Future Feminists
Empowering feminist families and educators.

Tigress Magazine Volume One

of $15,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 3rd Aug 2015 at 11:05PM.

Tigress is a one of a kind, collaborative, and creative community in the form of an online magazine aimed mainly at teenage girls, but filled with content noteworthy for people of any age and gender identification. It is a place that allows girls to acknowledge each other for who we are: beautiful, strong, quirky, clever, unique, and everything in between. Tigress consists of creative work by girls (and some boys!) from all over the world, and we aim to give you a magazine filled with great stories, art, advice, and information in the hopes of leaving you feeling empowered, accepted, and worthy. 

For the past year, Tigress has been a place for teenage girls to feel at home. It is a community of women where you can find solace and comfort in knowing that you are not alone in anything you experience. In Tigress, we wish you a breath of fresh air. We wish you to ask questions without a fear of judgment or repercussions. We wish you a place of respect, creativity, and love.

Tigress, as an online platform, has hundreds of visits a week from viewers all over the globe. We post multiple times a week, with articles covering everything from armpit hair to music shaming to defining feminism to sex therapy to depression to bad breakups. We feature book reviews, fantastic giveaways from small businesses, interviews of visual artists, and more. Our contributors come from over 25 countries and are ages 11 through 59 years. Please explore our website!

Our next goal is to expand from our online platform and allow our contributors a chance to be published in a print publication, and to give the viewers something they can hold in their two hands. The print publication will feature about 100 beautiful pages of content previously published on our site as well as new and unseen content. Our long-term goal is to produce an annual print edition of our magazine that we can sell for an affordable price to our dedicated viewers. Copies of Tigress Magazine Volume One will be available December 2015 for only $20.
So why should you support us and what do you get out of this? We believe that there is a gap in the magazine market that Tigress can and will address. We want to continue to create a magazine that YOU want to read, one that we are all proud of. If you are a believer in community, feminism, artistic collaboration, and the talent and power of teenage girls, this is a fantastic place for your money to go. 

Freya and Sophie "met" online in May 2013 when they completed a collaborative project of art and music for Freya's debut album, 'The Marvellous Reject Girl'. Despite the 12 hour time difference and 10,000 miles between them, the two became fast friends. Freya had wanted to create a space for teenage girls since she was a teenage girl herself, and asked Sophie to join as a co-editor of her new magazine. Learn more about us here!

A big THANK YOU to Danielle Teychenne who put together our video, our project manager Isobel Taylor-Rodgers, our new Graphic Designer Lee Porter and the ace Tigress girls for being a part of our video! :) We would also like to thank Mai Ly Degnan and Jordyn McGeachin for creating some beautiful illustrations just for us to help promote our project!

How The Funds Will Be Used

1. Magazine design: We are lucky enough to have Lee Porter on board as the graphic designer of our print magazine. We will be paying Lee for the extensive work she will be committing to helping us design our print volume! Because we want the highest quality and design, Lee will be working with us from mid-year until the completion of the magazine in December. $2000

2. Magazine printing: It is important to us to print with a high quality printer that has values that align with Tigress. Unfortunately, magazine printing is expensive! Much of the funds we raise will go towards printing 500 beautiful copies of Tigress Volume One, which will have over 100 pages of both older and brand new material. We need to print enough copies for contributors, campaign supporters, promotion, and sales. $6000

3. PR and project managing. It is important to get the word out about our initiative and this takes a lot of hard work. We will be hiring Isobel Taylor-Rodgers to be our PR manager for Tigress Volume One. $2000

4. Shipping/distribution costs: Some of the money we raise will go towards the shipping costs to mail Volume One and other rewards to our supporters. $2000

5. Promotion and advertising: We are hoping to run some successful Facebook advertising campaigns at $500 to really get the word out and reach as many people as possible. We also want to do the old fashioned poster, flyer, and postcard campaign (all recycled paper!). TOTAL $1500

6. Continual upkeep of website and newsletter: Everything costs money. And even running a simple website and newsletter has a high price. We want to be able to keep running the high quality website we have created. $1500

If we go over our goal by $1000 we would love to add a CD to the front of the magazine full of beautiful music by new artists!
These artists include: Sandy Hsu, Gretta Ray, Arctic Maps, Harry Andrews, Red Caravan, and more!

If we go over our goal even further, we plan to put this money away for TIGRESS MAGAZINE VOLUME TWO!

The Challenges

One challenge will be limiting ourselves to only 100 pages of content--we have so much fabulous material to choose from! We plan to include some of the most popular posts from online and to also include the largest range of material we can.
Of course, some other challenges will be time constraints and meeting deadlines, but with our fabulous team, we know we'll get it done! 

Thank you card

A handmade thank you card from one of your Tigress editors.

18 chosen

Est. delivery is Aug 15

The Marvelous Reject Girl

Co-editors Freya Bennett and Sophie Pellegrini met a few years ago when Freya was recording her debut album. This album "The Marvellous Reject Girl" is their first piece of collaborative work, with music by Freya Bennett and photographs by Sophie Pellegrini. You will also receive a thank you note from Freya and Sophie.

8 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 15

Tigress Volume One

You will get a beautiful hard copy of Tigress Volume One with a thank you note!

100 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Sticker and postcards

You will receive: - Tigress Volume One - Thank You Cards - Tigress stickers - Tigress limited edition postcards

37 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Dreamcatcher Package

You will receive a custom-made, handmade dreamcatcher by Sophie! This reward includes: -One beautiful custom dreamcatcher -Tigress Volume One

10 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 15

Tigress Girls Set

Jordyn McGeachin has created some beautiful cards specifically for our campaign! In this reward you will receive: - Tigress Magazine Volume One - Thank you Card - Strong, Fierce and Powerful card set.

4 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Rad Pads Reward

Rad Pads are sustainable cloth menstrual pads made in Australia. They are washable, comfortable and good for you and the environment! You will receive: -2 Rad Pads - Tigress Volume One - Thank you Card.

1 chosen / 3 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Music Package

As well as receiving Tigress Volume One, you'll get a lucky dip mix of 2 Melbourne artist's CDs! Freya has a collection from friends and influences who have generously contributed their EPs and albums to share with you! The artists supporting us are: Bronwyn Rose, Luize Scott, Anna Cordell, Caity Fowler, Sandy Hsu, Rose Wintergreen, Zoe Ryan, Mezz Coleman, & Red Caravan. (more to come!)

3 chosen / 7 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Tigress Art Print Special

As well as receiving Tigress Volume One in print, you will receive artwork from your Tigress editors and contributors. This package includes: - Tigress Volume One - Your name printed on our Thank you page of Tigress Volume One - A Sophie Pellegrini Photography Print - Limited Edition Tigress postcards (mixed artists) - A Freya Bennett Art Print OR - TWO copies of Tigress Volume One!

24 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Kip and Co Towel

Our beautiful friends at Kip and Co have given us some amazing towels! In this reward you will receive: - Kip and Co Towel - Tigress Volume One - Limited Edition Postcards -Thank you card

2 chosen / 3 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Craft Pack

In this craft pack you will receive: - Tigress Volume One - Thank you card - Limited Edition Postcards Your choice of: - Pom Pom headband kit or - Calming Glitter Jar Kit

0 chosen / 10 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Soundtrack to your life

Co-editor Freya Bennett is also a budding film scorer who aims to one day score films with similar feel to Amelie, Her and Atonement. In this pop up reward you will receive: - Tigress Volume One - Tigress limited Edition Postcards - Tigress stickers - Thank you card - Your very own theme song (one minute theme song to your life.) - Handmade CD of theme song and upload of theme to Soundcloud. https://soundcloud.com/freyabennett

2 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Shonah Jewellery

As well as receiving the Tigress Volume One, Shonah Jewellery Design has kindly gifted us some beautiful necklaces to reward you with! You will receive: - Tigress Magazine Print Edition - Your name printed on our Thank You page of Tigress Volume One. - Beautiful Handmade Shonah Necklace - A beautiful art print from one of our contributors - A handmade thank you card from Freya & Sophie

4 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Chinese Medicine Consult

Eli Thomas is an acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist in Melbourne and has donated two consultation / treatments. She specializes in women's health and well-being. Usually over $100! This reward is for Melbourne residents only. You will receive: - 1 hour Chinese medicine treatment - Tigress Volume One - Thank you card

0 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Tigress Merchandise

You will receive: - Tigress Volume One - Tigress Limited Edition Postcards - Tigress T shirt - Tigress stickers - Tigress Journal

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Photo Session with Sophie

You will get a customized-for-your-needs-and-wishes portrait session with co-editor Sophie (www.sophiepellegriniphotography.com) in the DC, Glasgow, or Melbourne area! We'll schedule a photo session in the next year featuring yourself, your daughter, your mom, your best friends, you and your significant other… You will receive: -1 hour personal photo session -Final set of digital and print images -Tigress Volume One

2 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Handmade Care Package

As well as the Tigress Volume One and a thank you, you will receive a care package of goodies from a variety of our generous contributors! You can choose from: - An album by local musician (see musician's package above) - 5X7 & 8.5X11 art prints by various past contributors (photography, illustration, & typography options) - Handmade jewellery by Shonah - Unempire socks - Rose Quartz by "The Little Moon" - Handmade craft pack by Freya Bennett - Typography artwork by Papertown100

8 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

OWN health consult

Regular contributor and Naturopath/Nutritionist Mikaela Felstead has kindly donated a consultation (Usually $110) plus a $25 voucher of products from her company OWN health. This can be done in Brisbane (if you live there) or over Skype. This rewards includes: - Naturopathic consultation with Mikaela - $25 voucher for products at OWN health - Tigress Volume One - Thank you card

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Sponsors Package

Sponsors of Tigress are people/businesses who support our initiative, have aligning values, and are interested in contributing to Tigress monetarily. In addition to receiving a thank you note from the co-editors and two copies of Tigress Volume One, we will add you to our list of Sponsors and Friends on our "Stuff We Love" page. We ask (but do not require!) that you promote us in some way on your site. You will also be listen on our Thank You page in Tigress Volume One.

3 chosen / 7 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Portrait Reward

In this reward you will receive: - Tigress Volume One - Thank You Card - Limited Edition Postcards - Personal portrait of you or a loved one by Freya Bennett.

1 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Your very own song

I (Freya Bennett) will write a song just for you, or as a gift for someone you know! We will have a chat about what you like and I will set about writing and recording your very own theme! I will then upload it to YouTube and SoundCloud for you to share as you like! You will also receive: - Tigress Volume One - Your name on our Thank You page of Tigress Volume One - A Thank you Card - A small art print

1 chosen / 4 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Retail Photo Package

We will customize a shoot for your business/products: clothing, jewellery, home goods, you name it! We can do a lookbook, a fashion shoot, in-store shots, or otherwise! Sophie is an experienced fashion and portrait photographer. See her work on her website www.sophiepellegriniphotography.com. Available in Melbourne, DC, or Glasgow area, 1-3 hours, and you will receive a final set of digital images. The reward also includes Tigress Volume One and we will add your business to our Sponsors list.

0 chosen / 3 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Melbourne Crafternoon

You and four friends will be joined by myself and Mezz Coleman (Hundreds and Thousands magazine) for an afternoon of arts and crafts with delicious home made food provided. You will receive: - Homemade food and drink. - Materials for craft and art pieces. - Tigress Volume One for you and your friends. - Your name on our Thank You page of Tigress Volume One - A selection of artworks for you and your friends from our team at Tigress.

1 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Feb 16

Major Partner Reward

Major partners of Tigress are people or businesses who support our initiative, have aligning values, and are interested in contributing to Tigress monetarily. In addition to receiving a thank you note from the co-editors and five copies of Tigress Volume One, we will feature you or your business in a full page spread in Tigress Volume One (subject to approval by Tigress team to make sure your business aligns with Tigress values and standards.)

0 chosen / 3 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

EOFY Reward

As it's the end of the financial year, We have made this quick special! You will receive - Tigress Volume One - Thank you card - Tigress limited Edition Postcards

5 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Instagram Special #1

For those who "like" our most recent Instagram post! Get TIGRESS VOLUME ONE for $2 off AND get a special homemade surprise goodie from Freya or Sophie (dreamcatcher? glitter jar? deliciously-smelling candle? what'll it be?)!

1 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Unempire socks

Our beautiful friends at Unempire socks have given us a bunch of funky socks to giveaway! You will receive: - One pair of Unempire socks - Tigress magazine Volume One - A Thank you card

4 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Inspiration Flag Garland

Natural Life (www.naturallife.com) has gifted us 4 Courage Inspiration Flag Garlands! Each. The colorful flags display the empowering words: "Courage"; "Dream"; "Grow"; "Peace"; "Love"; and "Believe.""; each flag is 4" L x 6" W, and the ribbon is 81" in length. You will also recieve: -Tigress Volume One -Handmade thank you Card -Handmade feminism bracelets

4 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Time-Peace Watch

A beauiful, unique watch from Time-Peace!! Time-Peace is "a watch and lifestyle brand aimed at helping people change their perception of time so they can stop worrying and start Being," "founded on the philosophy of embracing the present moment." This reward also includes -Tigress Volume One -Thank you note

1 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Lola & Joy Vintage Dress

The wonderful Sammie Burton from Lola & Joy Vintage Clothing has given us 10 unique dresses for this reward. Dresses can be altered to fit different bodies. In this reward you will receive: - Lola & Joy Vintage Dress - Tigress Volume One - Thank you Card - Limited Edition postcards

10 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Ruby Cup Reward

The Lovely people at Ruby Cup have given us two ruby cup packs for you guys! These usually retail as $60 but you will get it hugely discounted! In this reward you will receive: - Ruby Cup Pack -Tigress Volume One - Thank you Card

2 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Society 6 Package

A great selection of options to choose from: wall clocks, iPhone cases, tablet cases, laptop sleeves, iPhone skins, laptop skins, throw pillows, gift cards, mugs, and tote bags! With this package, you can choose from Sophie's photographs (www.sophiepellegriniphotography.com) to personalize TWO of the above items! Click below image for examples. You will also receive Tigress Volume One.

3 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Violet Hartley Scarf

Violet Hartley is a Melbourne artist who hand dyes beautiful scarves. She has kindly donated some of her scarves as a reward! You will receive: - Violet Hartley Scarf - Tigress Volume One - Limited Edition Postcards - Thank you letter

5 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Kip and co Nightie

Our beautiful friends at Kip and Co have given us 2 amazing nighties! In this reward you will get: - Kip and Co nightie - Tigress Volume One - Limited Edition Postcards - Thank you Card

2 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

The Little Moon Reward

The Little Moon are a company that sells beautiful and unique rocks. In this reward you will get: - Tigress Volume One - Your name on our Thank You page of Tigress Volume One - A beautiful The Little Moon rose quartz - A small art print from Freya Bennett - A handmade thank you card from Freya & Sophie

3 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

The Little Moon Reward

The Little Moon Reward has all gone! So we added one more special reward. You will receive: - Tigress Volume One - Thank you Card - Tigress Limited Edition Postcards - The Little Moon Rose Quartz

1 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Jordyn McGeachin Portrait

Jordyn McGeachin is one of our regular illustrators. She has illustrated numerous portraits for articles and Sophie and I were lucky enough to be illustrated ourselves! Now you can get one too! This rewards includes: - Custom Jordyn McGeachin illustration - Tigress Volume One - Thank you Card

2 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Dangerfield Reward

Dangerfield have kindly gifted us an outfit worth $250! And we are offering it at $220 plus Tigress Volume One! So this is a must! (outfit in image is an example, you can choose anything from the website or head in store to choose!) YOU WILL RECEIVE: - Dangerfield outfit worth $250 - Tigress Volume One - Thank you card

1 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15