We did a lot of good stuff in that place. Three DIY festivals, four conferences, forty-odd exhibitions and some of the best live music shows Adelaide has seen. We also built a rehearsal space and recording studio that spawned some pretty great independent music, including critically acclaimed EPs by Terrible Truths, Swimming, Wild Oats, Old Mate and Big Richard Insect.
We took it upon ourselves to be what we wanted to see in Adelaide. We threw some parties. We started a choir. We drew handball courts on the street. We crammed helium-filled condoms into a shipping container. Somebody let us install a seven foot tall pink blob in the main gallery of the Jam Factory. We housed a team of nerd wizards in our basement. We started a street art festival. We published a book about cycling, and another one about Home for the Def. We built an outdoor stage out of cable ties and milk crates, then it rained, then we moved it all into a basement, piece by piece.
Three years went by before the building was sold to a developer, and our home became a construction site. It was a good run, and we ended it with a crazy party.
The thing is, we weren't done.
After a couple months in exile, Format is now poised to establish a new headquarters - one with a solid lease, a permanent licence and a proper board of directors. We'll stay artist-run and not for profit, but this time our home will be the kind of home that we can leave to our little brothers and sisters - the kind of home that will be as weird and fun and experimental ten years from now as that first Format Festival back in 2008.
Securing a new place will take a lot of work. Between all the soundproofing and painting and lawyering and bank-guaranteeing we're short over 100 grand. A lot of that we can sort out via government grants and regular fundraising, but we still need your help. Dig deep, and help us bring artist-run subculture back to the city.
The Challenges
A downloadable compilation of rare live music recorded in the Format basement between 2010 and 2013.
A personal tour of the new venue, redeemable at any time during gallery hours. AND A downloadable compilation of rare live music recorded in the Format basement between 2010 and 2013.
A genuine stone fragment from Format's original headquarters on Peel Street. Hand-numbered and labelled with a small brass plaque, engraved with the following: "GENUINE FRAGMENT OF THE TRUE FORMAT // EXCAVATED 2013" To be delivered or collected by arrangement.
The right to include one of three bodily fluids (blood, tears or ejaculate) in the Format Fluid Archiveā¢. Your sample will be labelled, sealed and displayed in perpetuity in the new venue.
A certificate of Format citizenship, signed on behalf of Format Nation by Format's Founding Director, Dr Ianto Ware.
For a limited term, Format Collective will bestow upon you the office of NIGHT MAYOR. Trappings of the office of NIGHT MAYOR include a decorative sash, a bathrobe, a wooden sceptre and free entry to all ticketed events for the duration of your three month term of office.
Our team of crack party technicians will manage your house party or corporate event. Format will coordinate live music, DJs, dancing, staff, decor and publicity. Subject to scheduling and negotiation, an additional fee may apply for the hire of the Format venue.
One of 20 double passes to see New York psychedelic royalty PRINCE RAMA play the closing night of the Festival of Unpopular Culture, Sunday October 20 at Nexus Cabaret. Half price, strictly limited. PLUS A compilation of rare live music, recorded in the Format Basement.
Your name on the guest list for our "Opening Night Gala" later this year. AND One (1) packet of expired strawberry wizz fizz, sourced from an unopened box found in a ditch near Park Tce. Issued upon your arrival at the "Gala".
A unique bundle of independently published books and zines, courtesy of the Format Zine Shop, delivered to your home or office.
MOAR ZINES! Back by popular demand. A unique package of DIY books and magazines, delivered to your home address. Will include an advance copy of the Format Leisure Manifesto. Strictly limited stock, get cracking!