Pro Hart inspired people to believe
G'day! We need your help to send our writer Richard Burman back to Broken Hill to complete the research and write the feature film script, Chasing Dragonflies: the extraordinary life of Pro Hart.
Pro Hart's story is one of courage. While Pro's visionary work was admired by Princes, Presidents and movie stars, to this day it has never been hung in Australia’s National Gallery. In the face of adversity, Pro kept on producing the art he wanted to make - art for the everyman. We want to make a biographical film about Pro Hart's inspirational story - think about films like Ray (the biopic about Ray Charles) and Shine (based on the life of pianist David Helfgott) - we want to make a feature film like this. We want to share Pro's story with the world to inspire people to have the courage to go out and create.
Pro Hart and his loving wife Raylee
Chasing Dragonflies will be set and shot on location in Broken Hill, regional N.S.W. and Sydney.
Pro Hart’s journey begins with an isolated childhood on Larloona sheep station, where dragonflies and ants were his only friends and earliest artistic inspiration. A teacher comes into his life and encourages him to continue drawing. His family moves to Broken hill as a teenager and working in the mines as a young man, he learns the true meaning of mateship. Pro finds light in the dark, scribbling doodles of miners’ tales on the walls and discovers his passion for art underground. Seeing the world as his canvas, he becomes Australia’s most commercially successful artist...but not without being preyed upon by con men and dodgy art dealers who circle like vultures...and bitter family infighting. The artist thrives nonetheless through his art and the love of his wife Raylee, to create a legacy that stands the test of time.
Pro Hart is a painter, a father, a husband and an National Treasure. He is a wrestler, a bike collector and a man who prefers a cup of tea with his mates than a beer at the pub. He’s a religious man, a shy man, a family man and always the larrikin. He is an artist who feels that everyone should be able to experience art no matter where and what social status you come from. Pro Hart is a man who manages to escape his fate as an ordinary person to become someone truly extraordinary...and without ever having to leave his home of Broken Hill. In Pro Hart’s eyes and hands, art is elite no more.
Pro Hart's signature Dragonfly
This is where your money will be going:
Writers fee for the first draft script: $10,000
Plane tickets to Broken Hill for research: $3000
Broken Hill accommodation: $1500
Car Rental $500
Food $1000
Crew to shoot interviews with Pro Harts family $4000
Post Production: $1500
Sales materials for International film markets $2500
Legal fees $1000
Total: $25,000
Richard Burman will deliver a script within 2 months from funding.
Below: Scriptwriter Richard Burman with Pro Hart's wife Raylee Hart

Chasing Dragonflies: The extraordinary life of Pro Hart has received assistance with crowdfunding and marketing from FanDependent. FanDependent works with filmmakers to help them build their audience. For more info:
WE HART YOU! Every dollar, peso and pound will count in shaping the script for this inspiring bio pic. To thank you for your contribution, the producers will thank you by name on the Pro Hart Facebook page and send you a personal email thanking you for your contribution.
THE WORLD IS YOUR CANVAS. For $30 we'll send you a fantastic refrigerator magnet with a reproduction of Pro Hart's iconic dragonfly carpet image so that every time you go hunting for your next snack you will be reminded that the world is your canvas - so get painting! You'll also receive a personal email from the producers thanking you for your contribution and a personal shout-out on Facebook.
CHEERS MATE! As it's a little tricky to send you a cold beer, allow us to send you something to keep your next beverage icy cool...a Pro Hart dragonfly stubby holder. You'll also receive a personal email from the producers thanking you for your contribution and a personal shout-out on Facebook.
RAGS TO RICHES! You may think that this is just a Pro Hart dragonfly tea towel but don't be fooled: this is your rag for finding riches. You'll also receive a personal email from the Producers thanking you for your contribution and a shout-out from us on Facebook.
AN AUSSIE ICON If we could, we would have balloons shoot from canons to show our appreciation! But instead we will send you this beautiful Pro Hart print, The Opening of the Opera House. You'll also receive a personal email from the producers thanking you for your contribution and a shout-out from us on Facebook.
JOIN THE TABLE You'll be able to join a table read-through of the script with the writer and producer/s in Sydney PLUS a signed copy of the Chasing Dragonflies script to be sent to you on the first day of principle photography. (You will need to fly yourself in for the read through if you don't live in Sydney)
LET US RAISE A GLASS TOGETHER! You will receive the $500 reward and also be invited to an exclusive cocktail party at our offices at Fox Studios, Australia where you will meet the creative team and get a tour of the post-production facility, Spectrum Films who have just finished The Great Gatsby and other amazing films. (You will need to fly yourself in if you don't live in Sydney)
DRAGONFLY WINGS The Dragonfly symbolizes prosperity, harmony and is a good luck charm - and you have just given us wings! In addition to the $1,000 reward, we will be sending you a limited edition Pro Hart print, Dragonfly, prepared as a special thank you by the Hart family.