EEVblog µRuler

of $2,500 targetyrs ago
Successful on 21st Aug 2013 at 2:00PM.
Many people have asked for one of the EEVblog PCB µRulers that I gave away at the Electronex trade show last year.
So I've decided to do a crowd funded campaign to get a new batch made.

NOTE!: PayPal in their infinite wisdom suspended my premium business account because of all this new found "suspicious activity" overnight.
This is now fixed and should work fine again, sorry for the inconvenience ordering.
I have also enabled merchant credit card processing using Pozibles system, that goes directly into my bank account, avoiding PayPal, if you want to use this option.

What is it?
For the muggles, the µRuler is a ruler made out of Printed Circuit Board (PCB) material.
Why? Because it is cool to us electronics nerds.
It has nerdy electronics stuff printed on it.

Rulers will be 0.5mm thick with red solder mask and EEVblog silkscreen promo and my ugly mug on the back. It's pretty flexible due to being only 0.5mm.
This a 7" ruler with both imperial and metric scale, plus some handy tables and guides.
Don't settle for an average 6 incher, this one gives you an extra inch!
It is end stop compatible, so you can use it as a depth gauge.

Rulers will be shipped loose in envelopes using regular <50g letter mail.
$10 for TWO
$15 for FIVE (not 3 as I mistakingly said in the video)

NOTE: Make sure you fill in your postal address details into the Pozible system AFTER the PayPal transaction (don't just close your browser once payment is complete). You can't rely on your PayPal address. No Pozible address = no boards!

The Challenges

Virtually no risk. I have had these new rulers already made by PCBcart for the Open Hardware Summit, so I just have to hit the re-order button, the gerber files won't change at all.
Then it's about 12 days delivery to me, and then I'll need a few days to post them.

Two µRulers including shipping anywhere in the world.

750 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 13

Five µRulers including shipping anywhere in the world.

1537 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 13