Shit Creek

of $8,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 15th Apr 2015 at 12:07AM.
When a small time crook clocks out after a freak accident in a Sydney pub, it's left to his two sons to pick up his debt to the mob. They've got six weeks to cough up a hundred grand or they'll find themselves without their favourite appendages, courtesy of a psychopathic gun-for-hire and a pair of rusty hedge clippers.

Shit Creek is a web series which, in 8 episodes, explores the extremes an individual will go to protect themselves from harm, and how many others they're willing to hurt along the way.

Basically, we need money to make this happen, that's where you come in.

Follow us at #shitcreekbysundown

The Characters

Hardworking and pragmatic, if anyone can get Mr.Motherfucker his missing cash - it's Mo. Problem is he's as luckless as a fried chicken in Jason's oven. Mo never forgave his old man for his shitty upbringing, and when his parting gift to his sons is a debt to the meanest bastard this side of ISIS, Mo can only put his head down and get things done. With the weight of the world on his shoulders, all the humor is gone from his eyes, and a darkness begins to consume him. As things go from bad to worse, Mo loses hope they'll get out of this alive. Played by Gary Brun.

Easy going and easy to get along with, everything about Curly is easy. Too easy, in fact, as he routinely finds himself bruised, battered and weeping blood from orifices he didn't even know he had. He always sees the best in people, which is unfortunate, as the people around him are just about the lowest scumbags in town. When he learns he's a hundred grand in debt, he's happy to sit back and let his older brother take the reigns, until things get so dire he goes against his natural instincts and gets his hands dirty. Played by Andrew Lindqvist.

She had the best education money could buy, a promising modelling career and daddy's Black AMEX. But none of this was good enough. Alisha is a strait-laced Eastern Suburbs school girl gone bad, real bad. When she gets involved with the number 2 man on the FBI's most wanted list, there's no going back for her. As she descends deeper into the pit which is the underbelly of the Sydney crime scene, a nasty drug habit is just about the only thing keeping her sane. Armed and dangerous, approach with caution! Played by Alex Stamell.

As shady as they come, Mr. Motherfucker is one bad dude. He plied his trade with the IRA and then when wires got crossed he shipped off to West Africa where he taught the villagers there how to play with fire. Forever on the run, Mr. Motherfucker (whose real name is long forgotten) has little choice but to stay hidden. But that doesn't mean he can't get work done. When the boys find out they owe him a hundred grand, he wastes no time letting them know he's serious. As he says - forget about Putin (who is a close friend), he'll be to blame for World War 3. Played by Terry Serio.

Jason wants nothing more than to make something of himself. Live a life worth remembering. To be somebody. Problem is he's a lazy, talentless, vulgar and offensive piece of shit (according to Mo, anyhow). Another problem is he's banging Mo's mum, so he's never far from the action. Bored and needing to fill his days, Jason tags along whenever possible, but rarely makes himself useful. Mo and Curly keep him around, if not for his sheer size, then for the faint hope that maybe, just maybe, he'll come in handy. But don't hold your breath. Played by John Harding.

Ruthless little Lulu. We don't know much about her, no one does, but she has a nasty habit of popping up and making things worse for Mo and Curly. Leader of a North Korean crime gang, Lulu is no stranger to blood and destruction, and when the boys cost her a sizeable amount of cash, she becomes as fearful a nemisis as Mr. Motherfucker. Maybe even worse. Played by Lora Francisco.

The Team

DIrector - Chris and Gary Brun (AFTRS & NIDA)
Written by - Sundown Picturehouse
Sound Design - Reuben Gibbes (UNSW)
Producer - Ingrid Van Herp (UNSW)
1st AD - Tom Wilson (AFTRS)
Director of Photography - Chris Brun (AFTRS)
Production Design - Sharna Graham (University of Notre Dame)
Production Assistant - Eryk Lenartowicz (AFTRS & Some school in Poland)


How The Funds Will Be Used

The budget we are aiming to reach will be used for pre-production costs including website design, production costs such as props, costume, catering and equipment hire, and post production such as editing, publicity and launch. No one in the cast or crew are getting paid for this series, hopefully that will change for series 2.

The Challenges

The challenges we face revolve around the ambitions of the two lead characters. As their situation becomes more desperate, so too do their attempts to find the money. One week they're kidnapping movie stars, the next attempting an art heist. Filming these sequences will require access to difficult locations, obscure and bizarre props, extravagant costumes and a large cast and crew. A successful Pozible campaign is our ticket to pulling this off to our satisfaction!

After filming and production come to a close, our biggest challenge will be building an audience and generating hype for the release of the first episode through a strategic marketing campaign. We will then have to hold and build upon our initial audience, creating as much fanfare for the series as possible. Our plan for dealing with this? Deliver a kick-ass series that keeps our viewers guessing and glued to their tiny screens each week!

Dole-Bludger Donation

For the cheapskates among you - 25 bucks won't get you much, but your name will appear in the credits and if enough of you do this, your donation might actually be useful.

28 chosen / 172 available

Est. delivery is Sep 15

Baby-Bonus Bonanza

Got your baby-bonus cheque from Centrelink? You can afford to fork out a little more! 50 big ones will get you an exclusive invitation to the Shit Creek Launch Party, the biggest event on the Sydney Social Calendar. Leave the little one at home and party with us.

27 chosen / 73 available

Est. delivery is Sep 15

Model Citizen

Got a job? A car? An affordable drug habit? Then you can probably lend a little to Sundown. Spare one Saturday night off the bags and toss a $100 our way. It'll get you a ticket to our launch party as well as a copy of our script for episode one, signed by the entire cast of crew (value - $0).

16 chosen / 84 available

Est. delivery is Sep 15

The Wannabe

Wannabe a movie star? Have your name in lights? Too bad, it's never gonna happen. But for $250 you can get a walk on role in our little series and maybe, just maybe, some jacked up casting director in Los Angeles will see you strut across the screen and cast you in the next shitty Power Rangers film. Then again maybe not. But you'll also get a ticket to our stupid party. And some sexy Sundown lingerie, which will get you arrested if you wear in public. Please give us money.

7 chosen / 23 available

Est. delivery is Sep 15

Fat and Friendless?

Got no friends? Then join us for dinner. $500 will get you an entree, main, dessert and a kiss goodnight (from one or all of the cast). The place won't be fancy, but the night will be memorable, assuming being abused by drunk actors is memorable. I suppose you can also come to our party.

3 chosen / 12 available

Est. delivery is Sep 15

Holy F*ck You're Rich

Have money to burn? We'll burn it for you. Give us a thousand dollars and we'll film an alternate ending where every last one of our scumbag characters dies a horrific death. We'll then post a signed copy to you and delete the rushes, making you the sole owner of a piece of history. Or the sole owner of some piece of shit made by people with no talent.

0 chosen / 5 available

Est. delivery is Oct 15

The Ultimate Motherf*cker

You better not be an annoying prick. Or ugly. 'Cause if you donate this we're gonna be seeing a lot of your face. Too much, in fact. $2500 gets you an all-access VIP pass to our entire production period, including all shoots, the post production process and our numerous launch parties. Pay to be a legal stalker!

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is May 15