I Remember the Future
I Remember the Future from Klayton Stainer on Vimeo.
I Remember The Future follows the last miserable days of Abraham Beard, a fictional storywriter who had big dreams about the future and the technologies it might hold. At the end of his lifespan, he realises that he has nothing left but the pages on which he wrote, a penny for a word in blood, sweat and tears, and the illness with which he was recently diagnosed. Abe loves his daughter (Emma), but he was never a father. He put his emotions, thoughts and love into his stories hoping that they would resemble some kind of future, which he would live to see. But as the years passed so did his hopes, dreams and inspiration. He faces the final blow when Emma gives him the upsetting news that she was moving away with her husband and sons. The story takes an unusual twist toward the end where the characters from his stories come to life and saves him from his misery.
The Project
We all think of the future in some way. Whether it be in a personal, global, short term or long term sense, we all imagine what the future holds. I take into consideration the “I” generation. Today we see kids of ages as young as 3, if not younger, playing on Mum’s iPhone whist she stands in the istle of Woolworths deciding what to make for dinner tonight. Grown men, can no longer go to work, without listening to their tunes on the train. And the good old smell of library books are fading, as the libraries become less used every minute.
So what do you think the world will look like in 20 years? What devices and inventions are set to come our way? Will you drop your kids at school in a flying car? Will we actually be able to use teleportation? Well what if I tell you that all those things you dream about, think about and spend at least 10% of your day wondering about will never happen? This scenario is the essence of our main character, Abe.
This story to me captures the core of the human race and its emotions, relational issues, conflict, spirit, hopes and above all its reality. It is a reality that we all have some sort of dream and it is a reality that our lives on earth will eventually come to an end. But lets take into perspective what that reality or life is truly worth when you are at your end and your dreams have yet to come true. It leaves us with a feeling of hopelessness, despair and plain emptiness inside.
With the combination of reality and that what we know as fiction, the Sci-Fi element in this film will be what makes the film interesting and attention grabbing. The fact that it takes the audience on an array of different journeys will add not only to our lead characters but also to the imagination of our audience.
Our Goal
KAS Creations will help bring life to this story. I want to capture the pure harshness of reality and the essence of human life and its emotional roller coaster. I want to make sure that our audience can see just how it may relate to their personal lives. However I believe that any human life would be sad and boring without even the slightest fantasy, and that’s where the stories from the future will truly play the part of giving a sense of hope and meaning to life as we know it. I think that it is very important to keep the feeling of hope in our film and this may easily be the most challenging part of making the film. Because Abe is in such a bad place in his life, I would really like to focus the audience’s attention on what positivity may come out of any given situation. Rather than focusing on the negative news and surroundings, I want to make sure that the audience can see the “glass as half full”. This is purely for two reasons, (1) it is what we humans do in real life. When something brings you down, you may be saddened by it, but we always find the next positive thing in life. And (2) no one, including me, wants to watch a boring, sad and depressing film so we need to focus on keeping a positive element throughout the piece. This is my personal belief and reality that films are made to bring fantasy, entertainment and above all hope into any person’s life.

Our eternal gratitude.
Your name in the credits of the film.
A DVD copy of the film (After the film has completed it's festival circuit).
A Walk-On-Role. Be in the movie! Make it to our set in Melbourne, Australia and you will either be on New Earth or At the End of the Universe or about to board the spaceship going to Mars!
An Invitation to the Cast & Crew screening in Melbourne, Australia. Enjoy that moment walking down the Red Carpet. (Above rewards apply)
Associate Producer credit and a VIP set visit, where we will treat you like the associate producer that you are. (Above rewards apply)
Executive Producer credit - plus receive the official KAS Creations jumper! (Above rewards apply)