Make Marriage Equality Pozible

of $50,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 24th Dec 2014 at 1:53AM.
It’s game on for Marriage Equality!

A bill has now been introduced to Federal Parliament that may give all Australians the freedom to marry the person they love in the country they love in 2015. To get this bill through, we need you!

We are undertaking our most ambitious nationwide campaign ever. Marriage Equality is achievable in 2015 but only with your help.

We have identified the 50 federal Members of Parliament and Senators we could win over and we only need another 25 votes to achieve marriage equality.  

We’ve already started travelling to their electorates and activating their communities with fantastic results.

To get to as many electorates as possible and start our effective local campaigns we need to raise $50,000 by the end of the year. If we don’t our opponents will continue to call the shots and do and say whatever it takes to block progress.

Help fund the fight and join #TeamEqual today!

How The Funds Will Be Used

We are travelling to electorates all around Australia to empower local communities to win over the hearts and minds of their members of Parliament.  

We only need 25 more votes in the lower house and we've identified 50 electorates that that could be critical.

While our volunteers continue to donate their time we still need help to cover the cost of transport, accommodation and materials for each visit.

Each visit costs us about $2,000 so we'll need $50,000 to visit at least half of the 50 electorates.  We think that would be a fantastic start.

The Challenges

Our biggest challenge continues to be the political reach of the opponents to reform.

They may only represent 14% of Australians who strongly oppose reform, but they're well funded and continue to have a major influence in parliament.

On hearing the news that the Senate will be able to vote on a Freedom to Marry Bill, a prominent opponent said,

"Libertarian Senator David Leyonhjelm’s bill to redefine marriage abolishes a child’s most basic freedom – to be loved, known and raised by her or his biological parents."

We can't have this being the loudest voice to MPs considering the bill.  We need to educate and activate all of our supporters across the country to speak up in favour of respecting all families, regardless of their structure.

So, we need your help.  We need to travel to each electorate and educate marriage equality champions who can build momentum for reform within their own communities to show their local MP that it has strong support at home.

Feel Good Supporter

Your support for Marriage Equality will be listed on our website for the world to see.

68 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 15

Your Name in Lights

Your support for Marriage Equality will be highlighted on our website for the world to see. You will also receive a limited edition #TeamEqual sticker to share your support further.

105 chosen

Est. delivery is Jan 15

A gift of equality!

Do you have Secret Santa worries? Kiss them goodbye with this awesome certificate stating you've given $80 to #TeamEqual!

4 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 14

Your Company in Lights

Your Business's support for Marriage Equality will be highlighted on our corporate supporters website along with you company contact details. Your will receive a larger limited edition #TeamEqual sticker to share in your office or shop front.

19 chosen

Est. delivery is Jan 15

Celebrate Your Support

You will be invited to an exclusive cocktail party in your nearest capital city to celebrate your support with the marriage equality team. Your support for Marriage Equality will be highlighted on our website for the world to see. Your will receive a limited edition #TeamEqual sticker to share your support further.

23 chosen

Est. delivery is Feb 15

8 pints of B&J heaven

When one pint is never enough AND you want marriage equality so much you're prepared to do whatever it takes. Choose the flavour you love and receive 8 pints of it, to your door! Because you don't want cream soup, this reward is only available if you live within 30kms of the CBD of your state's capital city, excluding Darwin & Hobart (sorry).

9 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Jan 15

An awesome equality gift!

Someone's tough to shop for? Now no more. Show them the love and give them this great certificate stating you've given $195 to #TeamEqual!

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Feb 15

Meme My Support

Australian Marriage Equality will design a customised meme to show that you or your business supports marriage equality, to be shared with our 80,000 Facebook fans. Your support for Marriage Equality will be highlighted on our website for the world to see. Your will receive a limited edition #TeamEqual sticker to share your support further.

9 chosen

Est. delivery is Jan 15

Tassie of the Year Lunch

Join a private lunch in your nearest capital city with AME Director and Tasmanian of the Year, Rodney Croome, and get an exclusive preview on the marriage equality campaign. Your support for Marriage Equality will be highlighted on our website for the world to see and you will receive a limited edition #TeamEqual sticker to share your support further. Note that the lunch date will have to fit with Rodney's schedule!

9 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Feb 15

Gift Giver of the Year?

If you're at all interested in being the favourite Mum, Dad, Sister, Brother, Aunt, Uncle or BFF for 2014 look no further! Present your loved one/s with this certificate and let them know that you stand shoulder to shoulder in the fight for marriage equality!

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 14

Pre-marriage Counselling!

Pre marriage counselling can help a you identify your relationship strengths and growth areas. Equip yourself with the skills needed to work on the growth areas and turn them into things that increase the strength of their relationship and intimacy, regardless of how long you have been together! Located in Croydon Hills and East Doncaster, Vic. A package, valued at $500, includes five sessions, a workbook and a unique couple profile developed by Matt Glover.

0 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Feb 15

Same Love Photo Sesh

Book your singles, couple or family photo session with Same Love Photography and receive $500 credit toward printed products. SYDNEY ONLY • Face to face consultation and shoot with Frank Farrugia, an award winning photographer • Price includes up to 60 minute shoot on location or at your home • Choose from a selection of the best 20 images from your shoot • Standard processing Visit the website for additional print prices

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Feb 15

Afternoon Tea with Martin

You and three friends could have afternoon tea with Victoria's first ever Equality Minister, Martin Foley in Victoria's very beautiful Parliament House. Subject to Martin's availability.

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Feb 15

Big Same Love Photo sesh!

Book your singles, couple or family session with Same Love Photography & receive two 8x12inch mounted prints & a USB containing 5 of your favourite photos valued at $1600. SYDNEY ONLY • Face to face consultation & shoot with Frank Farrugia, an award winning photographer • Price includes up to 60 minute shoot on location or at your home • Choose from a selection of the best 20 images from your shoot • Standard processing Visit the website for additional print prices

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Feb 15

Get Married by Jason!

Get married my Australia Equality Party's Jason Tuazon-Mccheyne (who's also a registered celebrant!) Beyond Jason's political work he is particularly well know for performing commitment ceremonies and weddings with joy and flair. ...and this way you're getting hitched while supporting our work to enable all Aussies to get married! Must be performed in Melbourne and subject to Jason's availability.

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Feb 15

One of only 20 Kylie's!

Have your very own Kylie at home! We'll make only 20 copies of this 15x24 inch piece of Marriage Equality art and it could be yours! Taken by the amazing talented and award winning photographer, Frank Farrugia of Same Love Photography, each piece will be individually numbered up to 20. Because it's fragile, collection will be from Sydney.

0 chosen / 20 available

Est. delivery is Feb 15

Lunch with Adam!

Have lunch with the Australian Greens MP Adam Bandt! Have Adam take you to one of his favourite eateries in Melbourne! Subject to Adam's availability. Image Courtesy of Same Love Photography.

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Feb 15

Lunch with Sarah!

Have Sarah Hanson-Young take you to lunch at one of her favourite eateries in Adelaide, Sydney or Melbourne! Subject to Sarah's availability.

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Feb 15

AME Comes to You!

Australian Marriage Equality will run a marriage equality workshop in your electorate to help win over your MPs and Senators support. Your Community or Businesses support for Marriage Equality will be highlighted on our website for the world to see. Everyone attending will receive a limited edition #TeamEqual sticker to share your support further.

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 15

Lunch with Tanya!

Have the Deputy Leader of the Opposition Tanya Plibersek take you to lunch at one of her favourite eateries in Sydney! Subject to Tanya's availability and to be taken after March 2015.

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Mar 15

Marriage Equality Address

Marriage Equality Champion and Tasmanian of Year, Rodney Croome, will provide a marriage equality motivational address to your company. Your Business's support for Marriage Equality will be highlighted on our corporate supporters website along with the contact details. Your will receive a limited edition #TeamEqual sticker to share in your office or shop front.

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Apr 15

Lather for Equality

Support marriage equality and receive a fantastic gift box of Lush soaps and gels! It’s a celebratory box packed full of a whole array of different scents! A great gift for all the families - like a soapy box of biscuits!

27 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Jan 15

VIP Double Movie Passes

Support marriage equality and be welcomed to a Ben & Jerry's Open Air Cinema screening with VIP double passes available in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Perth & Adelaide!

20 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14

Personalised David Walsh

You could have your very own copy of David Walsh's book "Bone of Fact." Even better, it has a hand written dedication by the author, part of which says, "Getting married is one of the few remaining mistakes that same sex couples are not permitted to make!" (The rest of the dedication can remain between the author and recipient) :)

1 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Jan 15

Lunch with Alex Greenwich

Join a private lunch for two people in NSW Parliament with MP, Alex Greenwich. Shoot the breeze about NSW politics and this latest push for marriage equality. Your support for Marriage Equality will be highlighted on our website for the world to see and you will also receive a limited edition #TeamEqual sticker to share your support further. Note that this lunch is to being held in NSW Parliament House and the lunch date will have to fit with Alex's schedule!

8 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Jan 15

AFL game with Jason Ball!

You and a friend could go to an AFL game with the pretty spectacular Jason Ball! (Subject to Jason's availability and limited to Melbourne matches, to occur within the first half of 2015)

1 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Apr 15

2015 Mardi Gras Party

Two tickets to the highly sought after and particularly awesome Mardi Gras Party. Your support for Marriage Equality will be highlighted on our website for the world to see and you will also receive a limited edition #TeamEqual sticker to share your support further.

1 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Feb 15

Lunch with Christine!

Have lunch with Christine Forster in one of her favourite eateries in Sydney! Christine's a strong advocate for marriage equality reform (and happens to be Tony Abbott's sister too) Subject to Christine's availability.

1 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Feb 15

Women Say Something VIP

Receive a VIP Double Pass to Women Say Something to be held in Sydney on 27 February 2015. You and a guest will sit on the VIP next to Magda Szubanski and Professor Kerryn Phelps! Your support for Marriage Equality will be highlighted on our website for the world to see and you will also receive a limited edition #TeamEqual sticker to share your support further.

1 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Jan 15

Lunch with Christine!

Have Christine Milne, Leader of the Australian Greens, take you to lunch at one of her favourite eateries in Hobart, Canberra, Sydney or Melbourne! Subject to Christine's availability.

1 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Feb 15

Freezer full of Icecream

Ben & Jerry's have kindly donated a freezer full of the most delicious icecream and will even lend the freezer while you work your way through it! To be eligible for this reward you must live within 30kms of the CBD of the capital city within your state or territory, excluding Darwin & Hobart (sorry). A Ben and Jerry’s Freezer will be loaned to you for a maximum period of 12 months from the date of delivery of the reward.

1 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Jan 15

Argyle Diamond AME Ring

Designed by award winning jewellery designer Nadia Neuman, the Mondial Australian Marriage Equality ring is designed to be an heirloom piece, crafted with love and made here in Australia. The limited edition is an 18k white gold ring which features a rare and precious Argyle Blue or Pink Diamond. There are only four pink and four blue of this limited edition. For more information, and other options:

1 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Jan 15