Master your Memory - Hobart

of $4,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 24th Mar 2016 at 9:00PM.
YES, WE ACHIEVED OUR TARGET IN 48 HOURS and now our next challenge is to raise $6000 to publish the book.

Do you have difficulty recalling names, numbers, or where you put your keys? Does the thought of giving a speech without notes terrify you? Chances are you are suffering from digital dementia, the inability of perfectly normal healthy people to memorise and recall.

My name is Bill Aronson. I am a memory coach. My team want to show you how you can reverse digital dementia and age-related forgetfulness.  To date, I have trained more than seventy Tasmanians and the results are remarkable. As Jim Kwik, one of my memory coaches says, "There is no such thing as a poor memory only an untrained one." Once you know the techniques, whatever your age, your memory starts to improve.Bill Aronson
Come on this journey and transform your ability to remember. As your memory improves, so does your self-confidence and your ability to imagine your future.

Master your Memory is a three-hour event that will take place on Monday, May 16th 2016 from 6.30 pm - 9.30 pm at the Grand Chancellor in Hobart. (Doors open 6 pm). You raised the fund to make this happen within forty-eight hours!

We want to introduce 200 people in Hobart and 200 people online to the tools and techniques that will double their memory capacity.  Some of the people that I have been training will be at Master Your Memory and will share their excitement and show you what is possible. Some will give presentations without notes, something they would not have been able to do just a few weeks ago. 

By the end of Master your Memory,  you will know three gems that will start your memory transformation. We are crowdfunding the event so that everyone can come and be a part of it. Everyone involved in Master Your Memory is volunteering their time.

Now that we have raised the money to pay for the event we turn our attention to those who don't live in Hobart or can't attend. That's why funds raised now will be used to publish the Lost Art of How to Find Things (more on that later).

Bill Aronson Brain Scan
In 2015, I became interested in improving my memory. I noticed that it was not as sharp as it used to be. I had particular trouble recalling names.
Then I realised that this was a common problem. We are all prone to digital dementia, the inability of perfectly healthy people to remember names, numbers, lists, street directions, pin numbers, passwords and all the other vital details of our lives. There is an unintended and significant cost of moving our memory into the Cloud and that is our memory is declining.  Memory is not something that you have; it is something that you do.  
As we age, our memory declines. We assume that is normal and inevitable. It is not.  I work helping others to double their memory. I am amazed at the capacity of the brain to adapt and change. Tell it that it is in decline and it declines. Tell your mind that this is not helpful and it improves. Neuroplasticity is a beautiful gift. My memory is far better than it was years ago only because of tips I will share with you.  

About Our Platinum Supporter - The Skin Care Clinic

Hobart entrepreneur, Gaye Barlow runs The Skin Care Clinic . Gaye is one of seventy business and community leaders currently participating in a six-week memory training course. Gaye says, “I consider myself to be a fairly normal, middle-aged (or a bit more) professional woman; aesthetic nurse, mum and grandmother really good at running a busy clinic, juggling life and, of course, multi-tasking. It has been what I have done every day for as long as I can remember.

My aesthetic skin care clinic has undergone enormous change in the last 12 months; I have been studying nutrition, seeing clients and working on the business. Life has been busy and honestly I’ve found it increasingly more difficult to remember all the small things one needs to on a day to day basis.

So when I heard about this 6-week memory training course, even with a 7.15am start, I did not hesitate to enrol. We are two-thirds through, and I am simply more efficient now than I was four weeks ago.

That is why I am one of the people crowdfunding Master Your Memory . Why not share this with as many people as possible? It is so exciting. The concept of using one’s brain in a different manner to help prevent digital dementia, or even just forgetfulness, is just so inspiring I had to support Master Your Memory!

To be able to crowdfund the whole wonderful event is appropriate given that so many people will be helped far and wide. I have always considered that crowdfunding should be used for the benefit of the masses and Master Your Memory fits the bill (pun intended) very well.”

The Skin Care Clinic




Here are some recent comments from participants who have started their memory journey:

I recently graduated from Bill's six-week memory course and I cannot believe the difference it makes to how I can remember names, numbers and a whole lot more. It is one of the most confidence boosting educational experiences I have ever had. . You have to try it, it's worth every penny! Glen Ransley.

Master Your Memory is so enlightening with instant practical gains to be enjoyed. With practice I now find that I am remembering names of people I have just met; have a strategy for locating lost / misplaced items and have impressed my friends by perfectly repeating a list of 20 strange objects with one or two adjectives attached. Bill's course is ideal for overcoming that scourge of older Australians in 2016: 'digital dementia'. And it is pretty special to be able to 'show-off' your new-found skills like I just did! Daryl Peebles

Today I stood in front of a meeting and recited pi to 100 digits using the techniques Bill taught me. I learnt the sequence on one of my 45 minute daily walks and am unlikely to forget them. Learning pi in itself is useless, but the techniques are transferable to learning people's names and lists. I recommend this course to anyone wanting to improve their memory. Mike Calder

Where ever you live in the world, come on a memory journey with us. Within 48 hours of this campaign launch, we smashed through our initial target of $4,000 to put on an event for 200 people in Hobart, Tasmania to start their memory journey.

Think that "losing things" is trivial? Think again. Our estimate is that the annual replacement cost of just those items left behind at airports is around $800M.  Spend an hour a day losing things (and then having to stop what you are doing to find them) is the equivalent of 6 working weeks a year! 

Now we are raising $6,000 to publish "The Lost Art of How to Find Things"  This little book will save you hours of agony, forgetting, misplacing and losing your precious possessions. We will use the funds to edit, format, layout, design, print, market and distribute the book in multiple formats including Paperback and Kindle format. The text is written. The reviewers love it. We just need to polish it.

One lucky organisation can sponsor the book, write the forward and include their brand and contact details.
This book is a great practical introduction to memory mastery, one which will make an immediate impact in your life.

The original campaign video:
Part two - The second in a series of podcasts on the causes and cure for digital dementia

Out now. The first in a series of podcasts on the causes and cure for digital dementia.

Listen to this interview that Ryk Godard had with Barbara Etter and Gaye Barlow

How The Funds Will Be Used

The first $A 4,000 enabled us to hire a venue in Hobart for two hundred people and to pay for professional staging, lighting and recording. All staffing will be voluntary. We achieved that goal within the first 48 hours of the campaign.  

Now we have moved on to raise a further $6,000 to design, develop and print "The Lost Art of How to Find Things". The content is ready but needs to be professionally designed and laid out so it can be published electronically and in paperback. We need your help.

Any additional funds would be used to pay for infrastructure, administration, video production and marketing costs to promote this work to the wider community through workshops both online and face to face.

The Challenges

The major challenge is our negative belief that it is natural to have a poor memory. That is why I want to train several hundred people. The more the merrier but at this time, my next target is 200 people in Hobart and 200 online. That will start to build up a critical mass. Then we can start introducing this work in schools, aged care facilities and workplaces.

We are now in discussions to provide memory training to small business owners and their teams with federal funding paying the cost. 

Let's end digitally induced dementia and strength our ability to visualise the future.


Get your first edition electronic copy of the "The Lost Art of How to Find Things" + our online newsletter. Keep your valuables safe. Help your friends find lost items. Save money, time and end the frustration of absent mindedness. Reviewers write - "The cure for digital dementia" - Glen Ransley - Deloitte "Clear, concise & well illustrated" Barbara Etter - APM Barrister "Change your life for the better" - Darren Osborn - CEO Headway PDF edition THIS IS AN ONLINE REWARD AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE

0 chosen / 10 available

Est. delivery is Jun 16


Never lose your valuables. Get your first edition PAPERBACK of the "The Lost Art of How to Find Things” + our online newsletter. Keep your valuables safe. Help your friends find lost items. Save money, time and end absent mindedness. Reviewers write - "The cure for digital dementia" - Glen Ransley - Deloitte "Clear, concise & well illustrated" Barbara Etter - APM Barrister "Change your life for the better" - Darren Osborn - CEO Headway PDF edition THIS IS AN ONLINE REWARD AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE

4 chosen / 6 available

Est. delivery is Jun 16


BOOST YOUR ABILITY TO LEARN 1. Kick start your memory journey with a one-hour webinar that will boost your brain and make memorising easier. Follow the guidance and our research shows that the average person gets an immediate 56% boost in efficiency and a 36% increase in memory recall. 2. Then read your first edition paperback copy of "The Lost Art of How to Find Things". 3. Follow up with our newsletter packed with tips to double your memory, THIS IS AN ONLINE REWARD AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE

1 chosen / 19 available

Est. delivery is Jun 16

Hobart Event Double Pass

Entry to the three hour, life changing event for two people. Come with a friend or gift the double pass to someone else. By the end of 'Master your Memory' you will understand the common causes of digital dementia and age-related forgetfulness. You will learn three key skills to start the process of reversal and hear from participants who have attended a six-week course how their memory has changed as a result.

17 chosen / 13 available

Est. delivery is May 16


If you can't make it to Master Your Memory you can still participate online. Here's how. 1. Watch Master Your Memory video. 2. Then join a one-hour LIVE webinar on how to use your brain more efficiently and memorise easier. 3. Now read your first edition paperback copy of "The Lost Art of How to Find Things" 4. Stay focused with our newsletter packed with tips to double your memory + productivity. THIS IS AN ONLINE REWARD AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE

2 chosen / 8 available

Est. delivery is Jun 16


1. Your six-week pilot memory training course delivered on-line 2. Online edition of the "Lost Art of How to Find Things" 3. Our newsletter packed with tips and tricks to keep you on track. THIS IS AN ONLINE REWARD AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE

1 chosen / 9 available

Est. delivery is May 16


1. Start your memory journey with a one-hour individual live chat with Bill Aronson that will show you how to use your brain more efficiently and memorise easier. 2. Add our newsletter and your first edition SIGNED paperback copy of the "The Lost Art of How to Find Things". Your name Your name will appear in bold type in the acknowledgements. 3. Then watch your DVD of Master Your Memory. 4. Take your place on our six-week online training course THIS IS AN ONLINE REWARD AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE

0 chosen / 3 available

Est. delivery is Jun 16


1. Start your team's memory journey with a private online master class with Bill Aronson. Boost productivity + sales by up to 12%. 2. Get our newsletter and three SIGNED first edition paperback copies of the "The Lost Art of How to Find Things". The phrase WITH SPECIAL THANKS and your name will be in bold at the start of the acknowledgments 3. DVD of Master Your Memory. 4. THREE places on our six-week online training course. THIS IS AN ONLINE REWARD AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE

0 chosen / 3 available

Est. delivery is Jun 16


1. Associate your brand. Write the forward, include your logo + website for "The Lost Art of How to Find Things". + Get FIVE HAND SIGNED first editions. 2. One-hour live chat with Bill Aronson that will show you how memory coaching in your organisation can boost productivity and sales by up to 12%. 3.DVD of Master Your Memory. 4. FIVE places on six-week online training + Forward subject to our editorial policies available on request. THIS IS AN ONLINE REWARD AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Jun 16

Double your memory online

1. Start your memory journey with a one hour webinar that will show you how to use your brain more efficiently and memorise easier. Our research shows that the average person gets an immediate 56% boost in efficiency and a 36% increase in memory recall. 2. Follow it up with the pre-publication PDF copy of the Lost Art of How to Find Things. THIS IS AN ONLINE REWARD AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE

1 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Jun 16

Private Memory Coaching

1. A private individual one-hour memory coaching session with Bill Aronson either face to face in Hobart or by telephone/internet on a mutually agreed date between May and July 2016. 2, Double pass to 'Master Your Memory.' 3. Your pre-publication PDF copy of the "The Lost Art of How to Find Things". Keep your valuables safe. Help your friends find lost items. Save money, time and end the frustration of absent mindedness.

1 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is May 16

Platinum Event Sponsor

One opportunity only. 1. Exclusive sponsorship 2. Make the keynote speech and get one-on-one coaching to make it memorable. 3. Your branding at the event and on all marketing materials (at your cost) 4. Eight VIP seats 5. A one hour master class held at your organisation's premises at a date to be agreed. Position your organisation as a leader in reversing digital dementia and age-related forgetfulness. This reward starts to deliver exposure from March 2016 as soon as we reach target.

1 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Mar 16