Out Of This World Print Project

of $5,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 26th Oct 2015 at 1:16AM.
My name is Matt Pike and I’m an indie author currently working on my 10th novel. Six of my books are available in ebook format, some have been launched as audiobooks, and others are not far away from release.

Hopefully you’ve checked out the video above and know that I’m keen to fund print runs for the first books in my two YA series – Apocalypse: Diary of a Survivor and Starship Dorsano Chronicles: Kings of the World. Check out the awesome trailers for these books below.

I’m seeking $5000 to cover the print runs, as well as associated costs. The books – on top of existing ebook versions - will open up new channels for sales and exposure plus fund future print projects. They’ll also let me contribute to a cause that’s close to my heart – finding a cure for Rett Syndrome, as well as raising awareness of this neurological condition.

I’m passionate about doing this because my youngest daughter, Abby, is a Rett angel, which means she cannot walk, talk or use her hands in a meaningful way. So part proceeds from every book I sell go to help fund a cure.

Which brings me back to this project.

If I hit the magic $5000 mark, it’s a goer … but please feel free to go beyond that. There are other books I would love to publish and I also have some cool ideas for fun merchandise to expand my writing world even further.

I’m excited to think about where this campaign could go because I love writing – love it – and love creating characters and worlds that make people laugh, cry, care and think. Your sponsorship/support will help me along the path to a sustainable writing career, one where I can sell my work, fund future print runs and, you know, buy food and stuff!!

Given a sold-out print run will also fund another … and another … your sponsorship could also pay itself many times over in dollars to Rett Syndrome. That’s definitely my goal.

Over to you, good people of the internets. Help me make this happen and I will be eternally grateful.


What readers are saying about my books:

Kings of the World

Gold Medal – Teen Literature Fiction, 2013 Global Ebook Awards

“A fast-paced geekfest of sound and light.”

“Oh my god I want to read the next book NOW!”

“Quirky, off the wall and deliciously zany.”

“The climactic scene is simply breath-taking and has Hollywood written all over it.”

Apocalypse: Diary of a Survivor

Amazon Australia Dystopian Sci-fi Best Seller

“Apocalypse: Diary of a Survivor may be my new favorite book, which means I will now have to read everything author Matt Pike has written or will write.”

“The story-line is gripping and the writing style makes this book a page-turner.”

“Gritty and entertaining.”

“I've never read a novel so quickly in my life.”

“Great humour, excellent action”



Like the legendary R M Williams, Matt was born in Jamestown in rural South Australia. But that’s where the remarkable similarities between the two end. While Reginald went from bushman to world-renowned millionaire outback clothing designer, Matt is a complete dag who was lured by the city lights of Adelaide. Kindergarten in the big smoke was a culture shock, but it was here he first discovered his love of storytelling.

In high school that love found an outlet in a series of completely unflattering cartoons about fellow students and teachers alike. He survived long enough to turn his art into a successful career in multimedia design but, like a zombified leech, the lure of the written word gnawed at him, forcing him to pen his first novel, the award-winning sci-fi comedy epic Kings of the World. It was followed the next year by Amazon Australia dystopian sci-fi best-seller Apocalypse: Diary of a Survivor.

Matt donates part proceeds of each book sold to find a cure for Rett Syndrome, a neurological condition that affects the youngest of his three children, Abby. As a gorgeous Rett angel, Abby cannot walk, talk or use her hands in a meaningful way. So not only is each book purchase a ticket to fantastically rounded, character-driven, hilarious and poignant sci-fi awesomeness, it also wraps you in a warm feeling of knowing you’ve made a difference to people who deserve your help the most. Like the zombified leech, it’s a no-brainer.

How The Funds Will Be Used

Approximately $2000AUS/book, makes $4000.

The remaining $1000 to be used on transportation, ISBN numbers, display space and point of sale material at upcoming conventions to reach the public.


A thank you on my FB page and mattpike.co website and an ebook copy of Starship Dorsano Chronicles: Kings of the World or Apocalypse: Diary of a Survivor.

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 15


A signed first run print copy of Starship Dorsano Chronicles: Kings of the World and an ebook copy of Apocalypse: Diary of a Survivor... or vice versa. A thank you on my FB page and mattpike.co website.

18 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 15


A signed print copy of both Starship Dorsano Chronicles: Kings of the World and Apocalypse: Diary of a Survivor. A thank you on my FB page and mattpike.co website.

14 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 15

Gold Plus

Signed print copies of Apocalypse: Diary of a Survivor and Kings of the World. A thank you in the ebook sequels to both books (Apocalypse 2 and War & Quel), plus thank yous on my FB page and mattpike.co website.

5 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 15


An acknowledgement in the printed Starship Dorsano Chronicles: Kings of the World and Diary: Apocalypse of a Survivor books. Both books also signed. A thank you on my FB page and mattpike.co website.

3 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 15


Name a planet* in my next book, Starship Dorsano Chronicles: War & Quel. A personal thank you in both printed books. Signed print copies of both Starship Dorsano Chronicles: Kings of the World and Apocalypse: Diary of a Survivor. A thank you on my FB page and mattpike.co website. *Well, we’ll work together on a name that sounds alieny enough for the occasion.

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 15

Diamond Plus

Name a significant character* in my next book, Starship Dorsano Chronicles: War & Quel. An acknowledgement in both printed books. Signed print copies of both Starship Dorsano Chronicles: Kings of the World and Apocalypse: Diary of a Survivor. A thank you on my FB page and mattpike.co website. *Well, we’ll work together on a name that sounds alieny enough for the occasion.

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 15