Kate Leeming

Breaking the Cycle South Pole

of $80,000 targetyrs ago
Closed on 2nd Aug 2015 at 2:00AM.
The Mission

For many years I have dreamed of cycling across Antarctica, inspired by stories of the explorers of the heroic age (Mawson, Scott, Amundsen and Shackleton) and by several more recent expeditions.

With no experience of the conditions and the unique challenges of tackling the terrain, I found the prospect of emulating such feats on two wheels daunting, to say the least. No one had attempted cycling across the Antarctic continent, and I wasn’t sure that it could be done.

As I learned about many of the poverty-related issues during my Breaking the Cycle in Africa expedition, a 22,000km journey by bicycle from Senegal to Somalia, I often felt frustrated and powerless to do anything about them and vowed to do my best to make more of a difference in the future.

Gradually I convinced myself that with the right preparations, equipment and support, a determined cyclist could conquer the Antarctic. Fortunately, I have found a few people who agree and are prepared to help.

Breaking the Cycle South Pole will be the first bicycle crossing of the Antarctic continent. It will raise funds for and awareness of the HIV/AIDS problem in Africa and establish a global leadership education program. The aim is to inspire people and communities – especially women and girls – to aim high achieve their full potential.

The Polar Bike

With no experience of cycling in snow and ice and extreme cold I consulted experts in North America to work out what the ultimate bike for polar conditions would be. I decided to try combining the latest fat-bike technology (12cm wide tyres), with the Christini all-wheel-drive system. I tracked down Steve Christini in Philadelphia and he was inspired by my project, accepting the challenge of designing the world's first all-wheel-drive fatbike. The frame had to be designed from scratch as the technology must fit precisely within the frame.

The Expert Team

Training in Spitsbergen, Norway

I collected the Christini all-wheel-drive fat-bike in the USA and travelled with the team to Spitsbergen, Arctic islands at approximately 80 degrees North for the first test run. You can see we are excited to assemble the bike for the first time.

During our 200km circuit out from Longyearbyen I was able to sample a range of snow and ice conditions in temperatures as low as -30C and from that we were able to determine that my Antarctic dream is feasible; that with some specific training, acclimatisation and further equipment development, I will be able to achieve my physical mission and that the world class support team will be capable of producing content of the highest quality. Here's an example:

The Outcomes

1. A documentary series (working with production company, Artemis International to secure broadcast partners, finance and series production). We have some broadcast interest, one being for a six part series for BBC World News (80 million weekly viewers).
2. Raising funds and awareness for AIDS in Africa via Charity Miles, (RED) and The Global Fund. 100% of the funds raised will reach HIV/AIDS initiatives in Africa.
3. Education for leadership - an e-learning education programme connecting students in the 'global village'. Several education organisations are ready to take part once I can secure the funding.
4. A comprehensive web-based campaign; mobile application and social media platforms. A mobile app and website will enable people to follow the expedition in real time and engage in the fundraising initiative.
5. The opportunity for a broadcaster to promote and follow the expedition as it happens.
6. A role model for women and girls to aim high to achieve their full potential.
7. Branding opportunities on clothing and website, watermarks on broadcast coverage, streaming and app (for principle sponsors)
8. Unique film and photo assets supplied en route (for major sponsors)
9. Availability for PR and advertising (major sponsors).

Why I need your support

By contributing toward my Breaking the Cycle South Pole expedition you will be helping to bring to fruition a world first expedition that embraces innovation, supports education and HIV/AIDS in Africa, inspires people and communities to aim high and achieve their full potential and encourages active participation. To support Breaking the Cycle South Pole means you will be a part of my team, regularly updated with developments as they happen and strongly encouraged to take part while improving your fitness at the same time (raising money for (RED) via the Charity Miles app). So please, JOIN MY TEAM!

How The Funds Will Be Used

In the first instance I need $150K to cover all of the costs of the training and test runs (In Australia, USA, India, Greenland and Africa), development of equipment and the set up costs of the educational contribution, website and mobile application. Given that I already have $50K thanks to generous partners including World Expeditions, Australian Geographic and Aldersley Capital (and other equipment sponsors), I require $100K more to ensure the team can fully prepare for the Antarctic crossing.

As the first priority of this Pozible campaign is to cover the expedition preparations, I have set the minimum amount as $80K; a target that will also allow me an opportunity to achieve the credible outcome of the first bicycle crossing of Greenland by a woman.

As outlined in the Capital needs summary below, we require a total of $800K to achieve all of the proposed outcomes (apart from the documentary for which funds are being raised separately). To fully fund Breaking the Cycle South Pole from this campaign is the ultimate.

If you would like to become a principal sponsor of the Breaking the Cycle South Pole expedition, please contact me directly at [email protected].

BTC team member

Keep updated with the official Breaking the Cycle South Pole newsletter and email updates. Breaking the Cycle South Pole screensaver.

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

Get "Out There..."

Out There and Back (ebook) - the story of Kate's 25,000km Great Australian Cycle Expedition Breaking the Cycle South Pole screensavers x3 Breaking the Cycle South Pole newsletter and email updates

8 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

On your Njinga (bicycle)

Njinga, Breaking the Cycle in Africa, 22,040km, 299 days, 20 countries. A copy of Kate's second book (signed for Australian supporters, unsigned but also available elsewhere). Out There and Back (ebook) Breaking the Cycle South Pole screensavers x3 Breaking the Cycle South Pole newsletter and email updates

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

Out There, on your Njinga

Njinga, Breaking the Cycle in Africa (signed copy) Out There and Back (signed copy) Breaking the Cycle South Pole screensavers x3 Breaking the Cycle South Pole newsletter and email updates (*This option is available in Australia only)

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

Official supporter

Breaking the Cycle South Pole exclusive Official Supporter t-shirt with logo; Acknowledged as an Official Supporter on the BreakingtheCycle.tv website; Njinga, Breaking the Cycle in Africa, copy (signed for Australian supporters, unsigned elsewhere); Breaking the Cycle South Pole screensavers x3; Breaking the Cycle South Pole e-newsletter and email updates

9 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 15

Sun Dog Supporter

Breaking the Cycle South Pole exclusive Sun Dog Supporter t-shirt with logo; BreakingtheCycle.tv website Sun Dog Supporter; Njinga, Breaking the Cycle in Africa, copy (signed for Australian supporters, unsigned elsewhere); Breaking the Cycle South Pole screensavers x3; Breaking the Cycle South Pole e-newsletter, email updates Sun Dogs, common In Antarctica, form when the sun is near the horizon and ice crystals high in the sky line up in a way that bends the solar rays like a prism (see image).

3 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 15

Aurora Supporter

Breaking the Cycle South Pole exclusive Aurora Supporter t-shirt with logo; BreakingtheCycle.tv website Aurora Supporter; Njinga, Breaking the Cycle in Africa, copy (signed for Australian supporters, unsigned elsewhere); Out There and Back (ebook); Breaking the Cycle South Pole screensavers x3; Breaking the Cycle South Pole e-newsletter, email updates

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 15

Official Sponsor

Company logo on BreakingtheCycle.tv website; Breaking the Cycle South Pole exclusive Sponsor's Supporter t-shirt with BTC logo + your logo (must be provided); Njinga, Breaking the Cycle in Africa, copy (signed for Australian supporters, unsigned elsewhere); Out There and Back (ebook); Breaking the Cycle South Pole screensavers x3; Breaking the Cycle South Pole e-newsletter, email updates

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 15

Official Sponsor +

Presentation to a school or not-for-profit organisation after the expedition. (excl travel costs, valid 12 months post exped) Company logo on BreakingtheCycle.tv; Breaking the Cycle South Pole excl Sponsor's Supporter t-shirt with BTC logo + your logo (must be provided)x3; Njinga, Breaking the Cycle in Africa, (signed for Australian supporters, unsigned elsewhere); Out There and Back (ebook); Breaking the Cycle South Pole screensavers x3; Breaking the Cycle South Pole e-newsletter, email updates

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 15

Official Sponsor ++

Presentation to your organisation after the expedition. (excl travel costs, valid 12 months post exped) Company logo on BreakingtheCycle.tv; Breaking the Cycle South Pole excl Sponsor's Supporter t-shirt with BTC logo + your logo (must be provided) x5; Njinga, Breaking the Cycle in Africa, (signed for Australian supporters, unsigned elsewhere); Out There and Back (ebook); Breaking the Cycle South Pole screensavers x3; Breaking the Cycle South Pole e-newsletter, email updates

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 15

Aurora Sponsor

I Day Event - Ride + presentation (your choice) after the expedition. (excl travel costs, valid 12 months post exped) Logo on BreakingtheCycle.tv + organisation description, provision of digital marketing materials en route; Breaking the Cycle South Pole exclusive Sponsor's t-shirt with BTC logo + your logo (must be provided) x5; Njinga (signed for Aust supporters, unsigned elsewhere); Out There and Back (ebook); BTC South Pole screensavers x3; BTC South Pole e-newsletter, email updates

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Oct 15