
Multi-Function Flash Disk ChargeKit

of CNY¥20,000 targetyrs ago
Closed on 21st Aug 2015 at 2:02AM.
Like a lot of people, we love Apple products. They're innovative, well-designed and aesthetically pleasing. What we don't love, however, is the myriad chargers we get left with. They're inconvenient to carry around, and things can get expensive when you leave them behind – which happens more often than we'd like! Also, cables often become dirtied and yellow, leading many of us to throw them away in favour of a new charger. Obviously, this isn't great news for the environment.

We designed ChargeKit Pro to solve all these common problems. Integrating Apple and Android charge ports, we have designed a beautifully compact and multifunctional USB chargekey chain to make your life easier.


苹果产品质量顶尖,但是每一个产品都有一个充电器,所以配件繁多,浪费社会资源,且价格昂贵不方便携带,容易遗忘,线缆发黄易脏;Chargekit Pro完美解决这些问题,集成所有苹果安卓充电配件于一体,根据人们长期形成不容易丢失钥匙的生活习惯打造成小巧精美的多功能优盘充电钥匙扣,时常陪伴您左右解决您的充电存储问题.

兼容所有苹果/安卓设备, 内置优盘; 一个在手万事无忧

便携、实用、漂亮的多功能ChargeKit Pro, 一个精美的钥匙扣就可以解决您所有的苹果手表, iPhone/ iPad, 安卓手机平板的充电及数据传输问题,还内置三星内存优盘哦!




Chargekit Pro 兼容苹果手表极速充电,iPhone/iPad,和安卓手机充电数据传输,并且还集成 一个台湾进口三星内存优盘 ,不容遗忘的钥匙扣设计,让你随身携带,随时解决我们的充电和数据问题。

Heavy Duty技术让苹果手表无线充电更快速

Chargekit Pro功能之一的苹果手表无线充电功能采用ilink独有的HeavyDuty技术及双层加粗充电线圈可以快速提高苹果手表的充电效率,减少充电时间; 苹果官方说明苹果手表完全充满电的时间是2.5小时,而Chargekit Pro对苹果手表充满电的时间是1.6-2小时,效率提高30%左右。

ilink R&D Team充分利用Chargekit Pro内部空间来提高散热,增加,增粗充电线圈,配合ilink Heavy Duty技术,通过增压增流原理来增大充电功率,提高相对转换率,充电快速,比苹果原装无线充电器节约30%的时间

使用苹果原装8pin插头(充电数据), 升级安全无忧

ilink Chargekit Pro使用苹果原装充电数据插头,IOS系统升级和插头的拔插使用安全无忧,山寨插头粗制滥造,无法升级损害您的爱机


ilink Chargekit Pro内置16GB台湾进口防水优盘,让这个钥匙扣又多了一个实用性极强的功能,极大的方便了我们日常数据储。优盘的设计采用ilink独一无二的双面USB插头的专利,并且这个专利正在普及到全世界:目前苹果,微软,英特尔,惠普,康柏,谷歌等世界性的电脑公司都在普及推广双面USB插头插座,并且订立标准,原型就是ilink2010年的双面USB 插头插座(保护镜像双面数个触点的插头插座)


2013年,使用我们的双面USB插头的优盘设计获得了国际工业设计大奖-Reddot, (来源:凤凰科技)这仅仅是我们双面USB插头的一个小小的应用。现在所有的电脑手机接口的发展都是双面USB趋势,而这是我们2010年就创新的双面USB插头插座专利成果,其后,苹果公司,微软,谷歌,英特尔,惠普等公司在跟进,终将有一天,双面插头插座将以我们的设计意愿节约社会资源,造福整个社会。

两个选择: Chargekit Pro(拥有苹果手表无线充电功能) 和 Chargekit (没有苹果手表无线充电功能)

Chargekit Pro兼容所有苹果手表无线充电,iPhone/iPad,和安卓产品充电数据传输的完备功能




Chargekit Pro可以同时对苹果手表和iPhone或iPad进行充电,节约时间,,并且也可以对安卓手机平板电脑或移动电源进行充电数据传输


ilink团队 成绩

ilink创始人Nick Lee先生 & Mark Show先生带领研发团队在连接器领域做出骄人的成绩,仅专利就有五十多项(仅举几例):
2014年微软,英特尔,惠普等大型电脑公司组成的USB协会把双面USB作为新一代USB插头标准暨USB3.1Type C,这是USB协会沿袭苹果脚步使用双面连接插头(其为ilink2010年专利保护镜像双面数个触点的USB插座的保护范围)


随着Chargekey和Chargecard在海外众筹网站上的巨大成功, 和国内众筹网站的迅速崛起,给广大创意创新工作者带来了重大机遇,同时也是体现了众筹平台对知识创意的尊重;所以我们带着最新科技的多功能创意产品Chargekit以最高的性价比来回馈祖国广大朋友,让大家用上原装,多功能,超前的实用优盘充电数据产品。


ilink Chargekit系列产品集成众多研发成果及专利,一切始于我们致力于便携,多功能,节约社会资源,造福社会大众的原创设计心理;ilink国内外技术研发技术团队一直在路上。


根据您经常使用的功能, Chargekit 有下面4个版本供选择, 请根据需要来选择您实惠便携的多功能小伙伴:


电话:+86 755 28287617
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Excellent compatibility

For the ultimate in convenience, the ChargeKit is compatible with all Apple and Android devices. Featuring built-in USB functionality, having a ChargeKit on hand means any worries about your devices losing battery power are over. The ChargeKit is portable, practical, beautiful and multifunctional.

Small, Smart and Portable

For many us, forgetting our keys is not easy as they're so central to our lives and habits. We've designed the ChargeKit with this in mind, allowing you to carry the device on your keyring – all your important items will be in one place! This way, the ChargeKit will always be ready to handle your charging, syncing and data transmission emergencies.

In addition to charging the Apple Watch quickly, the ChargeKit Pro facilitates iPhone, iPad and Android mobile data transmission through the integration of an imported USB from Taiwan. Designed to emulate a key ring, the ChargeKit Pro is portable to solve the common issues associated with charging and data transmission on the go.

Apple Watch compatibility

One of the Chargekit Pro’s key features is the wireless charging capability of the Apple Watch. Using heavy duty technology from ilink and a double layer thickened charge coil, the charging time is conveniently shortened. According to Apple 
manufacturing instructions, the Apple Watch can be fully charged within 2.5 hours, while the ChargeKit Pro charges it fully in 1.6–2 hours – an increased efficiency of around 30%.

Heavy duty technology from ilink

High-quality Apple charging port

The ilink ChargeKit employs the original Apple charge data plug, not a potentially dangerous fake plug.

Flash memory disk

The ilink ChargeKit flash disk gives our device another highly practical function: facilitating daily data storage. The flash memory disk is designed using our ilink patent in a unique double-sided USB plug, which is popular worldwide. At present Apple, Microsoft, Intel, Hewlett-Packard, Compaq, Google and other global computer companies are popularising this double-faced USB plug and socket, abiding by the relevant standards. 

Unique double-side USB patent

In 2013, our double-sided USB plug won the international industrial award Reddot. This is just a small application of our double-sided USB plug.

Two convenient models

We have designed two models to meet different needs. The ChargeKit Pro features wireless charging capabilities for the Apple Watch while the regular ChargeKit has all the same features as the Pro minus Apple Watch capabilities. At a size of about 6 x 3.5 cm, both models have been designed with convenience in mind.

Affordable convenience

The use of the original Apple charging port in the ChargeKit means you will never have to worry about upgrading. Conveniently, the ChargeKit is only half the price of any Apple equivalent.

Multiple charging capabilities

You'll save time not only when charging iPad, iPhone and iWatch, but you'll also be able to simultaneously charge Android devices.

ilink brand and exhibitions

Our commitment to your satisfaction

You may choose from four models, as below.

We appreciate your early support so much that during our campaign we're offering 20–50% off postage for the ChargeKit series!

About us

To learn more about ilink products, please contact us:
Address: Building 61, Changxing Industrial Zone, Changzhen, Gongming, Shenzhen, China.
Tel: :%2086 755 28287617
Website: www.ilinkworld.us
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Or visit us by scanning the website code or Wechat Public bar code below:

How The Funds Will Be Used

As the Chargekit Pro is ready for production, the funds will be used in moulding and packaging. The project's progress is as follows:

Chargekit / 1pc

Thank you for your support! As one of our earliest supporters, you'll receive one ChargeKit with the following functionality: >Apple original lightning iPhone/iPad charge/sync >Android/power bank charge/sync. Free shipping to mainland China. International orders attract a shipping fee of CNY30.

0 chosen / 2000 available

Est. delivery is Oct 15

Chargekit 16GB / 1pc

Thank you for your support! As a gold supporter, you'll receive one ChargeKit 16 GB with the following functionality: >Apple original lightning iPhone/iPad charge/sync >Android/power bank charge/sync >16GB Flash Memory Disk. Free shipping to mainland China. International orders attract a shipping fee of CNY30.

0 chosen / 2000 available

Est. delivery is Oct 15

Chargekit pro / 1pc

Thank you for your support! As a pro supporter, you'll receive one ChargeKit Pro with the following functionality: >Apple Watch wireless charge >Apple original lightning iPhone/iPad charge/sync >Android/power bank charge/sync. Free shipping to mainland China. International orders attract a shipping fee of CNY30.

0 chosen / 2000 available

Est. delivery is Oct 15

Chargekit Pro 16GB /1pc

Thank you for your support! As a super supporter, you'll receive one ChargeKit Pro 16GB with the following functionality: >Apple Watch wireless charge >iPhone/iPad charge/sync >Android/power bank charge/sync >16GB Flash Memory Disk. Free shipping to mainland China. International orders attract a shipping fee of CNY30.

0 chosen / 2000 available

Est. delivery is Sep 15