Lights, Cameras, Critters

of $12,000 targetyrs ago
Closed on 15th Dec 2015 at 7:00AM.
As a group we aim to restore the natural balance to this majestic landscape, At present, our greatest threat to our native wildlife is feral animals They cause habitat destruction, competition and predation. We need to protect our unique and endangered wildlife on the Korong Ridge, and improve their habitat. This means removing feral pest animals like foxes, cats and rabbits, and providing a safer habitat for our threatened native animals and plants. Rewilding helps restore the natural balance for future generations.

Put simply - Feral cats, foxes and rabbits are out, Brush-tailed Rock Wallabies, Bandicoots, Bettongs and Quolls are in. 

How The Funds Will Be Used

We're going to purchase and install a minimum of 10 x remote operated (trail) cameras $900.00 x 10 = $9,000 (excludes GST), facility hire and catering for field days and camp-outs $2,700 (excludes GST) Includes: Toilet hire, catering, picnic baskets, bus hire.

The Challenges

As with any large project, having limited funding is always challenging, but if we reach our target, DELWP will match the funds raised from this campaign, enabling us to undertake further conservation works,

We intend to continue to apply for further community grants for a series of management and long-term conservation activities and hope to have you along for the journey.

 We are a dedicated community group of volunteers, determined to see this project through, and with your help we will make it happen.  Our greatest strength are volunteers, plus the wealth of Natural Landscape Management expertise within our networks,

Facebook Shout out

Face book shout out * unless anonymity requested

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Jan 16

Korong Ridge Screen Saver

$10 or above Facebook shout out* and a Korong Ridge screen saver. * unless anonymity requested

4 chosen

Est. delivery is Jan 16

Rewild Korong bookmark

Exclusive Korong Ridge bookmark made with either a pressed, locally indigenous, Yellow Gum or Grey box leaf

12 chosen / 38 available

Est. delivery is Jan 16

Rewild Korong postcards

A postcard pack of 5 limited prints of Mt Korong

8 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Jan 16

Rewild Korong picnic

Day on the ridge plus a tour of camera sites, picnic lunch for two supplied

1 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Jan 16

Rewild Korong campout

Exclusive 2 night campout for 2 on the ridge, carry out reptile surveys, tour of camera sites includes picnic lunch and dinner

0 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Jan 16

Rewild Korong pressing

Exclusive Korong Ridge herbarium specimen made with pressed, indigenous, Deans Wattle

2 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Jan 16