Zombie Cities Graphic Novel
Silver Fox Comics is an independent self publishing venture based in Sydney, Australia by Sorab Del Rio and Don Ticchio. They both work full time in marketing, graphic design, product development and work on Silver Fox Comics after hours and any spare minute possible. In the past, they have worked on Aussie Comics such as Issue One, Skunge NYPD and Southern Aurora Presents. In 2010, we formed Silver Fox Comics and debuted with 2 new original issues for the legendary pulp fiction character Zorro. Sorab became the first Australian writer to write for Zorro in 2011 and in his day job works on the new line of Phantom merchandise.
After working on licensed properties they released their first original creator owned graphic novel collection - ZOMBIE CITIES which launched at Sydney Supanova last year. For Zombie Cities they commissioned artists from Australia and around the world to create this work. This collection features art from Australia's Paul Abstruse, Martin Szabo, Simon Wright, Gee Hale, Leigh Kubbour, Jason Paulos and designers including Bennet Kowald and Paul Rebec. From Brazil and the Phillipines, the art team includes Jopax, Netho Diaz, Assis Leite, Mano Araujo, Eder Messias, Rene Michelette and Eder Messias. Sorab and Don have since taken Zombie Cities to conventions in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Melbourne, Penrith where it's been a best seller at each event. Now with the follow up ZOMBIE CITIES VIOLENCE VS COMPASSION, they are looking toward an international release.
Zombie Cities involved commissioning all new, all original art making Zombie Cities one of the big budget production graphic novels produced in Australia with a team spanning Sydney, Melbourne, Brazil and the Phillpines. Each graphic novel has taken a year to develop. It's been well worth the effort, as as of the 4th May, we've now sold over 700 copies of Zombie Cities through conventions such as Supanova, Armageddon and through fantastic comic specialty stores such as Kings Comics, Ace Comics, Arcarda Unbound, The Phantom Zone, Kaboom Comics, Ace Comics and Cosmic Comics. For Free Comic Book Day, we were honoured to be part of the Artist Alley for Kinokuniya in Sydney where we introduced Zombie Cities to even more fans and sold out!
Now on the verge of releasing the new Zombie Cities Violence Vs Compassion at Sydney Supanova, we're faced with the daunting to task of not only printing this new volume but also printing the first first Zombie Cities graphic novel. We are looking to raise a minimum of $2,000 to help assist printing costs of both books. So i do hope you will pre-order the new volume. Prices includes postage anywhere across Australia. You can also nominate to pick up your book at Supanova and we will refund the postage amount to you directly. Thank you all ;)
DIGITAL DOWNLOAD of ZOMBIE CITIES or ZOMBIE CITES VIOLENCE VS COMPASSION Each digital download will have a personalised page signed to you by Sorab Del Rio and Don Ticchio. Please indicate when you pledge which graphic novel you would like - Zombie Cities or Zombie Cites Violence Vs Compassion.
THE COMPLETE ZOMBIE CITIES DIGITAL DOWNLOAD This includes digital versions of both Zombie Cities and Zombie Cities Violence Vs Compassion graphic novels. Each digital download will have a personalised page signed to you by Sorab Del Rio and Don Ticchio.
THE ZOMBIE CITIES VIOLENCE VS COMPASSION GRAPHIC NOVEL The new Zombie Cities Violence Vs Compassion features stories set in Washington DC, Chicago Moscow, Madrid, Paris, Canada, India, Rio De Janeiro and even outer space. This is signed by Sorab Del Rio and Don Ticchio. This includes postage anywhere across Australia.
THE ORIGINAL ZOMBIE CITIES GRAPHIC NOVEL The first volume of Zombie Cities has stories across Sydney, Bondi Beach, New York, Washington DC, London, Tokyo and Rio De Janeiro.This is signed by Sorab Del Rio and Don Ticchio. This includes postage anywhere across Australia.
THE ZOMBIE CITES PRINT ART PACK 3 Zombie City Prints: Attack of the 50-Foot Zombie (which is limited to 150 copies) and Zombogue by Martin Szabo plus the Zombie Master Chef. (Or choose any 3 from the print selection at silverfoxcomics.com.au - simply write your choice in the pledge comments) This includes postage anywhere across Australia.
THE ZOMBIE CITIES CALENDAR Our very first calendar! This is a jumbo A3 sized calendar measuring 42cm x 30cm which is double the size of most calendars. This includes 13 A3 pages, which can be used as individual prints. Prints are currently sold at $10 each so this is equal to $120 of prints. At this stage this calendar is only available through the crowd funding campaign. This includes postage anywhere in Australia
THE NEW ZOMBIE CITIES VIOLENCE VS COMPASSION GRAPHIC NOVEL PLUS ZORRO ISSUES 1 AND 2 Get the new Zombie Cities graphic novel plus the 2 issues of Zorro written by Sorab Del Rio - who is the first Aussie writer to write for the legendary Zorro. This is Zorro as you've never him before! "Samurai's to the left, Zombies to the Right, Will Zorro survive?"
THE ZOMBIE CITIES GRAPHIC NOVEL COLLECTION This includes both graphic novels Zombie Cities and Zombie Cities Violence Vs. Compassion. Both books signed by the creators. This includes postage anywhere in Australia.
THE ZOMBIE CITIES VIOLENCE VS COMPASSION GRAPHIC NOVEL AND CALENDAR The signed graphic novel Zombie Cities Violence Vs Compassion and the A3 size Zombie Cities Calendar. This includes postage anywhere in Australia.
THE ZOMBIE CITIES GRAPHIC NOVEL COLLECTION PLUS 2 PRINTS This includes Zombie Cities and the new Zombie Cities graphic novel collection PLUS any 2 prints of your choice - just leave a comment which prints you would like.
SPECIAL RETAILER PACK: 6 COPIES OF ZOMBIE CITIES GRAPHIC NOVELS This can be split between Zombie Cities and Zombie Cities Violence Vs Compassion – please nominate how many copies you want of each book. Each copy will be signed and the pack comes with a promotional pack consisting of 20 in-store flyers and 1 A3 cover print. This includes freight to all major Australian cities.
THE GRAPHIC NOVEL ZOMBIE CITES VIOLENCE VS COMPASSION AND AN ORIGINAL PAGE OF INKED ART! Own your very own piece of art from the graphic novel! Limited to just 13.
AN ORIGINAL PAGE OF PENCILED ART BY NETHO DIAZ AND THE GRAPHIC NOVEL ZOMBIE CITES VIOLENCE VS COMPASSION! Own your very own piece of art from the graphic novel! Limited to just 14.
SPECIAL RETAILER PACK 1: 10 COPIES OF ZOMBIE CITIES GRAPHIC NOVELS This can be split between Zombie Cities and Zombie Cities Violence Vs Compassion – please nominate how many copies you want of each book. Each copy will be signed and the pack comes with a promotional pack consisting of 20 in-store flyers and 1 A3 cover prints. This is a special lower wholesale price for this campaign and includes freight to all major Australian cities.
SPECIAL RETAILER PACK 2: 20 COPIES OF ZOMBIE CITIES GRAPHIC NOVELS This can be split between Zombie Cities and Zombie Cities Violence Vs Compassion – please nominate how many copies you want of each book. Each copy will be signed and the pack comes with a promotional pack consisting of 40 in-store flyers and 1 A3 cover prints. This is a special lower wholesale price for this campaign and includes freight to all major Australian cities.
SPECIAL RETAILER PACK 3: 30 COPIES OF ZOMBIE CITIES GRAPHIC NOVELS This can be split between Zombie Cities and Zombie Cities Violence Vs Compassion – please nominate how many copies you want of each book. Each copy will be signed and the pack comes with a promotional pack consisting of 60 in-store flyers and 2 A3 cover prints. This is a special lower wholesale price for this campaign and includes freight to all major Australian cities.
$500 THE ORIGINAL PAINTING OF THE BONDI BEACH LIFE SAVER Plus BOTH GRAPHIC NOVELS AND CALENDAR– LIMITED TO 1 This is hand painted in watercolour and gouache by Don Ticchio and featured in the original Zombie Cites. This includes both Zombie Cities graphic novels and the 2014 Zombie Cities Calendar. This includes postage anywhere in Australia.