GYENNO Spoon for hand tremors
The GYENNO Spoon is the newest technological advance that will change people’s lives forever. Designed for the millions of people suffering from hand tremors, the GYENNO SPOON allows them to live a life free of stress and anxiety.
* 360° 全方位的防抖效果,可有效抵消85%的手部抖动
* 不用担心因手抖对进餐造成的不便与尴尬
* 智能高速伺服控制系统,提供精准快速的主动防抖功能
* 基于无人机的姿态解算技术,带来更加稳定的控制效果
* 自动识别并区分有意识运动和无意识抖动,比如进食时,可有效抵消手部的震颤,但对于手部的移动不做任何处理
* 采用医用Tritan外壳,不含BPA,耐高温,该材料通过美国食品药品管理局FDA认证, 欧美地区婴幼儿用品指定材质
* 医用超薄硅胶,无刺激性、无毒性、无过敏反应,保证使用的安全无害
* 全自动启用无需设置,拿起手柄自动开启,放下设备自动进入休眠模式,节省用电
* 净重仅130g,轻松拿起放下
* 人体工学设计, 手柄的全贴合弧度更适应一般人使用习惯,感受更加贴切的手握感
* 最长使用时间可达180分钟以上
* 一次充电最多可使用三天(20分钟一餐)
* 可更换电池设计
* 呼吸灯提示电量状态
* 普通饭勺应对一般食物
* 深汤勺便于您吃流食和喝汤
* 叉子让您轻松应对面条和西式餐点
它 懂你
* 内置系统可自动上传使用者的手抖轨迹到云端系统,自适应算法优化,自动更新内置软件
* 更好配合患者的抖动轨迹改善防抖性能
* 优异性能和极简操作体验,往往来自于复杂巧妙的产品设计
* 将智能控制模板、高性能电机组件、精密传动结构以及高精密传 感器融合于有限空间
* 最终提供高性能的一体化产品
1. 使用A4纸打印一张空白纸,并在页面中心挖空一个7cm*7cm的正方形洞口;
2. 2名辅助者拉直页面并使之垂直于地面,手抖患者手持一根筷子并使手部尽量靠近方形洞口,并尝试对准正方形中心位置,持续20s以上;
3. 观察手抖患者的抖动幅度并参考以下“测试演示视频”:
* 若大部分时间筷子都能保持在方形洞口的范围内,说明睿餐适用于该患者;
* 若筷子经常撞击方形洞口的边界,则请联系我们做进一步测试确认;
这个产品在推进过程中遇到的困难之一是产品结构设计,同时也是我们产品的核心组成部分。为了提供性能优越的产品,我们必须将87个结构零部件精密地融合在一起。经过大半年的调试研究,不断调整模具、结构零部件的使用材料和设计方案,将效率损失调至最小, 将产品性能发挥最佳。
2. 内置系统
3. 算法
4. 市场
用户服务: [email protected]
渠道合作 :[email protected]
Facebook/ Google Plus: GYENNO Technologies
电话: +86 0755 2391 7859
Features of the spoon
The GYENNO Spoon’s intelligent high-speed servo control system provides fast and accurate 360-degree stabilisation. Our specially designed algorithm automatically distinguishes between intentional hand motion and unconscious tremors, working to correct only unconscious movements.
We’ve worked to give you the safest eating experience with the GYENNO Spoon, deeply considering each component of the device. Featuring a tritan exterior, the spoon is BPA-free, heat and chemical resistant, non-toxic, non-irritating, and contains medical-grade silicones.
Switching on and off automatically, the GYENNO Spoon’s smart technology turns it to sleep mode when you’ve finished eating – you don’t even need to press a button. The significantly reduced power consumption means you needn’t worry about frequently recharging the battery. With a charge life of 180 minutes and a convenient notification light to display the battery status, you can enjoy three full meals a day without fuss.
With an easy-to-hold, non-slip ergonomic design, the GYENNO Spoon weighs just 130 g. It features interchangeable utensil attachments, including a fork, spoon and soupspoon, making it perfectly convenient for every meal. It’s the perfect smart spoon for anyone!
Our specially designed operating system automatically uploads your tremor status to the cloud system, self-generating an algorithm unique to your individual hand tremors. This distinctive algorithm ensures your tremors will be corrected as accurately as possible, thereby improving the performance of the spoon.
The GYENNO Spoon is simple in aesthetics and use but not in its design. It integrates intelligent control modules, high-performance motor components, a precision transmission structure, and high-precision sensor, all in a limited space. This complexity is hidden away inside the device to provide an easy and comfortable user experience.
Postage, packaging and delivery
We'll keep you posted on our progress. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.
About us
We are also a medical grade supplier of healthcare devices and services. Performing our R&D activities in-house, GYENNO Technologies innovated a series of healthcare devices and intelligent end-to-end healthcare system solutions. These require deep integration between multi-subjects including medical science, electronic information, automatic control systems, computer science, communication, big data processing, etc.
Contact us
Service: [email protected]
Cooperation:[email protected]
Weico: GYENNO臻络科技
YouTube: GEYNNO Technologies
Facebook/ Google Plus: GYENNO Technologies
Tel:%2086 0755 2391 7859
Address: Room 201, Building B, Shenzhen Institute of Industry-University-Research, Nanjing University, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, P. R. China 518057
Is the GYENNO Spoon right for you?
To find out whether the GYENNO Spoon is right for you, use the simple test below:
1. Cut a 7x7 cm square hole in the centre of an A4 piece of paper.
2. Ask a friend to vertically hold the piece of paper with both hands. Take a pen and hold it in the centre of the hole for 20 seconds, with your hand as close to the hole as possible.
3. Referring to the test videos below, observe and note the amplitude of your hand tremor.
The GYENNO Spoon is perfect for you if the pen can be kept in the hole most of the time. If the pen hits the paper, please consult us for further information.
Test video sample – benefit:
Test video sample – limited benefit:
How The Funds Will Be Used
We really appreciate your support, not just for our benefit in bringing the product to the market, but ultimately to help people suffering from hand tremors enjoy a better eating experience.
The Challenges
Sitting at the core of our product, the design of the GYENNO Spoon's operating structure was one of the main difficulties of this project. The product contains 87 structural components that have been integrated precisely in the spoon handle’s limited space. In order to deliver the best product to our customers, we performed hundreds of tests to improve the device's performance. After six months of research on materials and design, we’re confident we’ve come away with the most efficient product.
2. Inner control system
The GYENNO Spoon features two intelligent real-time, high-speed servo control systems, which are generally only used in large robot systems. We faced difficulties in how to miniaturise the system while retaining the ability to meet the demands of the load and speed control. As such, we repeatedly tested in the areas of motor selection, program design and program verification. Motors and structural materials are all chosen from first-class vendors. After numerous selections and verifying 58 sets of testing samples, we finally managed to achieve our goal.
3. Algorithm
To ensure the GYENNO Spoon delivers on its promise of providing hand stability during its use, we worked for several months to perfect the stability algorithm. We finally achieved this by employing the principles of UAV-related technologies including contemporary control theory and fuzzy control theory.
4. Marketing
Successfully bringing the product to market also poses a challenge for us. We are committed to effectively and extensively marketing our product to ensure it reaches the people who will best benefit from it, allowing them to enjoy a better quality of life.
Support us
A big THANK YOU for supporting us! It will be a great encouragement for us to keep making great products!
Charity supporter
Thank you for your support! We will provide a GYENNO Spoon to a person in need who is suffering from hand tremors. The project will be publicised in various media, while photos of the charity activities, as well as your name, will appear on our website.
Special supporter
Thank you for your support! As a special supporter, you will receive one basic GYENNO Spoon at a super special price. The basic pack includes 1 smart handle, 1 spoon attachment, 1 smart battery, and 1 travel box with charging functionality. Free shipping to mainland China. International shipping attracts a shipping fee of¥130.
Gold supporter
Thank you for your support! As a gold supporter, you will receive one GYENNO Spoon at a special price. The pack includes 1 smart handle, 1 spoon attachment, 1 fork attachment, 1 battery, 1 travel box with charging functionality. Free shipping to mainland China. International shipping attracts a shipping fee of¥130.
Platinum supporter
Thank you for your support! As a platinum supporter, you will receive one pro GYENNO Spoon at a special price. The pro pack includes 1 smart handle, 1 spoon attachment, 1 fork attachment, 1 battery, 1 travel box with charging functionality, and an additional smart battery. Free shipping to mainland China. International shipping attracts a shipping fee of¥130.