Sweet Tribology : radiophonic women

of $4,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 4th Sep 2015 at 3:44AM.

Inspired by 100-year-old Edison wax cylinder recordings, SWEET TRIBOLOGY is an international radio art project with 40 women from 10 countries who make chocolate records to be listened to and eaten during radiophonic picnics in Europe and Australia where listeners will bring their radios. Each event will invite the listener to be immersed in various soundscapes through radio speakers, while eating the music printed on chocolate records.

I'm Julia Drouhin, guest curator for LABoral, art center in Spain, where I will present the first event of SWEET TRIBOLOGY the 15th of August 2015. This ephemeral event is part of Spectrum (LABoratorio de sonido FM radio). Listeners are welcome to bring their own radios in situ. Other choco radio picnics are planning in Australia and Europe for 2015 - 2016.

I thank YOU very much for giving what YOU can to contribute to pay the artists, produce the vynil and chocolate records and organize radiophonic picnics. I REALLY LOVE both CHOCOLATE & MUSIC. Don't you?

Sweet Tribology was on national ABC TV news and 2 ABC radios (Melbourne&Hobart).

Tribology is the science of 'friction of interacting surfaces in relative motion'.

SWEET TRIBOLOGY explore frictions between
hard & soft,
art & archive,
past & present,
audio & visual,
original & copy,
inside & outside,
ears & guts
dead air & live music.

SWEET TRIBOLOGY is a collective response to the fading beauty of forgotten memories,  de/re-generation, and sharing music in public space.

SWEET TRIBOLOGY is a radio picnic with edible chocolate records inspired by wax cylinders.

Ancestors of the flat Bakelite record, Wax cylinders melt as chocolate.
As the diamond reaches the surface, the sculpted sound is erased.
The more you play the soft recording, the less you hear the original and instead, hear the other sounds all around.

40 women digested ghostly voices from the past.

Artists from 10 countries were invited by Julia Drouhin, guest curator for LABoral (Spectrum - LABoratorio de sonido FM radio and L.E.V.) in 2015, to interpret a custom minute sample of popular music played on wax cylinders recorded at SPAT (Sound Preservation Association of Tasmania).

I've invited international artists who inspire me to respond to a minute sample of popular music played from wax cylinders that I've recorded at SPAT (Sound Preservation Association of Tasmania) in Bellerive, Tasmania. Those cylinders are the ancestors of the flat vynil record. They are very fragile and melt as chocolate. I then associated the samples with each artists. Their responses will be printed on 7" picture discs that I will transform into 7" chocolate records.

This is how 1 wax cylinder plays popular music from a hundred years ago:


A local radio broadcast the new soundtracks from 7" picture discs in a radiophonic picnic where the chocolate copies can be played and eaten. Listeners are welcome to bring their radios.

Camille Antoine, Felicia Atkinson, Frieda Beukenkamp, Dinah Bird, Maya Boquet, Emma Bugg, Tania Buisse, Andrea Cohen, Lou Conboy, Selena De Carvalho, Kate Geck, Emmanuelle Gibello, Rosalind Hall, Hanna Hartman, Carola Haupt, Julie Honoré, Cat Hope, Alice Hui-Sheng Chang, Zoe Irvine, Coraline Janvier, Shannon Johnson, Anne Laplantine, Sally Ann McIntyre, Mish Meijers, Miss Despoinas, Rosa Menkman, Maria Papadomanolaki, Edith Perrenot, Nadège Philippe-Janon, Sally Rees, Eve Risser, Elissa Ritson, Anne-Laure Robin, Sabio Design, Pip Stafford, Rachel Tribout, Maia Urstad, Valérie Vivancos, Tricky Walsh, Sarah Washington.

I'm a French artist and curator living at one end of the earth in the bush of Tasmania in Australia.

I've  created this sweet project for LABoral, but I want this radiophonic women event to travel the world.

How The Funds Will Be Used

Disco Ghost

Making chocolate records costs a bit, especially when it is from new compositions from 40 fabulous ladies!
Organising the event is expensive as well, especially if it is free entrance.

So here is an idea of what can be done with that Pozible campaign, and I won't even count my hours doing this + the website + breastfeeding the baby at the same time!
We are lucky to be supported by Arts Tasmania and their special crowdfunding program Crowbar.
If we reach the target of $4 000, they will add $2 000 to pay the artists and organise the events.

$1 500: production of the 12 vynil records (picture disc + cover) , shipping included.
$1 000: production of the chocolate records (mold + chocolate record + cardboard cover/player) for the radiophonic gardens
$2 000: help to cover the costs of the rewards production, shipping included.
$1 500: help to cover the costs of 1 event

Let's go over the target and thank the 40 fabulous women artists!
Click on this portrait of me made by Rachel Tribout & you can choose your 60$ printed artwork reward :

rewards artworks

but there is all sorts of other awesomeness to get / check the rewards !!!
Come and join us if you can, in situ in Europe or Australia during radiophonic picnics, check that page:
or online you can see the visual artworks and listen to soundtracks extracts soon!

The Challenges

This is my first Pozible campaign.
I'm really excited about working with all those amazing women and I'm proud to share SWEET TRIBOLOGY as far as the universe can take it. It took a bit out of me to prepare it, having a baby boy and a very patient daughter, as well as the BEST husband who can cope with my sonic workaholic addiction.
If you click on the radio, you will have an idea of how my brain sounds at 4AM when I spent the night editing the website.


Soooooooo after all this effort, we will all go, as a family and artists, to Spain for a residency. There, we can taste all the paellas and tapas between the magic making of the chocolate records to be offered to the audience in the radiophonic garden produced by LABoral.
I hope Sweet Tribology will reach enough supporters to help bring about this delicious women collective project.
We are booking some other radiophonic picnics in Australia to present SWEET TRIBOLOGY as sister events in Australia.

Your name to the website

You are helping the project and to thank you I will add your name to the website. A bit of yourself in a bite of chocolate record! https://sweet-sweet-tribology.hotglue.me/?home

8 chosen / 592 available

Est. delivery is Aug 15

Have a chat with me!

Ask anything to the curator on skype!+your name on the website. 10€ : skype avec la curatrice de Sweet Tribologie et posez toutes vos questions!+votre nom sur le site.

0 chosen / 50 available

Est. delivery is Oct 15

DIY choco record recipe!

Secret choco record recipe PDF printable booklet with photos! Do It Yourself! Eat your favorite song+your name on the website 15€ : La recette secrète en roman photo téléchargeable en PDF avec photos : faites votre vinyl en chocolat pas à pas et dégustez votre chanson favorite! +votre nom sur le site.

2 chosen / 98 available

Est. delivery is Oct 15

1 artist soundtrack+wax

20 € : accès privé à 1 piste audio .wav d'1 artiste au choix + la minute de cire du cylindre Edison qui l'a inspirée + recette secrète DIY + votre nom sur le site. Private access to 1 .wav soundtrack of 1 artist + the Edison wax minute that inspired her + DIY recipe + your name on the website. https://sweet-sweet-tribology.hotglue.me/home

3 chosen / 23 available

Est. delivery is Oct 15

1 bite of sweet music

Australia + international postage included. 50 grammes of broken chocolate records in a cute packaging will be sent to you. You can't play the broken chocolate record, but you can still eat the music!

8 chosen / 32 available

Est. delivery is Oct 15

Digital HQ Sound Pack

Private access to high-quality audio digital pack : 26 soundtracks + their inspiring Edison wax minutes + DIY recipe + your name on the website. 35 € : accès privé aux 26 pistes audio .wav + les minutes de cire du cylindre Edison + recette secrète DIY + votre nom sur le site.

1 chosen / 99 available

Est. delivery is Oct 15

Print of visual artwork

Australia + international postage included. Limited edition. An unframed print on 120 gr. paper of an artwork that you will choose from the website. Please specify the name of the artist and title of the artwork you want on the supporter's memo.

14 chosen / 26 available

Est. delivery is Nov 15

Ticket for S.P.A.T.

For Tasmania only. 1 ticket for the event at S.P.A.T., the museum and research center in Bellerive, late 2015 (DTBC). Come and listen to the Sweet Tribology through walls of radios and eat it! Only 30 listeners will enter this sonic sanctuary! Please write your name in the memo.

2 chosen / 8 available

Est. delivery is Sep 15

High Tea for KK Spork

It is a fork, it is a spoon. Those handmade stainless steel sporks are donated by special jeweler Natalie Holtsbaum. Very limited object from Tasmania to be used in a chocolate emergency.

0 chosen / 3 available

Est. delivery is Oct 15

Eat the music!

Australia + international postage included. Ultra limited edition. A chocolate record of the artist you want to hear and eat the music of will be send to you in his cardboard packaging. Please specify the name of the artist and title of the soundtrack you want on the supporter's memo.

1 chosen / 23 available

Est. delivery is Nov 15

Original picture disc

1 original picture disc + printed sleeve : ONLY ON DEMAND + private access to high-quality audio digital pack : 26 soundtracks + their inspiring Edison wax minutes + DIY secret choco record recipe + your name on the website. 165 € : Un vinyl original avec impression sur le vynil et la pochette. SUR DEMANDE SEULEMENT. + accès privé aux 26 pistes audio .wav + les minutes de cire du cylindre Edison + recette secrète DIY + votre nom sur le site. https://sweet-sweet-tribology.hotglue.me/?box

0 chosen / 13 available

Est. delivery is Nov 15

Disco Ghost party!

For Tasmania only : I will throw a Disco Ghost party at yours with chocolate records and vynil records for 2 hours! Dance and eat the music!

0 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Oct 15

Sweet Tribology Deluxe

For collector, museum, gallery, art center. Deluxe collection of 26 chocolate records that you can play and eat under 17°C. + digital 26 soundtracks pack + 26 Edison wax minutes + DIY secret recipe + your name on the website. 1330 € : Edition Deluxe pour collecteur, musée, galerie & centre d'art. Collection complète des 26 vinyls en chocolat à jouer et manger à 17°C maximum. + pack digital 26 pistes audio + 26 minutes de cire Edison + recette secrète DIY + votre nom sur le site.

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Original artwork

Elissa Ritson sells her framed pair of original artworks made for the cover of a record. They are incredibly detailed collages of humming birds (Stellula Calliope), which means Little star + Beautiful Voiced. International and Australian postage included.

1 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Oct 15

Original artwork

Selena De Carvalho sells her original artwork. She made it especially for Sweet Tribology. It's a unique state print with cotton stitching & beetles, A3 size. Unframed. International & Australia postage included. 265€. Selena De Carvalho vends son oeuvre originale tout à fait dans l'esprit du bush de Tasmanie! Ne laissez pas passer cette occasion d'acquérir une image A3 cousue à la main et ajoutée de VRAI scarabées. Morts. Envoi non encadré en Australie et international compris.

1 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Oct 15