In Your Face Australian Anthology

of $500 targetyrs ago
Successful on 31st Jan 2016 at 8:30AM.
The book will be made up of original and reprinted speculative fiction stories that deal with very provocative themes. These stories will be provocative and/or confronting but with a firm purpose – they are pieces that will perhaps make readers uncomfortable because they are a bit too hard-hitting or close to the bone, but which interrogate these themes and ideas, and make a point about the world we live in.

As with most FableCroft anthologies, there's a bit of a story behind how this book came to be. Multi-award winning author Cat Sparks had asked me for suggestions of where to send a story she was finding difficult to place, due to its confronting nature, and when I read it, my response was: "Darn, I wish I had an anthology in progress to publish it in, because it's AMAZING." I couldn't get the story out of my head over the next few weeks, and then out of the blue, I was offered a small grant to create an anthology to showcase the work of Australian writers. Was I interested? Heck yes!

Very quickly, the idea coalesced into the project, and I started soliciting stories. Several have already been selected, with many more currently under consideration. 

In Your Face will be launched in Brisbane at the Natcon, Contact, in March, 2016. 

Stretch Goal!

We are so very grateful to have hit our target in just 12 hours! Now, we are focussing on our stretch goal to increase the amount we are able to pay per story. 

The ultimate aim is to pay pro-rates of 6 cents per word for all original work, as per the SWFA guidelines. To achieve this, we need to hit approximately $4,500.00 in the campaign, but we would be pleased to increase the pay rate by any amount, which we will apportion at the end of the campaign. 

How The Funds Will Be Used

Thanks to the grant we received, courtesy of SpecFaction NSW Inc., we have been able to offer payment for original stories of 3 cents per word (up to 5,000 words), and for reprints a flat rate of $50 per piece, for around 12-15 stories. This campaign is designed to expand the number of excellent stories we are able to include in the book by at least five stories.

As our goal is always to pay our contributors what their efforts deserve, our stretch goal once we reach our target will be to increase the amount we are able to pay per story - the aim is to pay pro-rates of 6 cents per word, as per the SWFA guidelines, but we would be pleased to increase the pay rate by any amount. 

All other costs related to creating the book are being met under FableCroft's usual business practices. 

The Challenges

The main potential obstacle will be time. FableCroft has an excellent track record for meeting deadlines, but if unavoidable delays are encountered that make it impossible to launch the book at Contact in March, the launch will be pushed back to be at Continuum in Melbourne in June. 

As an experienced editor and publisher, Tehani is confident of being able to finailise all aspects of the book. 

EARLYBIRD anthology ebook

First 15 backers only! In Your Face anthology ebook (provided in mobi, epub and PDF).

12 chosen / 3 available

Est. delivery is Mar 16

In Your Face ebook only

In Your Face anthology ebook (provided in mobi, epub and PDF).

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Mar 16


First 20 backers only! Ebook copies of IN YOUR FACE plus three (3) FableCroft ebooks of your choice. Select from: * collections STRIKING FIRE by Dirk Flinthart & THE BONE CHIME SONG AND OTHER STORIES by Jo Anderton; * novels GUARDIAN by Jo Anderton, PATH OF NIGHT by Dirk Flinthart & INK BLACK MAGIC by Tansy Rayner Roberts; * anthologies CRANKY LADIES OF HISTORY (2015), INSERT TITLE HERE (2015), PHANTAZEIN (2014), ONE SMALL STEP (2013), and the FOCUS reprint anthologies (2012, 2013 & 2014).

15 chosen / 5 available

Est. delivery is Mar 16

In Your Face print book

In Your Face print book, posted worldwide. All print anthology rewards include the ebook as well.

19 chosen

Est. delivery is Mar 16

FableCroft Anthology Pack

First 10 backers only! Print copy of IN YOUR FACE plus one print copy of any two other FableCroft anthologies of your choice, posted worldwide. All print anthology rewards include the ebook as well.

7 chosen / 3 available

Est. delivery is Mar 16

FableCroft Hamper

A carefully curated parcel of goodies including: 1 x print copy of IN YOUR FACE (all print anthology rewards include the ebook as well) 1 x print copy of INSERT TITLE HERE 1 x hardcover copy of CRANKY LADIES OF HISTORY 1 x In Your Face tote bag (exclusive to the campaign) 1 x specially chosen bottle of wine and bundle of chocolate, to complement your reading experience. Only available to Australian backers.

0 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Mar 16

EARLYBIRD Anthology Print

First 20 backers only! In Your Face print book, posted worldwide. All print anthology rewards include the ebook as well.

20 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Mar 16