I Am Frozen Custard
Frozen custard is a type of ice cream. We fell in love with it when we were in the US three years ago on a burger researching mission. We came back to Australia and started our food truck, Burger Theory, but we never forgot the frozen custard.

Three years on and we are about to embark on a physically more stable - but economically more volatile - journey, with the opening of our fixed store set for the end of September.

We want to put a frozen custard machine in the store but we're running low. Stores aren't cheap, and at $50,000, neither is the cost of bringing a machine here. They have to be certified to meet Australian standards and imported from the States.
We asked the banks for half the money but they said no. This annoyed us, so we made this video:
That made us feel better. It has also made this frozen custard mission bigger than us. It includes you.
South Australia has some of the world's best dairy produce. We make amazing fresh cream and fresh milk. We deserve fresh ice cream too!
- Hi, I'd like a scoop of vanilla ice cream please.
- Certainly. Would you like the ready to eat variety or the ready to keep?
- Um... excuse me?
- Well, one was made in store by us just now; the other was made somewhere else and we keep it in the freezer.
- Fresh ice cream? I didn't know there was such a thing. What's different about it?
- Well, it's not whipped, which means it has way less air in it.
- And that's a good thing?
- It is if you're after something really thick and creamy. Most ice cream has four or five times more air in it than this. It also means you're not paying for air.
- Why don't you just make more of it and store it too?
- The same process that makes it creamier also makes it impossible to keep for very long. We've got to do smaller batches more often. "Less air and more care," as we say. Corny. But true.
- Sounds like a lot of work.
- It is.
- Right. I'll take one please. Actually, make that two scoops.
Frozen Custard - Wikipedia
Burger Theory Pinterest - Frozen Custard Dreams
The Great Ice Cream Frozen Custard Debate
This is what frozen custard looks like:

Frozen custard explained:
Our burgers and fries are not quite complete
To round out the meal we need something sweet
Alas, in our food truck, there just ain’t the space
Though heavy of heart, we’ve toiled apace
So that, come September, we’ll be opening the doors
To a stationary life: our first city store
With room to expand on our food truckin’ legacy
We’ve a perfect addition; a dense, creamy delicacy:
Called Frozen Custard, it comes from the States
A uniquely fresh ice cream - it’s made while you wait
Inside a machine designed to go back
To how ice cream was before the attacks
Of soft serve and preservatives, artifice and air
The bigger the margin, the lesser the care
But with resources exhausted, we’ve come to a hurdle
And request your assistance, lest our frozen dream curdle
To bring this machine across to our shores
We’ve 25K; we need 25 more.
The Challenges
YOUR NAME IN LIGHTS above the frozen custard machine next to the menu - in a one year rotation with your fellow backers. WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! Photograph your name as it scrolls in store and your frozen custard is ON THE HOUSE!
BURGER THEORY CREDIT. No bells or whistles; just our honest goods in exchange for your honest dollars. (Credit is redeemable with your special edition, reloadable "I AM FROZEN CUSTARD" card).
The "UP THE STRAW" t-shirt. Designed and screen-printed by Tommaso Pascale at RED TOMATO DESIGN; words spoken and, dare we say it, immortalised by Dan. Wear it in store in the next year and a frozen custard will be on us! If you can get it up the straw...
THE "Stupidly Thick" t-shirt. Designed by resident artist and burger flipper Jake Bresanello. Wear the man behind our burger wrap's custom run frozen custard tee. Wear it in store in the next year and a frozen custard will be on us!
Our tribute to Timezone: the ALL YOU CAN EAT AND DRINK IN-STORE LOCK IN, exclusively for you... and a maximum 50 other takers at any one time. For two hours in January (dates and times to be shared and reserved upon reaching the goal. Beer and wine included, as long as they are ordered with food).
Exactly the same as the $30 reward but with more bang for your burger buck: A $100 STAKE BUYS YOU $120 WORTH OF CREDIT. (Credit is redeemable with your special edition, reloadable "I AM FROZEN CUSTARD" card).
LEARN TO GRILL LIKE A PRO, or at least like we do, along with four of your mates. We'll meet at the CENTRAL MARKET for some toppings of your choosing before heading back to the store and getting our grind on. You'll learn all the aspects that go into a Burger Theory burger, customised to suit your ingredients (two hour duration; some time in January).
FLAVOUR OF THE MONTH. Literally - you name and choose the month's frozen custard special (available to organisations too). It'll be your call on ingredients (in consultation with Dan) and your call on the name (vetted by Rob). Of course, you would also be invited to test and approve the final product. Your frozen custard will then be up on our menu board and social media networks for one month's duration as a glowing tribute to you.
A tribute to Adam West's Batman: THE BURGER PHONE. We have a burger phone (seriously). Its number will only be made available to redeemers of this reward (max 5), for one year, with a total store credit of $1000 per person (N.B. credit still valid after the year is up). No one but you will be able to order over the phone to skip any queues. It's a direct line to Burger HQ, and we'll be listening. [Staff in store whisper to one another: "Quick, it's the burger phone..."]
YOUR OWN PRIVATE LOCK IN. The ultimate all-you-can-eat-and-drink-custard fest, for you and fifty people of your choosing (good for organisations too). Upon a successful campaign, we'll be in touch to arrange the date and two-hour time slot for this once in a lifetime frozen custard celebration. And yes, beer and wine is included.
YOU ARE FROZEN CUSTARD. Cement your legacy to this pivotal moment in Adelaide's ice cream history. We will immortalise your name in neon ($2000 cost - vetted by us) and fix it in store as a shrine to your frozen custard chutzpah. And we will throw you the lock in to end all lock ins: 3 hours of food and drink for you and 50 of your disciples. Friend of custard, we salute you!