Look B4 U Open Door

of $1,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 23rd Jan 2015 at 12:25AM.
This may actually may save lives

-A Very simple and hopefully effective way raising awareness of  'dooring'  directly to car drivers.  

-Highly visible STICKERS  placed on parking or power poles.  Drivers will be reminded by the STICKER to check if it is safe to open their door.

-We have tested this on a local shopping street,  spoken with drivers and cyclists and we believe it works.

 Even on a grey rainy day parked  several meters away the sticker is very visible to drivers.   This may prevent many dangerous accidents damage and perhaps far worse. 

How The Funds Will Be Used

The pozible campaign is looking for $ 1000 which would ensure the Printing of 1000 (Min) UV coated stickers. The setting up of a website for 1 year. The website will ensure a permanent place for ordering more stickers and bicycle safety campaigning
and will link directly to the social media hash tag campaign #lookb4uopendoor.

If we raise more than $1000 in the initial phase then we will print more stickers. 

70 % of funds will be used to print stickers and post to contributors.   
10-15% delivery costs 
15% will go to launching a website, lookb4uopendoor.com 


Helping hands

This donation will add to the overall number of stickers printed. Contributors are welcomed to pick up stickers at locations around Melbourne

4 chosen

Est. delivery is Dec 14

Starter Pack

5 stickers posted to contributor + 5 stickers donated to bicycle networks

27 chosen

Est. delivery is Jan 15

Because you rule

The contributors will receive 20 stickers posted to contributor + 30 stickers donated to bicycle networks + A personal thank you letter confirming that you rule. + Company or name credited in any social media campaigning. (optional)

8 chosen

Est. delivery is Jan 15