Despite lurking in the shadows of the mainstream, Discordia had had its influence on popular culture. Author Robert Anton Wilson wrote a number of books featuring Discordians. Steve Jobs is anecdotally reported to have performed a Discordian Turkey Curse on an unsuccessful job applicant. The Church of the Subgenius, a parody religion closely related to Discordia, has the visage of ‘Bob Dobbs’ appearing in multiple places, including Devo video clips and the Melbourne ‘Polyester’ chain. Stephen Colbert was seduced into joining the nefarious Discordian enemy association The Bavarian Illuminati on his show, and long before Creative Commons, Discordia was exploring Kopyleft as an alternative to traditional copyright models.
The Principia was written around forty years ago. The Apocrypha Discordia, the first major work since the Principia, was released in 2001. Since then there’ve been numerous creative pieces released, with more major Discordian works released in the last ten years than the first forty combined. There’ve been Discordian music projects, artworks, magazines, T-shirts, badges. The religion is alive and kicking; but why?
What is it about a 50 year old joke religion that remains so pervasive and inspiring to its followers? What has attracted Discordians to Discordia? What does an ambiguously sincere religion offer to the irreligious, or sometimes aggressively atheistic? How does a philosophy overtly disregarding rules or structure capture the rigid attention of so many? How has Discordianism influenced one’s life choices, political or philosophical beliefs or lifestyle? What came before Discordia, and what did the road look like after?
I intend to visit Discordians to develop an understanding of the role Discordianism plays in one’s life through a series of interviews. I also intend to take an active role in viewing Discordians in ‘their natural habitat’, seeing how Discordia plays a role in everyday life, whether that’s taking some downtime to relax or roaming the streets in a fake moustache putting up silly posters as part of Operation Mindfuck, ultimately developing an engaging and intimate piece of gonzo anthropology.
I intend to come up with a piece of work that explores and develops an overview of Discordia, that ultimately represents a celebration of religion, humour, philosophy and life.
I’m self funding the travel and accommodation saved through work, which leaves me on a fairly tight budget for the period of development.
I am accepting assistance through Pozible for purchase of a equipment used for recording interviews for review (and where OK’d by the interviewee, to be shared on the Internet) , research materials (works on, by or about Discordians, or academic works on religion/sociology), travel and accommodation funds.
Project Progress:
I’ve contacted a gaggle of Discordians, with a large number through America willing to offer their time for an interview, and others throughout the UK, Netherlands, Norway, Argentina, Sweden, Australia and Brazil offering their time, including large names within the community such as DrJon Swabey (editor of the Apocrypha Discordia) and Sondra London (published author of works outside of Discordia). I’m currently holding discussions with others via distance to collate additional material.
Other Completed Works:
I have a selection of my own writings at
I’ve self published other fiction works, including
Me and My Hair:
I edited and contributed to episode 10 of the Intermittens Magazine (short-lived though technically continuing Discordian periodical):
I edited a collection of assorted writing by Discordians, geared towards a non-Discordian audience:
Listing on my webpage as a thanks for believing in my project. Discordians; Holy name is OK too.
Name listed on my website as contributor +link to your website. If you can get excited about my creative project, I'd love to help others get excited by yours. (Veto any offensive/explicit material though).
Behind the scenes access on new projects: If you choose this donation, I'll add you into projects in progress through Google Docs, to get sneak peeks at progress on new Creative Commons works (yes, this means you can make derivative works pre-release).
A book! A book!<br /><br /><br /> <br /><br /><br /> So, ideally, this is Chasing Eris, but publishing can be a long process, so if it's taking too long and you've got a long plane ride coming up, let me know and I can send you one of my existing fiction pieces instead.
As above with the book, but signed by me with a terrible poem on the inside cover as a tribute to my gratitude.