Hush 13 The Magic Island
Hush 13 will be played inside operating theatres as Children arrive for their operation, and when they wake up. The music is soothing and relaxing and helps take their mind off the experience of being in hospital. Some children go to hospital every week for three years when undergoing treatment for conditions like leukemia. Our aim is to take as much of the pain and anxiety out of their experience as possible.
About The Hush Music Foundation
A physician at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne, Cath started with nothing but an idea and a great big heart, persuading a musician to record an album of music that she could play in the operating theatre, to help ease the anxiety for her young patients and their families. Cath then sold copies of the album to raise funds to help make hospitals a nicer place for patients and their families to spend time every week while undergoing treatment.
Since then, Hush has grown to attract some of the most highly-regarded musicians in Australia. Each year, Hush donates CDs to hospitals around Australia and the world to play within the hospitals for the patients, families and staff that care for them. Some albums are also sold to raise funds for projects like music and play therapy, and pain management. Hush helps to bring in music therapists who entertain the children and enable them to participate in music-making, as a way to take their minds off the pain and suffering of dealing with serious illnesses such as cancer.
For more information visit
The Challenges
Digital download – get a downloadable copy of the album delivered straight to your computer!
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Get 2 physical copies mailed to you: buy one for a friend for Xmas!
Hush Gift Pack. A copy of Hush 13 mailed to you, plus your choice of any 2 Hush albums from the back catalogue ( )
$100 = 5 physical copies mailed to you. A great Christmas gift idea! Each album will also have a little thank-you note inside saying ‘Someone who cares about you has bought you this album. They’ve also made a sick child’s day a little bit brighter by supporting the Hush Music Foundation’.
Get a copy of each of the 13 albums in the Hush collection, all mailed to you to enjoy.