Aimee Chapman

You and osh10 are making a brand new album!

of $2,250 targetyrs ago
Successful on 2nd Jun 2013 at 1:00AM.

Thanks for taking the time to find out a little bit more about this pozible campaign-  I'd really love to have you involved.    Check out the video I made above all about me and this whole crowdfunding caper.

Who am I you ask? (aside from a bit nutso as the video above would suggest) I am a solo musician who performs under the name osh10- but you can call me Aimee.  I make music that I call Alternative Electronica/Pop because you have to call it something right?  My musical tastes and influences are vast and my songs traverse downtempo cinematic landscapes, to fragile piano pop through to dubstep influenced beats.  For a taste of what I do, you can check out the following videos:

This is Feline- the first single to be released from this brand new album.

This is Black Widow, the first single from my first full length album 'One Hundred to the Ground'

I've been working really hard in every scrap of spare time I can find to write my second full length album and have finally whittled down a group of potentials songs- to a final 10 that I feel really proud of, I have written all of the parts for, played and programmed most of the instruments, recorded, edited and mixed- it is really very much indicative of where I am at as musician.  I am now ready to do the final mixing and mastering ready to send it out into the world- and that's where I'd love it if you could come on board and become a huge part of the ride. 

Being a wholly independent, solo musician definitely has it's upsides- I can create music that is true to me, take creative risks and call my own shots.  A downside however is I don't have bandmates to divide up the costs between, or a label to cushion the blow of continual invoices.  I am really happy to say that I proudly pay everyone who is involved in my music and I work some extremely crazy hours in the day job and keep to some very strict budgets to do just that. In the making of this album so far I have been able to contribute to the income of 13 talented session players, 2 recording engineers, 1 mastering engineer, 2 video directors, 1 makeup artist, 1 photographer and many more skilled people when you include all the services for studio hire, CD duplication, advertising, marketing and so forth- it is so important to me to ensure that nobody is working for free-  talent and creativity absolutely has a monetary worth!  Also happy to say I am a long time band subscriber of independent radio stations RRR and PBS in  my hometown of Melbourne- supporting the supporters of independent music.  I don't think you should expect to gain from something that you don't also give to.

That said, creating an album independently is an extremely expensive undertaking and so I've made the decision to run this campaign, so that friends, fans, family and musical appreciators alike can directly contribute to the final mixing and mastering not by donating money, but by securing advance copies of the album, merchandise and osh10 experiences and becoming the difference between this project ending up dusty on a shelf or actually realised out in the big bad world.

Final mixing will be undertaken by Myles Mumford  a long time colleague and super friend, who is currently working his magic on my tracks across the seas in Swaziland, where he is volunteering with Australian Volunteers Abroad to bring radio recording and programming skills to a community who could benefit so greatly from a strong broadcast voice.  (expected cost approximately $1500)

Final Mastering will be undertaken by Adam Dempsey at Deluxe Mastering- Adam is an incredibly adept and sensitive expert in the mastering world.  He mastered the first 2 singles from my forthcoming album 'Feline' and 'This Lonely Room' and he is such a great fit for my music. (expected cost approx $1100)

If, with your help, I can meet the target for this campaign, I will be able to cover a large part of these talented duo's well earned fees.  I can then concentrate on working, saving and covering the cost of marketing, duplication, a final video, PR and some Australian Tour dates to give this work the launch I feel it deserves.  At this stage the launch plan that I am working to, will see the online & bricks and mortar release of the album in late August 2013, with a bunch of live shows to follow- I will be sure to keep all contributors up to date with the album as it progresses and expect to fulfil all pledges across late August and September.

I cannot thank you enough for considering participating in my album- it means so much to me that other people want to share in my music, helping this album to come to fruition and ensuring that all artists get paid their worth.  Please feel free to ask me any questions you have by email at [email protected]  or feel free to find out more at:

Download of the 3rd single from my album to your trusty inbox.

0 chosen / 500 available

Est. delivery is Aug 13

This pledge gets the album download to your computer- hot off the press, before the general public!

4 chosen / 246 available

Est. delivery is Aug 13

If you are old school like me- then a download doesn't cut it and you need a signed copy of the CD in all it's physical glory- then this my friends is the pledge for you. This price includes postage- nice!

11 chosen / 239 available

Est. delivery is Aug 13

Okay- your starting to get serious about this pledge and you want a bit more bang for your buck- sure thing... -Signed physical copy of the new album -Copy of 'One Hundred to the Ground' -Set of 2 osh10 badges This price includes postage- nice!

3 chosen / 197 available

Est. delivery is Aug 13

50 bucks goes a long way in osh10 land... -Signed physical copy of the new album -Copy of 'One Hundred to the Ground' -Set of 2 osh10 badges -Download of exclusive Pozible supporter- osh10 track, Live in Japan. This price includes postage- nice!

4 chosen / 96 available

Est. delivery is Aug 13

Yes there's more, you my $80 pledger can most definitely have more. How's this: -Signed physical copy of the new album -Copy of 'One Hundred to the Ground' -Set of 2 osh10 badges -Download of exclusive Pozible supporter- osh10 track, Live in Japan. -Copy of 'Heart: Disambiguate- osh10 remixes album' Postage included- woohoo!

0 chosen / 50 available

Est. delivery is Aug 13

Clearly you like the multiple zero's on a figure as much as I do so you are going to score yourself: Everything you find in the $80 pledge plus your name (or an alias as long as you keep it reasonably clean!) on the liner notes of the CD.

4 chosen / 6 available

Est. delivery is Apr 13

Hundred's have much more fun in multiples it's true. So Monsieur $200 pledger, you are the recipient of: Everything in the $100 pack- plus a live osh10 skype concert and chat- just for you.

1 chosen / 3 available

Est. delivery is Aug 13

I think good things as opposed to bad things come in threes and so 300? Well that's just going to be out of control magnificence isn't it! Score yourself everything in the $200 pack (that means all the CDs, badges, name in the liner notes and skype concert etc etc) PLUS... A Handwritten and Bound copy of all of the lyrics from the new album.

1 chosen / 3 available

Est. delivery is Aug 13

Wow- you are incredible and as such will be recipient of: Everything you find in the $300 pack minus the skype concert but including the lyric book. PLUS... A live osh10 performance in your house (Aimee plus a musical friend performing for you and your friends in a Melbourne, Australia based concert- if you are elsewhere and able to cover airfares/accommodation then happy to come to other cities/countries/planets to fulfil-get in contact to sort out the details before pledging!

0 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Aug 13

Such amazing generosity and support gets you what I can only describe as 'PATRON SAINT OF OSH10' status. You will receive everything in the $500 pledge (you can swap the live concert for skype if you are interstate or OS) plus a dedication in the CD credits and complete thanks and undying gratitude via spots on my blog, facebook, twitter and anywhere else I can think of.

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Aug 13