazz etc and you'll find me dancing and tapping my feet to anything from Chopin to Scriabin through to Emeli Sande, Janelle Monae, Fun, Stevie Wonder, DeadMaus, Gotye, Amy Winehouse or Usher - the list is endless. My world revolves around music.

I am working on my 2nd cd at the moment which is a classical crossover CD - we've filmed 2 videoclips for my 2 singles as well as done photoshoots for the album cover and artworks - now, it's THE crucial bit which is the recording and mastering as well as the physical CD itself!

Here are some of the images from the shoot:
shot by Jackie Tran Photography

behind the scenes of MV#2 working with cinematographer, Cinetier

custom-made couture dress for the shoot by Australian designer, Andrzej Pytel
stills from shooting the 2nd MV
I want to bring classical music back especially to the younger generation - creating an arena of music where it's a mix of classical and pop (classypop or popsical .. you decide!), working alongside DJs, fine musicians of Sydney as well as graphic and light designers to create a concert experience which will tickle all senses.

The CD will consist of 10 tracks which is a mix of my arrangements of classical pieces i love (such as Saint-Saens' Danse Macabre, Astor Piazzolla's Libertango, Chopin's The Ocean Etude to name a few) as well as 2 of my own compositions with a DJ and 9 piece orchestra.

Project V-A: Bloopers from Jason Queue on Vimeo.

Up to this point, the whole project has been self-funded and I've been lucky enough to work alongside amazing creatives from the arts world who selflessly put themselves forward, including:
Designers: House Of Ezis (Andrzej Pytel), Unspoken Label.
Photographers: Jackie Tran Photography, Ohh Snap Photography
Cinematographers: Cinetier, Adam Lowe, DopeSource Media.

I'd like to raise $4,000 for this project which will be split up into:
$1000: Recording studio time
$1000: Mastering of the 10 tracks
$2000: artwork and pressing of 1500 CDs
Of course if we are able to hit more than the goal, the money will go into the launch events (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast).

Please check out my music so far on:

I'd totally appreciate your support, love and help (remember even $1 helps because three hundred $1's = $300!! it all adds up!) and if i can ever return the favour through a concert in your city or play for a charity, i'm more than happy to do so.
Much love and grace,

Thank you! I'll be sending you:<br /> * A signed poster (sealed with a kiss of course :D)<br /><br /> * A public 'thank you' mention on my social networks

7 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 12

Thank you for your pledge! Along with the above, you'll also get:<br /><br /> * exclusive electronic access to the first single one week prior to official release<br /><br /> * the sheet music for my arrangement of Piazzolla's Libertango<br /><br />

10 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 12

Thank you so much! You'll be receiving the the above as well as:<br /><br /><br /> * a signed copy of my debut CD (2008) entitled 'Mise-en-scene', featuring solo piano works of Chopin, Scriabin, J.S.Bach and Gluck/Sgambati

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 12

Thanks a million! Along with all of the above, you'll also receive:<br /><br /> *a signed copy of the actual Crossover-Classical CD upon release.

11 chosen / 89 available

Est. delivery is Dec 12

Thank you Thank you Thank you! You're a gem! Along with all of the above, you'll also receive:<br /><br /> * 2 VIP tickets to the official launch at the Sydney Opera House<br /><br /> (tickets also are available for the Melbourne, Brisbane and Sunshine Coast launch)

22 chosen / 78 available

Est. delivery is Nov 12

Thanks a MILLION! Much love for your support. Along with all of the above, I'd also like to offer:<br /> * a 20 minute appearance and solo performance at your event. Just provide me with a piano and i'll play :) It could JUST add that special touch to a dinner or a birthday .. you name it!<br /> (Offer is to Sydney and Melbourne only for this unless we can arrange a time where i'm in your city).<br /> Performances will be scheduled within the year of the pledge.

3 chosen / 7 available

Est. delivery is Aug 12

THANK YOU for your generosity. <br /><br /><br /> You'll receive all of the above as well as:<br /><br /><br /> * 2 extra VIP tickets to my CD launch.<br /><br /> * a solo 45 minute recital in your home/at your event within the year of the pledge. As long as you have a piano there, I'll be taking requests as well :)<br /><br /><br /> Don't worry if you are not in Australia :) I travel for my concerts all around the world so that can be arranged (travel costs may be applicable).<br /><br /><br /> <br /><br />

1 chosen / 9 available

Est. delivery is Aug 12

I truly thank you for your kindness, support and generosity. Along with all the above, instead of a solo recital, you'll get:<br /><br /><br /> * a 45 minute concert of myself as well as 2 string players and a DJ (just provide me with a great piano and I'll have the DJ and string players sourced from within the city you are in).<br /><br /><br /> <br /><br /><br /> Please contact me for finer details.<br /><br /><br /> The concert will be within the year of pledging.

0 chosen / 5 available

Est. delivery is Aug 12