GEAK Watch II Pro

of CNY¥100,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 12th Dec 2014 at 6:00AM.
From the makers of the world's top three best-selling smart watch comes the GEAK Watch II, the first true round panel smart watch. 

You may already have noticed it, but smart watches today are decidedly square. The reason is more a design limitation than a choice - chip components are angular, and so fit better into square or rectangular interfaces.

GEAK Watch II is the world's first true round panel smart watch - with no dead "sensor" area, the entire screen is beautifully lit and functional. Equipped with full Android 4, it is also the most powerful and versatile smart watch on the market. 

GEAK Watch II has all the features you'd expect of a smart watch - call and text alerts, health trackers and monitors, and seamless connections to all the smart devices in your life. On top of this WiFi capabilities and a full Android 4.3 OS allow the GEAK Watch II to connect to the Internet independently, so you can use its apps and monitors even when you're separated from your phone.





GEAK Watch ii(果壳智能圆表) 是一款真正采用纯圆形屏幕打造的智能手表,它不仅具有智能手环的一切功能,当好称职的健康助手,而且还能通过蓝牙和手机、电脑连接,让您随时随地收发各种智能终端的消息。更奇妙的是,它竟然能独立上网!!是的,它可以连接Wi-Fi哪儿有网络,哪儿就可以大显才华。那么,首先让我们来看一下GEAK Watch II到底有哪些设计亮点吧:


GEAK Watch ii 是一块真正能24小时显示时间的。这,也是GEAK Watch ii 与其他智能手表最大的不同。
目前,几乎所有的智能手表都需要点击实体按键或者出现抬手动作,才能点亮屏幕看时间。但GEAK Watch ii 不是,为什么呢?因为它采用了Transflecitve Screen技术。Transflecitve Screen是一种奇妙的技术手段, 它可以让您在电子墨水屏和液晶屏幕之间自由转换,一旦您关闭液晶屏幕,就会立刻转换为电子墨水屏,所以即使您不点亮或者不抬手,时间在GEAK Watch ii 的表面都可以24小时显示。

Design & Functionality

GEAK Watch II uses a transreflective screen which keeps its timeface always visible - no need to wake it from sleep to check the time. Instead, the Watch automatically switches from a lit LCD to a power saving E-ink display when you're not using it. Your GEAK Watch will never go dark on you. 


果壳圆表屏幕直径1.26英寸(32mm),320*320,254ppi,如此的参数技术让GEAK Watch ii 的显示效果极其细腻,无论是色彩表现,还是光感效果,都在智能手表领域独占鳌头。


为了更好的保护手表屏幕,GEAK Watch ii 采用了独特的防指纹镀层,并配备防刮擦金属表冠,帮助您将屏幕保护得完美如新。


GEAK Watch ii 基于安卓4.3深度定制,支持安卓4.4以上系统,更令人惊喜的是,不止安卓,连iOS产品它也一起支持,真正做到双系统兼容,一个都不落。省去了您因为系统的限制而无法使用的烦恼。


戴手表不新鲜,为手表充电却是一件新鲜事。我们希望这件事尽可能简单、易行,所以我们将磁吸式充电技术引入GEAK Watch ii。不需要精确对准,您只需让数据线接口靠近表背,就可吸附到位。同时,磁吸式充电方式还允许您在充电的同时完成数据传输,充电传输一步到位。

充完电,那么耗电情况到底怎样呢?别担心,GEAK Watch ii 内置智能节电模式,能根据用户的使用习惯进行智能判断,从而有效地减少不必要的电量消耗。如果您轻度使用,那么7天待机完全没有问题,如果您是把玩一族,天天频繁使用它,那么3-4天充一次电,无论怎样,它得电力消耗都是智能手表里最小的。

亮点6:一个新奇的APP Store,给予开发者全新平台

GEAK Watch ii 的APP Store是我们为智能手表全新开发的一个应用平台,目前已经拥有包括墨迹天气、万能钥匙、蜻蜓FM等等各种应用在内的上百项玩意,为了让App Store更好玩,我们还举办了开发者大赛,招募了很多热心的开发者,他们在持续地为果壳智能圆表开发各种专门为圆形屏幕定制的实用应用,经常登录我们的GEAK市场,您会发现很多像“模拟来电”这些好玩的应用。













GEAK Watch ii 可以支持几十亿的蓝牙设备。即使没有蓝牙,也能通过WIFI与您的手机直接连接。连接完成后,无论是短信、微信、邮件还是来电,您都会在您的手表端第一时间收到即时通知,丝毫不会慢于您的手机。


GEAK Watch ii 内置心率监测器 ,能随时随地检测您的心率状况。同时,与GEAK Watch ii 内置的加速感应器能追踪您的各种身体动作,从单纯的站立,到剧烈的运动,都不会错过。最大程度激励您少坐、多动、常锻炼


GEAK Watch ii 还可以成为智能设备的链接中心,比如,通过和电脑相连,它允许您仅通过挥手,就可以让演示中的PPT翻页。通过和无线蓝牙音箱连接,您可以选择您喜欢的音乐。如果能搭配上相应的可适配化智能硬件产品,您甚至可以通过操作手表,就关闭您客厅的灯,或者调节卧室灯的颜色,您看,这是不是很神奇?


GEAK Watch ii 在产品外观设计定型后,所面临的第一个问题是市场中没有满足我们需求的圆形屏幕,所以我们和屏幕工厂一起研发了可以“常显”的完整的圆形屏幕,其后又解决了外壳材质规模化生产后上的工艺品质问题。



2013年10月                                   创意+头脑风暴
2013年10月-2014年1月                 产品概念规划
2014年2月-3月                             基本功能规划
2014年2月-2014年6月                 外形ID设计
2014年6月                                    GEAK OS软件开发开始
2014年8月                                    电子设计开始
2014年9月                                    模具设计开始
2014年10月                                   模具验证,外观配色、拉丝
2014年11月                                    试产,整机验证
2014年12月                                   量产
2015年1月                                     发货
注:以上是GEAK Watch II Pro 版的研发过程,相对于标准版,增加心率功能、语音控制功能等。


13年6月,我们发布了果壳智能手表一代,在市场中获得了很好的反响。我们也因此被《FAST COMPANY》评为2014年中国最具创新力的十大公司。




Project timeline

October-December 2013: Brainstorm and initial conceptualisation

January 2014: Product concept plan
February-March 2014: Plan of basic functions
June 2014: ID design
July 2014: GEAK OS software development began i
August 2014: Electronic Design began
September 2014: Mould design
October 2014: Mould verification, color palette 
November 2014: Trial production and testing
December 2014: Final production
January 2015: Product to ship

Note: The above is GEAK Watch II Pro version development process, as opposed to the standard version, with improved heart rate monitoring and voice control function.

Crystal clear resolution

The 1.36 inch, 320*320 254PPI screen leads the pack when it comes to resolution, displaying colour and images with precision and clarity. 

Scratch-free and fingerprint-free with Dragontrail™ glass

Keeping your display clear and scratch-free is easy, thanks to a unique fingerprint-proof coating and protective scratch-resistant crown. 

Full Android - bringing you the best of iOS & Android compatibility

GEAK Watch II supports Android 4.4 and above system and iOS at the same time, connecting to all the smart devices in your life.

Android smart watches tend to use the scaled-down Android Wear OS. GEAK Watch II uses full Android 4, giving it higher functionality and compatibility - a truly versatile smart companion.

Battery life as it should be

GEAK Watch II can last a week on a single charge on light use thanks to intelligent energy saving modes, and 3-4 days on moderate use.

The watch uses a magnetic charging technology which automatically guides and snaps the charger in place - great for when you're connecting it in bed at the end of a long day - and allows data-transfer while charging.

The GEAK App Store

A community of enthusiastic developers building great apps just for you, the GEAK App Store is a constantly updated collection of hundreds of practical, fun or downright zany apps - all lovingly made for the GEAK Watch's unique round display. 

Everything a smart watch should do

+ Dual-mode enables Bluetooth or WiFi connections, ensuring a constant, stable link between your devices and independent WiFi connections when you need to use just your watch

+ Connect to your mobile phone to be notified instantly of texts, calls, emails and more - plus dismiss or answer them immediately.

+ Customise notifications with discreet vibration modes or subtle chimes

+ Air Quality Index (AQI) trackers keep you updated of your environment - and when its better to stay indoors

+ Health assistant monitors your heart rate, counts steps and more.

+ Connecting to more than just your phone, GEAK Watch II enables you to control presentations, flip the channel of your smart TV or switch on your smart appliance with simple gestures, the command centre for all the smart devices in your life

Prototype Geak Watch 2 Pro. For demonstration purposes only.

Design - Dial & Wristband

Wearable devices aren't just tools, they're personal expressions of your style. When designing the GEAK Watch II, we took into account diverse styles and interests, to create a smart companion that is versatile, functional and beautiful.

The GEAK Watch II dial received special attention when we invited developers and designers to participate in a design challenge, creating a series of gorgeous skins for users to customise their watch with. Some of the winning designs are below: 

We sourced high quality materials to craft our range of leather bands, and with a universal 24mm band joint, we made sure you could source your own too.

As Featured In

Prototype Photos

How The Funds Will Be Used

Why did we choose Pozible for crowdfunding?

The first generation of GEAK Watch gained us the recognition of the Chinese market. This time, we want to go international.

Small-scale production is complete, and the funds from this Pozible campaign will be used to fund the next round of mass production, as well as enable us to continue R&D to improve GEAK Watch II.

The Challenges

When we first decided to embark on a round watch face, we quickly found the market didn't offer immediately hardware solutions to fit our vision for GEAK Watch II.

Existing smart watch technology and the foundation we built with the first GEAK Watch was heavily built around square faces, and engineering a true round panel watch meant a lot of redesigning. Everything, from the housing to power management to software design had to be rethought or developed from scratch by our developers and engineers.

Earlybird special

A special reward for our early supporters - get a GEAK Watch II Pro at $66 off! moreover,you can get an additional strap, Limited to 100 only.

93 chosen / 7 available

Est. delivery is Jan 15

Not So Early Special

Missed the early bird special? This one's for you - get a GEAK Watch II Pro for under full price. moreover you can get two additional strap and an intelligent plug which can be controlled by GEAK WATCH II ,Don't forget to share the love!

271 chosen / 29 available

Est. delivery is Jan 15

Limited reward set

A special reward for our early supporters - get a GEAK Watch II Pro at $45 off! moreover,you can get an additional strap and a anti-lost device which is based on the bluetooth device helping you look after your goods ,Limited to 300 only.

499 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Jan 15

The GEAK Watch II

Congratulations! You're the proud owner of one of the first GEAK Watch II Pro worldwide! moreover you can get three additional strap、an intelligent plug which can be controlled by GEAK WATCH II、and a MODOU router which may be the world's first router with a screen on it!

1106 chosen / 3894 available

Est. delivery is Jan 15

Set of Two

One not enough? We understand! Get two GEAK Watch II Pro at a special rate. Limited to 50 sets.

51 chosen / -1 available

Est. delivery is Jan 15