As the owner of a certified therapy dog (Squirt), I noticed that something really fantastic happens when kids read to my dog; the simple act of patting and talking with the dog triggers the desire to share stories from the children's own ‘pet history’ – most kids seem to start with simple catalogue of the animals they have owned, then they tell about life events that have occurred with and because of these pets and finally; sharing how they felt as a result. It is a little bit magical the way kids who are normally 'reluctant readers' line up to read with Squirt the therapy dog and I hope to use the funds from this project to find more about why this is. What is it about reading to a canine friend that motivates kids to learn to read?
The expenses in a project such as Read2Spot are broad and range from small things like reward stickers for the children in the project, (and of course, a Smackos for the canine workers) through to more costly items like travel and support for honours students working on the research.
Sample of the type of costs (not inclusive):
Travel/Presentations $1000
Data/Transcription $2000
Participant recognition (consumables) $200
Honours Student Support $4000 (2@$2000)
Ethics Clearance Admin assistance $200
Report(s) Production $450
The funding of this project will support a twelve month field study - based in a number of primary schools, providing support to two honours students who will actively participate in the research. The primary aim of the research is to better understand the role and value of therapy animals in the everyday school life of children. The funding for this project will be used to inform and support existing pet/animal therapy programs, improve and expand the training of the handlers and to better understand how the process of 'developing literacy' might be approached in new and innovative ways.
"Never work with animals or children". Well, this project aims to do both. In order to respond to the dynamic and exciting world of dogs, children and school, the 12 month duration of this project will ensure that data is gathered over time, allowing the researchers to produce a 'thick description' of how dogs encourage children to learn to read.
Another major challenge for a project such as Read2Spot is the confidential nature of what is heard, seen and recorded. In order to ensure the confidentiality of all involved, the data will be presented in composite form - all the voices will be merged into one and presented as a story based in a fictitious school ( 'Marnock Vale Primary').