Paick Smart Watch
Every moment of life is incomparable to the next, worthy of collection and memory. A watch is a tool of time, but also a means of highlighting the beauty of time present and passing.
Wearable technology is growing in popularity, but feature-heavy designs are lacking the elegance of traditional time-keeping. The Paick Watch has been designed with the Paick aesthetic in mind - natural, simple, delicate and freeing - and an inheritance of hundreds of years of watch design.
Simple, bright and clean, Paick is designed to be classic, not chasing the fickleness of fashion trends.
The sapphire glass
The Paick Watch face is built of the industry's most wear-resistant sapphire glass, with a hardness coefficient of 9.
The watch strap is made of textured Italian calfskin, chosen for its supple and anti-allergenic qualities.
Paick Watch watch is simple in design and functionality, with just three main features.
1. Pedometer
Built-in sensors record your steps, the corresponding calories burned, and measure them against daily targets you set yourself.
See a quick measure of your progress on the watch face.
2. Never lose your phone again
Paick Watch can be set to send you an alert if you stray too far from your phone - a helpful reminder to make sure you never lose your phone again.
3. Incoming call alerts
Sync with your phone and your Paick Watch will send you an alert if you're close to missing a call, just in case you didn't hear your phone ring.
Paick Watch is water resistant up to 30 metres (3 ATM) - wear it wherever you go.
Paick Watch comes in sleek, high-quality packaging, perfect to give as a gift.
Made for men & women
可惜智能穿戴日益普及的今天,功能累赘、外观奇特的智能手表依然层出不穷,始终与我们的品位格格不入。是时候改变了, 我们将给大家带来惊喜!Paick Watch 秉承 Paick 品牌 “轻生活” 的 lifestyle ——自然、低碳、简约、精致、享自由、有姿态,传承手表百年的经典美学,在传统和智能之间不断寻求最佳契合点,最终获得完美结合。
作为一款可穿戴产品,“可穿戴” 必须代表时尚,每天都渴望佩戴它。作为手表,传承百年的经典美学,高雅,品位是它的价值体现。
纯白简约的自然美学设计的表盘,简单的12个刻度,纯粹,宁静。而黑色的表针作为点缀更显得稳重,神秘。 银色的 316L 医用级别精钢,尊贵、永恒。 三种永恒的色彩,不过度装饰,不追逐浮躁的时尚,简简单单,明亮干净,让你对时间一目了然。
表镜采用行业最耐磨的蓝宝石玻璃,高档材质且滴水成珠,硬度系数为9,仅次于钻石,高出一般石英玻璃8-9倍,让 Paick Watch 历久弥新。
内置的传感器可以记录走路运动,根据设定每天的运动目标,Paick Watch 和你一起,记录每一步的努力,实时检测所消耗的热量,让你拥有更健康的生活。
Paick watch只在你的手机来电已超过10秒,仍无人接听的情况下,给予你必要的提醒。Paick watch真正做到的是必要的来电提醒,而不是让你感觉到被打扰。
Citizen Miyota 机芯,世界最大的空白钟表制造厂之一,走时精确,品质卓越。
Paick Watch 完全按照传统手表工艺来打造的,精致是放在第一位,所以外壳是精钢,字面、表针全是金属材料,全是钢壳对天线影响非常之大,所以市场上大都数的智能手表和智能手环基本在5米外就完全连接不上手机,这对我们来说是不可接受的,我们的标准必须达10米,这样才有意义。
设计这块手表时,我们还有另一标准就是要求不要超过10mm,同时续航要超过6个月,在空间有限的情况下,我们结构上不断优化,最终能容下 CR2032 电池,增加了不少电池容量,并对各元器件不断进行测试优化,最终续航可达6个月以上。
我们是一群爱追梦,爱折腾,不将就的年轻人。拥有国际化的设计理念和完整的产业链资源,致力于打造梦想与创意结合的产品,并传递 “轻生活” 的 lifestyle 。
Paick Watch 是送礼的最佳选择,送的不仅是一块时尚手表,更是给对方一种健康的生活方式。
联系邮箱:[email protected]
选择苹果电源管理供应商 Dialog 生产的顶级蓝牙 4.0 芯片 DA14580 ,提供更稳定,更低功耗的传送连接。
第一颗 是容量为225mAh的CR2032 纽扣电池,借助 ADI 的ADXL362及Dialog 的 DA14580超低功耗方案,足以保证智能部分6个月以上的超长续航。
第二颗电池是Citizen Miyota 机芯自带的原装电池,可让计时部分续航达5年。
产品采用先进的蓝牙4.0技术,兼容主流 Android 和 iOS 设备
Internal make up
ADI three axis accelerometer
Dialog SmartBond DA14580 bluetooth chip with a highly stable connection with low power use.
Every Paick Watch comes with Citizen Miyota movement, from the world's biggest manufacturer of time movements.
Paick Watch carries two batteries to keep its most important functions independent of each other.
The first battery powers alerts and the Bluetooth connection to your phone, and lasts up to 6 months.
The second keeps the time movement running, and lasts 5 years.
Both are easy to source and replace when the time comes.
Other specifications:
System compatibility:
Contact US
How The Funds Will Be Used
2014 March, creative brainstorming and established design principles
2014 April ID design
2014 May - June hardware development and APP development
2014 July - August engineering prototype testing (internal structure prototype)
2014 September testing and improvements of functionality
2014 October - November1 internal small-scale trial production and internal staff testing
2014 December production plan, prepare production materials
2015 February delivery
Why we need your support
This is our crowdfunding debut, and we hope to connect directly with new users, improve our product and expand our lifestyle concept to a new area. All funds raised will be used for the mass production of the Paick Watch.
The Challenges
We made the Paick Watch to work with cell batteries because of their long life cycle. We experimented with various builds and cell types in order to extend the life cycle to 6 months while ensuring that we didn't compromise on the sleek watch fact we envisioned.
One Paick Watch I
Pledge early and save US$65 off the retail price of US$130! Early supporters will get one Paick Watch in Black or Shadow Brown.Outside of China mainland,please add 10USD extra for the shipping fee.
One Paick Watch II
Pledge early and save US$50 off the retail price of US$130! Early supporters will get one Paick Watch in Black or Shadow Brown.Outside of China mainland,please add 10USD extra for the shipping fee.
One Paick Watch III
Save US$31 off the retail price of US$130! Early supporters will get one Paick Watch in Black or Shadow Brown.Outside of China mainland,please add 10USD extra for the shipping fee.
Double Paick,Double Fun
You will get two Paick Watch in Black or Shadow Brown. The retail price will be US$130 for one watch. Outside of China mainland,please add 16USD extra for the shipping fee.
Set of 10
Receive 10 Paick Watches, 5 in Black and 5 in Shadow Brown..Outside of China mainland,please add 20USD extra for the shipping fee.
Set of 50
Get 50 Paick Watches in the colours of your choice, and at a price far below retail. We'll contact you by email to confirm your colour choices.
Super Early Supporter
Pledge early and save US$81 off the retail price of US$130! Early supporters will get one Paick Watch in Black or Shadow Brown. Outside of China mainland,please add 10USD extra for the shipping fee.
Early Supporter
Pledge early and save US$72 off the retail price of US$130! Early supporters will get one Paick Watch in Black or Shadow Brown.Outside of China mainland,please add 10USD extra for the shipping fee.
Double Paick,Double Fun
You will get two Paick Watch in Black or Shadow Brown. The retail price will be US$130 for one watch. Outside of China mainland,please add 16USD extra for the shipping fee.
Double Paick,Double Fun
You will get two Paick Watch in Black or Shadow Brown. The retail price will be US$130 for one watch. Outside of China mainland,please add 16USD extra for the shipping fee.