Be. Bangles : bangles that inspire.
Be. is on a mission to inspire women across the world to stop doubting and start believing in themselves. We’re here to remind women of their greatness, especially in those moments when they’ve forgotten how extraordinary they are.
Our first product is Be. Bangles - beautiful and simply designed stainless steel bangles, engraved with powerful sayings like She Believed She Could So She Did.

Have you ever had one of those years where it feels like your whole life is unravelling? Where you seem to move from one crisis to the next with no space in between?
Well, that was my 2014.
Relationship ended. Moved house 3 times. Major health problems. Seemingly endless challenges at work. And that was just the tip of the iceberg.
I didn't know the meaning of rock bottom before 2014. It was like the universe had turned around and slashed my life into 1000 pieces, set it on fire and then peed on the ashes.
Every morning I woke up and my head was instantly filled with everything I hated about my life and myself.
"You're disgusting. Look at your body. Feral. And you think you can do your job? Think again. You're a loser. No one likes you. You're incompetent. Idiot."
After a few months of listening to my inner biatch, and falling deeper into a depression, I knew something had to change.

So I started simple - each morning I'd start recording a series of "I Am" statements in my journal.
I am smart. I am beautiful. I am capable. I can do this.
I believe in myself.
And when it seemed like everything in my life had fallen to pieces – when I lost almost all hope and was ready to throw in the towel, those statements made me believe again.

But it wasn't enough to just write those statements down. I wanted to wear them.
I wanted a daily reminder of my strength. And I wanted other women to have that too. And so Be. was born.
Be. is about choice.
Because now more than ever, the hardest thing is to be yourself in a world that’s trying to make you like everyone else.
So take back your power. Own your unique-ness. Wear something that symbolises your strength, your power, your beauty and honour who you are - even if it doesn't live up to what others deem as acceptable.
You're awesome - as you are. Promise. xx

Pay It Forward

We partner with One Girl to give girls in Uganda and Sierra Leone access to education. Each bangle sold can fund a day of education in some of the poorest countries in the world. Each of us has the power to change the world. And your bangle will not only empower you, but girls in developing countries as well.
The Be. Manifesto


Who is Be. designed for?
We are the change that we seek.

We are the woman who wakes up each morning wondering if she is good enough. We are the girl who looks in the mirror and decides to not to eat that day. We are the woman who gives up on her dream to travel the world because her family withdraws support. We are the mother who questions her ability to raise her children.
We represent a group of women and girls who are reclaiming our power. We’re here to smash through the illusion of perfection we’re sold day in and day out. We’re here to tell you that you’re enough - as you are - right now.

We are combatting the 5,000 advertising messages a woman receives each day. Messages telling her to eat less, buy more and look different. We are telling her she is enough. That she is more than how she looks. That she is doing the best she can. That no matter what her situation, she’ll get through it.
That all she needs is within her now.
We see a world where women and girls, from all walks of life, believe in their own greatness and love themselves for who they are.

Where they own their power, follow their dreams and know that they can overcome anything. A world where women and girls aspire to more than a size 0 body and thigh gap.
A world where women and girls are free to be themselves. Where they accept and love who they are and own their power. Entrepreneurs, mothers, travellers, dreamers, career women, healers, nurturers, teachers, doctors, They own it.
Be. Brand Ambassadors
Our Be. Brand Ambassadors will become the face and voice of the brand.
Women like Ali.
Rebuilding your life after a sexual assault. This is what happens when a girl refuses to give up.

“Well, I guess I’ll just come out with all of it” Ali said.
I’d just asked Ali why the birthday present she’d received from her dad had caused her to burst into tears (happy tears she assured me). And what that very simple gift had meant to her.
“I got diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety when I was a junior in high school. I went through school with constant panic attacks - I didn’t know how to cope with it so I started doing the cutting thing and all of that.
I started on medication in my junior year to manage my depression. And I was on it all through high school. Then something happened in my senior year that almost ruined me.”
Ali pauses, as if considering how much of the story she should tell. She slowly continues.
“I was at a party, and hanging out with my friends who were drinking a lot - and that night I ended up drinking a lot too.”
Actually, I drank way too much and while I was barely conscious, there was a boy in my grade who sexually violated me.”
Her voice changes, and she starts to speak a little softer.
“I told my friends what had happened. Me and the boy were part of the same group, so people took sides, most of them didn’t believe me. I went from having a large group of friends to losing almost everyone. It crushed me to see so many of my friends choose a guy over me. I started getting called degrading names in the hallway. I had nightmares every night and those still continue to this day. I didn’t want to tell my parents what had happened because I was so ashamed.
To say I hated my senior year would be an understatement. It was absolutely awful.”
I started thinking back to my high school years - how difficult it would have been to be attacked for something that was out of your control. For something that had happened TO you. How do you get over something like that. What stopped Ali from just dropping out of school?
Ali said there were times that she wasn’t sure she was going to make it through. But then she did something that took SO much courage - and it gave her a glimpse into another world where something else was possible.
“A few months after it happened, I finally told my parents and after that I decided to share about what happened to me at church. I was so nervous. It was in front of 100+ people. I shared about what I’d been through, not expecting it to do much, mainly thinking it would help me get over it.
After I finished speaking, I had different girls from the church come up to me telling me things that they had been assaulted too. They said they’d never told anyone either because they were afraid. I gave them my number and told them to text me and call me if they needed to talk. And that’s why I finally want to share my story now.”
It’s been three years since Ali left high school. I asked her what her life looks like now.
“After everything that happened, it really made me rethink my life and who I wanted to be. I haven’t cut myself for almost 2 and a half years. I went to a university and started to study journalism, but after realising it wasn’t for me I switched into nursing. I loved nursing but I wanted to do more - so I’ve just been accepted into pre-med at the University of Minnesota. All I really want to do is help people.”
So how does this play back into a little gift that was given to Ali by her dad?
It was for Ali’s 20th birthday - her Dad gave her a Be. Bangle engraved with the saying ‘She Believed She Could So She Did.’

“I cried because it reminded me of how I got through those last few months of high school. How I left and created a new name for myself. I didn’t let what happened to me cast a shadow over me forever, that whole believing in yourself thing really works.
Since I’ve put it on, I haven’t taken it off. Because that’s who I am now.”
I hope Ali’s story has inspired you as much as it inspired me - I was a little nervous about asking Ali if she’d be willing to let me share it online - and once again, she blew me away.
“Yes! Yes I want to share it! Honestly, it’s been a goal of mine for a while now. I’m starting at my new college soon, and I want to get involved with a sexual assault awareness group called the Sexual Assault Task Force. They have these huge rallies where thousands of people go, and I want to get my story out there now. I am past high school. I’m out of the bubble. And I can use what happened to me to help other people.
I want other girls to know that alcohol shouldn’t be an excuse for rape – it doesn’t make his actions okay. You are worth more than staying silent and telling no one about the pain you feel. Yes, you are hurting and no you shouldn’t feel ashamed because you are worth more than that.
If I can help even one other girl, then that’s enough for me.”
Each year, we'll be recruiting Brand Ambassadors like Ali to become the face and the voice of the brand. As a wise woman once said, "You can't be what you can't see".
We're creating a new version of beauty. One that's raw, real and vulnerable.
Bangle Specifications

Simply measure the inner diameter of a bangle you already own to discover your size. If you aren't sure, we recommend purchasing a REGULAR SIZE bangle as this will fit most. If you select the wrong size then we will happily exchange it for you!

What are Be. Bangles made of?
Be. Bangles are made from STAINLESS STEEL. They are hypo-allergenic and easy to clean.
Follow us on Social Media

Because who doesn't love puppies? LOOK AT HIM. LOOK AT HIS FACE.
You can find us on Facebook at
Or instagram @bebangles
It's Julien + Everlane + Eun + Darling + Be.
These stunning photos were shot by Eun and they feature Julien, plus gorgeous Everlane products, plus one of our favourite mags - Darling.
A huge thank you to Jen and Julien for all your hard work. And these photos are just extraordinary!

Sew Urbane + Yetunde Sarumi + Eun + Be.
The extraordinarily talented Yetunde from Sew Urbane has created Yetunde Sarumi, a stunning label using West African materials with an added a corporate twist! Just beautiful! (And she's wearing one of our favourites - the She Believed She Could So She Did bangle.
Once again shot by the amazing Eun.

How The Funds Will Be Used
This includes :
Company registration: $500
Accounting setup with Xero : $300
Bangles stock : $7500
Shipping : $300
Packaging cost : $1000
Pozible fees : $500
Once the money has been raised, and we have our first 300 customers, I believe Be. will begin to grow on it's own from there. Of course there will always be work to do, but we'll have an amazing base of supporters to grow from!
Oooh so exciting!
The Challenges
I believe we've priced the bangles well enough that we'll be safe, however it certainly does need to be monitored. We may look at setting up a second site for the US, selling at US prices to mitigate the risk.
Secondly, Christmas rush! We know that Be. Bangles make AMAZING gifts, and although we've ordered a large order of bangles for the Christmas launch, I'm really hoping we can not ONLY fulfill our 220 earlybird bangles, but potentially some of the other orders as well.
I'm certainly not going to promise anything as at this stage I have no idea of the success of the campaign, but I've kept our earlybird quantity intentionally quite small for this purpose. Better to under promise and over deliver! Our number one goal is to keep our amazing customers and supporters happy. :)
Thank You on Facebook!
A big thank you for your contribution to Be. We'll give you a shout out on our Facebook page saying THANK YOU!
Be. Manifesto Poster
A gorgeous A4 poster of the Be. Manifesto which you can hang in your room or your office.
A Be. Bangle
A gorgeous Be. Bangles delivered right to your door! Your choice of sayings - 1. She Believed She Could So She Did 2. Let Your Light Shine 3. F*cking Fierce Please note, if you'd like different sayings in different sizes, you can make a note in the memo box once you pledge! It will ask you for the details. Eg. 1 x Let Your Light Shine (Small) 2 x She Believed She Could So She Did (Regular)
2 x Be. Bangles
Two gorgeous Be. Bangles delivered right to your door! Your choice of sayings - 1. She Believed She Could So She Did 2. Let Your Light Shine 3. F*cking Fierce Please note, if you'd like different sayings in different sizes, you can make a note in the memo box once you pledge! It will ask you for the details. Eg. 1 x Let Your Light Shine (Small) 2 x She Believed She Could So She Did (Regular)
3 x Be. Bangles
Three gorgeous bangles - perhaps one of each? :) Available sayings 1. She Believed She Could So She Did 2. Let Your Light Shine 3. F*cking Fierce Please note, if you'd like different sayings in different sizes, you can make a note in the memo box once you pledge! It will ask you for the details. Eg. 1 x Let Your Light Shine (Small) 2 x She Believed She Could So She Did (Regular)
5 x Be. Bangles
Five Be. Bangles with new sayings available! Take your pick from : 1. She Believed She Could So She Did 2. Let Your Light Shine 3. F*cking Fierce 4. Live What You Love 5. She Needed A Hero So That's What She Became. Please note, if you'd like different sayings in different sizes, you can make a note in the memo box once you pledge! It will ask you for the details. Eg. 1 x Let Your Light Shine (Small) 2 x She Believed She Could So She Did (Regular)
Small wholesaler pack
Your choice of 10 bangles to sell online or in your store. Cost price is $22 per bangle with RRP $34.95 Take your pick from : 1. She Believed She Could So She Did 2. Let Your Light Shine 3. F*cking Fierce 4. Live What You Love 5. She Needed A Hero So That's What She Became. We will be in touch after the campaign to organise quantities and the type of bangle you'd like.
Large wholesaler pack
Your choice of 25 bangles to sell online or in your store. Cost price is $20 per bangle with RRP $34.95 Take your pick from : 1. She Believed She Could So She Did 2. Let Your Light Shine 3. F*cking Fierce 4. Live What You Love 5. She Needed A Hero So That's What She Became. We will be in touch after the campaign to chat with you about quantities and the type of bangles you'd like!
45 x Customised Bangles
45 bangles customised for you, your company or you charity. You choose your own saying and we'll make 45 of them for you in two different sizes! Cost price is $22 per bangle and RRP is $34.95 We will be in touch when the campaign is complete to discuss your order!
Retailer starter pack
80 of our top selling bangles. Cost price is $18 per bangle and RRP is $34.95. Take your pick from : 1. She Believed She Could So She Did 2. Let Your Light Shine 3. F*cking Fierce 4. Live What You Love 5. She Needed A Hero So That's What She Became. We will be in touch after the campaign to chat with you about quantities and the type of bangle you'd like. So many to choose from :)
Customised Be. Bangles
100 bangles customised for you, your company or your charity. You choose your own saying and we'll make 100 of them for you in three different sizes! Cost price is $20 per bangle and RRP is $34.95 We will be in touch when the campaign is complete to discuss and organise your order.
Earlybird Be. Bangle
Guaranteed Delivery Before Christmas. It's your pick of Be. Bangles with delivery guaranteed before Christmas! Limit of 10 bangles per person. Available sayings 1. She Believed She Could So She Did 2. Let Your Light Shine 3. F*cking Fierce This reward will be first in, best dressed! If we sell out of your favourite saying, you will be asked to choose from the other sayings to ensure pre Christmas delivery.
Xmas delivered Be. Bangles
(New!) GUARANTEED DELIVERY BEFORE CHRISTMAS. ORDER UP TO 20 AT A TIME. It's your pick of Be. Bangles with delivery guaranteed before Christmas! Limit of 20 bangles per person. Available sayings 1. She Believed She Could So She Did 2. Let Your Light Shine 3. F*cking Fierce This reward will be first in, best dressed! If we sell out of your favourite saying, you will be asked to choose from the other sayings to ensure pre Christmas delivery.