Emergency ID for Active People

of $7,000 targetyrs ago
Closed on 29th Nov 2013 at 1:00PM.
ICE ID is an emergency identification wristband, which provides direct smartphone access to a person’s important information in the case of an emergency. ICE ID was created for active individuals who participate in day-to-day recreational and sporting activities.

About Us:
ICE ID stemmed from Business Partner's, Amelia and Lester’s equal passion for sports and living non-restricted active lifestyles. As they are both very close to their families and have a close network of friends, there is not much they can do without someone conveying concern for their safety. This was especially apparent when Amelia bought her motorbike, as her friends and family often ask her to call them after a ride, to let them know she got home safely.

This inspired Lester and Amelia to develop an emergency identification sports wristband, to provide a little peace of mind for active individuals and their families.

How it Works:

Each wristband contains a unique ID and Pin Number underneath, which is completely unique to the person wearing it. In the case of an emergency these numbers provide a first responder instant online access to the individual’s important medical and non-medical details contained in their ICE ID profile.

The ICE ID profile contains a person’s important information such as next of kin contact details, blood type, health insurance, doctor contact details & doctor’s notes, medications, donor wishes etc. The individual is able to choose the information they want to provide based on what is important to them in case of an emergency.

The idea is that an ICE ID wristband will effectively communicate a person’s needs and eliminate the guess work in treating that person, in a situation where they are not able communicate for themselves. It will ensure that emergency situation is dealt with more efficiently, the correct attention is administered and their families and loved ones are contacted immediately.

Our Vision
Our vision is to be recognised as the primary and official emergency identification product for active Australians.

Sports Organisations and Event Organisers
We want to provide peace of mind for active individuals and their families, but also work alongside Australian sports organisations including event organisers, providing an emergency identification for their members. We believe we can help protect local community sports groups, social teams and organised events by protecting their members. By supporting these organisations we also aim to help Australian communities stay active!

Kids in Sport
For children, independent mobility is likely to contribute to their development and the growth of a sense of competence and control. One of the factors limiting their freedom of movement is whether parents feel it is safe for their children to go about their daily activities unsupervised. We also want to focus on providing parents and carers’ with peace of mind, while their child is participating in day-to-day activities.

The Challenges

Obstacle 1
Website - Our current website is not built on programs/ technologies, which will be transferable to the systems of other organisations or robust enough to grow with our company. We also do not have a 24 hour support service if the website goes down. This is concerning due to serious nature of the data we are managing and that the information needs to be readily available 24/7.

Potential Resolution
We plan to use our current site as a pilot, which will be replicated using different programs. This will also be done by a company who can provide 24/7 online support.

Obstacle 2
Gaps in skills and Experience - We feel there are a few gaps in the business which we can’t fill due to limitations in our own skills and experience such as Sales, Website Development / IT technical skills

Potential Resolution
We may potentially partner with others who can fill some of these gaps and outsource the services we need such as a website developer, marketing advisor and a business mentor

Obstacle 3
Funds - As currently funded from our own personal income, we are restricted on how far we can go with regards to contracting technical people to help on the site, as well as sales expertise and the purchase of stock

Potential Resolution
Create a campaign on Pozible to showcase our idea and hopefully gain people's interest to invest in ICE ID!

1 x ICE ID wristband with a one year membership (incl postage)

2 chosen / 998 available

Est. delivery is Feb 14

2 x ICE ID wristbands with 2 x one year memberships (incl postage)

1 chosen / 499 available

Est. delivery is Feb 14

3 x ICE ID wristbands with 3 x one year memberships (incl postage)

1 chosen / 249 available

Est. delivery is Feb 14

4 x ICE ID wristbands with 4 x one year memberships (incl postage)

2 chosen / 198 available

Est. delivery is Feb 14

5 x ICE ID wristbands with 5 x one year memberships (incl postage)

2 chosen / 98 available

Est. delivery is Feb 14

Bottom Side Box Advertising Space on the ICE ID website for 1 year, 10 x wristbands + 10 x one year memberships (incl postage)

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Feb 14

Top Side Box Advertising Space on the ICE ID website for 1 year, 10 x wristbands + 10 x one year memberships (incl postage)

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Feb 14

Top Banner Advertising Space on the ICE ID website for 1 year, 10 x wristbands + 10 x one year memberships (incl postage)

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Feb 14