Donna McRae

COBBY: The dark side of cute

of $11,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 5th Jun 2015 at 1:00AM.

Despite being our closest relative, chimpanzees are one of the species we least understand.

The chimpanzees that we see in entertainment and advertising, are without exception infants. As a result, our impression of them is indelibly marked by their “cuteness”, but the fate of these chimpanzees as they grow older remains shrouded from public view.

By following the extraordinary life of “Cobby”, a fifty-six year old chimpanzee whose journey has taken him from the African wild to TV stardom to the San Francisco Zoo, we (researchers Dr. Donna McRae and Dr. Michael Vale) intend to explore the difficult subject of chimps in entertainment through a documentary film. The film will present snapshots of Cobby’s early life with human ‘siblings’, the showbiz world of the 1960’s, and his life in the Zoo. But for every Cobby who has been cared for all of his life, other chimpanzees haven't fared as well. We will also explore the tragic world many chimps still face - exotic pets, scientific laboratories and other cruel destinies. This project will highlight the future of these animals, which has reached crisis point.

This film follows our journey - from the delight in finding Cobby (it started out as Searching for Sugarman with Chimps) to the realisation that other chimpanzees have not been as lucky as he. 

Snippet of an interview: 


Some cute footage of Cobby  

Please like our Facebook page - find it here - to receive all the news about this project. 
or follow Donna on Twitter - @donnalmcr  

How The Funds Will Be Used

As you will be aware, filmmaking is a time consuming and expensive business. We have already shot most of the footage, but now need to put it all together. With your help, we can employ an editor to take the footage and get it to the 1st cut stage. If we manage to raise extra funds we will also start work on our animated footage, which will be another crucial part of the documentary. We will use the whole $11000 to employ an editor for 8 weeks to go through all the footage and take it to the first cut - any amount over that we will be able to get the animation started. 

The Challenges

Time is our challenge - we need to get this project out now ! 

No Reward

No Reward

Tax Deductible

0 chosen

Thankyou !

Thanks so much ! We will give you a shout-out on the Cobby Facebook page and Donna will tweet about your generous pledge :)

20 chosen / 980 available

Est. delivery is Jul 15

E-card madness

We will send you an e-card to thank you for your pledge especially drawn by Michael ! plus a shout out on the Cobby Facebook page.

34 chosen / 216 available

Est. delivery is Jul 15

Wear a Cobby badge!

Come join the gang and show that you love Cobby ! You will receive a Cobby badge that you can wear proudly ! Plus the above rewards.

35 chosen / 65 available

Est. delivery is Jul 15

t-shirt heaven

Help spread the word - here is a t-shirt with the Cobby movie hashtag! A white 100% cotton short available in S, M, L and XL plus all the above and a special video message just for you from Donna & Michael

11 chosen / 19 available

Est. delivery is Jul 15

Knitted Chimpanzee beanie

For your generous pledge you will receive a fun Chimpanzee beanie especially hand knitted by Donna ! Plus a special video message, a shout out on the Cobby Facebook page and a special tweet !

0 chosen / 10 available

Est. delivery is Jul 15

Your logo in the credits!

For your generous pledge we will include your logo in the closing credits of the film when it is finished. You supply the artwork and specs, and we will put it in. A novel way of promoting your business globally ! Plus a shout out on the Cobby page and Donna will tweet about it.

2 chosen / 8 available

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Associate Producer

Want to be an Associate Producer? You get that credit on the film, two tickets to the finished film screening near you (accommodation and transportation not included) a special beanie knitted by Donna, a video message and a shout out on the Cobby Facebook page and Twitter.

1 chosen / 3 available

Est. delivery is Jun 16

Executive Producer

Here's your chance to have an Executive Producer credit on a feature film! You will get the credit, two tickets to a screening near you ( accommodation and transportation not included) and a special Chimpanzee toy hand knitted by Donna. You will also get a t-shirt, badge and lots of love on the Cobby Facebook page and twitter.

0 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Jun 16