RoboMing Telepresence Device

of CNY¥50,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 31st May 2015 at 1:56AM.
Science and Technology have always connected people across great distances, but there's always room for improvement. Imagine a virtual you that could keep an eye on your home or attend meetings, even when you're thousands of miles away, and that you can access with just an iPhone or iPad in your hand. Roboming aims to make remote communication more convenient and remove the limitation of distance.




明机器人的配置十分简单,你只需要在苹果App store下载App,装入iPad组成机器人的头部并与机身的蓝牙进行配对,即可通过其他设备的App远程视频控制明机器人的行动。

极具未来感的外型, 有态度更有温度
















明机器人的四版样机家族照(左一是个shen me gui?)



只需下载App并装入iPad, 连接网络和蓝牙,即刻开始;






目前,明机器人的控制软件支持iOS 7及以上所有系列的iPhone和iPad设备;









联系我们:[email protected]


Be anywhere, anytime

RoboMing is a telepresence device on two wheels, accessible by iPhone or iPad wherever you are. 
The configuration of RoboMing is easy actually. The only thing you need is to download the App from the Apple store, and connect WiFi and Bluetooth when the iPad is ready to be the “head" of RoboMing. Then, the RoboMing will be accessed by other devices with iOS.
RoboMing can be put in your home and you can look at the home of every move. You can also communicate with workmates in your office by RoboMing remotely.
In fact, except yourself, it is possible to invite your relatives and friends to control your RoboMing of miles away. RoboMing also can be accessed by your customers and business partners, you can take them to visit your company or have a meeting in the new way.
Of cause, if there are other public RoboMings equipped by malls, exhibitions or museums, they will open to you for your visiting.
It just like your own stand-in be anywhere and anytime, you are free to move and browse. It is RoboMing, a new kind of immersive telepresence experience.

All you need is an iPad

One download away from transforming your iPad into a virtual assistant. Connect to Wi-Fi/Bluetooth and you're ready to go. 
See the world in vivid 720p high definition. 

Delicate industrial design

We collaborated with the best industrial designers to create Roboming's clean silhouette. 

Adjustable height, wider horizon

A double-section body makes adjusting Roboming's height easy - set it between 120 to 150cm.

Stable two-wheel balance system

Two super hubs moving stably and smoothly, adapting to different road conditions, and controlled remotely by you. 

Build in obstacle-avoidance

Roboming has 3 obstacle-avoidance modules that warn it when to brake - and brake automatically where needed.

Color LEDs for status

The operating status of the Roboming is shown through coloured LEDs on its wheels

Stable stop

Two feet at the base help Roboming come to a stable halt, and automatically retract when its time to go. 

Awesome inside

The best motors and gearings supplied by Portescap and Gates,which ensure the excellent performance.

8 hours, or 15 kilometers

RoboMing can realize 24 hours standby and 8 hours of continuous operation - or up to 15 kilometers of movement - on a full charge.


RoboMing supports iPhone and iPad with iOS 7 or above.

Contact us

If you have any questions, please email us: [email protected]

This is our website:

Thank you very much!

Project timeline



In my opinion, the world was flat

Climbing angles within 15 obstacles. 
Wide range of activities, meeting the demand of daily drive.

How The Funds Will Be Used

From the day we built the team last year, we have already made 4 Marks of RoboMing. We developed and perfected our two-wheeled self-balancing system, video communication, overall appearance and internal structures. But now, only with your help can we better realize the test production and mass production of RoboMing, and bring it to supporters. Your support is much appreciated.

The Challenges

Although our team of 8 are well experienced in their fields, we still found that sourcing good talent with relevant experience were two challenges during our start-up stage. We also met some difficulties such as stablising the balance system of the two wheels, iOS App crashes and bugs. Overcoming them at last was hugely satisfying.

We've gotten through 4 prototypes of the Roboming

And the preliminary sketches in early days

Thanks for your support

Please scan the QR code to follow us on WeChat. Good news is on the way! Your support is much appreciated.

193 chosen

Est. delivery is Jul 15

Roboming fan!

Thank you for believing in us! You will receive a universal Wide-angle Macro Lens for your phone! We'll keep you updated with upcoming products, in case you'd like to get something later on.

100 chosen

Est. delivery is Jul 15

Roboming fan 2!

Thank you for believing in us! You will receive an iPad air Tempered-glass Screen Protector + a universal Wide-angle Macro Lens for your phone! We'll keep you updated with upcoming products, in case you'd like to get something later on.

50 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 15

Roboming deposit

Put down a deposit and secure a Roboming at $800 - $200 off the recommended retail! Estimated shipping date: late September, 2015 An iPad air Tempered-glass Screen Protector and iPad/iPhone Wide-angle Macro Lens will be included in the package. The remaining $720 will be payable when we're ready to deliver, or delivery will be cancelled.

1 chosen / 199 available

Est. delivery is Sep 15

Roboming deposit 2

Put down a deposit and secure a Roboming at $800 - $200 off the recommended retail! Your larger deposit will mean you'll get your Roboming a month earlier - estimated shipping date: late September, 2015 An iPad air Tempered-glass Screen Protector and iPad/iPhone Wide-angle Macro Lens will be included in the package. The remaining $640 will be payable when we're ready to deliver, or delivery will be cancelled.

4 chosen / 196 available

Est. delivery is Aug 15

Roboming first batch

Pay for your Roboming in full at $800 - $200 off the recommended retail! You'll be the first group to receive the unit - estimated shipping date: late July, 2015 An iPad air Tempered-glass Screen Protector and iPad/iPhone Wide-angle Macro Lens will be included in the package.

20 chosen / 180 available

Est. delivery is Jul 15

Roboming patron

Thank you! Your amazing support will help us make the best product possible. In return, we'll give you a brand new Roboming from our first batch in July, plus the one and only Roboming Mark 4 prototype from our development days.

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Jun 15