"Ride Into The Sunset" - Albums

of $6,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 30th Jun 2015 at 11:31AM.
I’ve been working on several new projects of my own material for the last few years, but it’s really hard to afford the time away from my ‘real job’ as a record producer to make my own records. A lot of people assume that it’d be easier because I have my own studio, but in reality, every time I work on my own music/projects, I LOSE money. So it’s been slow work. At the moment I’m about 60% through a new powerpop solo album (several songs are already out there on You Tube/Bandcamp..) and have most of the material written for a new album for The Cuban Heels. It’s all really good stuff, but the fact that it’s taking so long, and is so hard to find time to do it isn’t lost on me.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately – a lot of “looking at the signs” with things, professionally. And though I’ve been largely denying it, there seems a certain inevitability about what I’ve decided. In a nutshell, I’d like to finish these projects, and finish them well, and then consider myself as a solo artist type person, mostly retired.

Why would I even have to retire? Why would I need to be so definite about it?

Well.. for a while there I considered myself a contender. I did lots of travel and lots of work locally and internationally in the early stages of my solo career. I pushed really, really hard to make it all happen. And it was fantastic, though I didn’t exactly become the household name I was hoping for. Lately, although the enjoyment of doing it is absolutely as high as ever, there’s a lack of drive, mainly brought on by a lack of resources – time, money, opportunity - to get it done. And all the while, thankfully, my career as a record producer continues to grow and quietly build, making it doubly hard to devote resources to this part of my creative life. I also don’t really have the drive to push this stuff out there into the world anymore in the single minded way it needs to, and deserves. Life has just rolled on, and I’m totally ok with that. I’ve had a REALLY good run. And it’s not that I’m giving up. I’ve just decided to do a massive last flourish, and then take my final bow..

I’ve decided the best way to make this all happen, for many reasons, is to just do a big DOUBLE ALBUM. One album would be my powerpop record, and the other would be a new album with The Cuban Heels. Then put on some shows to celebrate, maybe do a little tour somewhere, promote the crap out of it, do some special things for the long term fans, and then ride off into the sunset.

And, with the packages i've put together, hopefully you guys can have some fun with me, and be part of the whole experience!!

Below are a few tracks off the new power pop album that have been completed. It'll give you an idea of where it's heading.. (I've Been Loving You, The Only One and Too Late)

How The Funds Will Be Used

I'll be using the funds to complete the recording of the power pop project, to pay for all the Cuban Heels sessions and the bonus disc recording, album artwork, mixing, mastering and CD manufacture. If we raise additional money, i'll be looking at doing a run of vinyl as well, which, if we get that far, i'll be offering to subscribers for an additional fee.

Here's a breakdown of costs. As you'll see, the $6000 we'd earn would only cover about half the costs of the whole project.

Recording costs for remainder of power pop album and Cuban Heels album = $4000 (based on 6 days at $800 a day)
Mixing costs for both projects = $2500
Mastering = $2000
Artwork = $1500
CD manufacture = $2000

Total = $12,000

All other costs, including the recording, mixing and mastering of the bonus disc, promotion, digital delivery etc will be absorbed by Michael Carpenter.

Vinyl pressing of 100 copies = $3000 (optional)

The Challenges

The biggest obstacles for this project is that there are LOTS of people out there crowdfunding lots of things. I need to make sure that the people who do decide to get behind me know that what they'll get for there support will be as good as i can be. In many ways a culmination of all the things i've learned and built up over a long period of time. I'm very optimistic that these records will be the high points of my solo career, so i'm hoping people will have enough faith to get behind what i'm planning to do.

The other obstacle of course is that not enough people will get behind the project, or know about it. So i'll be working really hard on social media and asking my loyal fans to spread the word, as well as approaching power pop/Americana blogs, radio and journalists to help me make their audience aware.

Double album download

For this you get a download of the double album as soon as it's ready to go.

9 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 15

Double album CD

You'll get the double album on CD, as well as a download code as soon as the album is ready to go.

14 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 15

Double + SOOP #6 d/load

The double album plus the bonus disc of covers "SOOP #6" as a download when it's ready to go.

7 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 15

Double + SOOP #6 CD/DL

Double album on CD plus bonus disc of covers "SOOP #6" as a download, all available as soon as albums are ready.

35 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 15

Deluxe package #1

Double album as CD, autographed, bonus disc "SOOP #6" as download, T shirt saying "i rode into the sunset with Michael Carpenter" in grey, and any other bits and pieces we can think of.. (custom guitar picks, stickers etc)

28 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 15

Super Deluxe Package

Autographed double album on CD, "SOOP #6" as download, T shirt saying "I rode into the sunset with Michael Carpenter" in grey, assorted bits and pieces, AND Michael will record a full studio production of ANY SONG OF YOUR CHOICE for including on SOOP #6!

6 chosen / 4 available

Est. delivery is Nov 15

Super Deluxe Package

Signed double album on CD, "SOOP #6" as download, T shirt with "i rode into the sunset with Michael Carpenter" in grey, assorted other bits and pieces, song of your choice fully recorded on "SOOP #6", as much of the MC back catalogue as we can find, AND a live concert in your house, anywhere in Australia!

0 chosen / 5 available

Est. delivery is Nov 15