Isle of Rock: Tassie Climbing Film

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Successful on 15th Dec 2014 at 8:27AM.

Clicking on the link at the top of the page plays an 11 minute film titled Augmentium. It is a movie about our mate Squib climbing the first ascent of the hardest (to date) traditional rock climb in Tasmania. Augmentium represents our "proof of concept" for the feature length movie Isle of Rock which will be filmed this summer. We are showing you Augmentium to give you confidence in backing our movie. You can expect at least this level of production from Isle of Rock, including new Australian music, interesting characters and aerial footage in places like Federation Peak and Frenchman's Cap.

This project will be the first ever film about rock climbing in Tasmania. It will be a feature length movie of at least one hour. We plan on filming all of it this summer and releasing it in June 2015.

This film will feature:
A lake-up onsight attempt of the Adam Donahue Mega-Classic Deeper Water found at The Tyndall Ranges.

An ascent of Peter Steane and Garn Cooper's legendary route, The Lorax on Frenchman's Cap.

A ropeless ascent of the link up Blade Ridge into the Northwest Face of Federation Peak.

Hard trad climbing at The Star Factory. As in the hardest. An attempt at a probable grade 32 crack.

A repeat of the scary Surmounting Terror found at Stack's Bluff by the man himself, Gerry "The Mullet" Narkowicz.

Roxy Perry fresh from the Indoor Climbing World Cup held at New Caledonia teams up with Liz Oh after her own overseas expedition to Baffin Island and Yosemite. They will tackle the 200 metre sea cliff of Mt. Brown.

Of course Cape Raul's classic sea stacks will be climbed.

Plus the Totem Pole like you have never seen it...

Tasmania is one of the beautiful places of the world. The rock climbing on the island is outstanding. The people who have pioneered these routes have created an awe-inspiring playground for adventurous souls.

With this film, we hope to share the Tasmanian climbing story with the rest of Australia and the world.

We were inspired to make this movie after adventure film maker Krystle Wright and team came down to film us climbing on the Organ Pipes of Mt. Wellington. They were extremely interested in making a feature length climbing film with us. As dedicated Tasmanian climbers, we decided that we would be better suited at making this film ourselves and thus Isle of Rock was born.

When we sat down and listed off the places we wanted to film this summer, Mt. Brown, The Tyndalls, Frenchman's, Federation, Ben Lomond, The Totem Pole, Freycinet, and Cape Raul, we realized that if we did this right it could become a truly great climbing film. The reality is that no one has actually shot any video of climbing in most of these places. These locations are just so jaw dropping gorgeous. The psyche was on and then it was just where to begin with all this beauty...

We decided to focus our initial effort on the ascent of Tasmania's hardest trad climb so far. Our mate Squib dedicated himself to a singular crack for several weeks in a sort of hermitage out on the east coast. The 10 minute short film Augmentium tells his story.

Isle of Rock will tell stories. We want to share some of the Tassie climbing lore that was passed down that inspired us to get out in the bush and create our own legends on the rock. The characters who play in the Tassie climbing drama are colorful and inspiring folks. Many of whom are still getting out and putting up new routes or paragliding around the country; never stopping engaging with the place. Specifically, we will have a reflection on Bob McMahon who was a pioneer of Tasmanian climbing for the vast majority of his too short life.

There are some hard climbs that have been put up in Tassie. By the end of the 2014/15 summer, Freycinet could contain 9 traditional routes (all gear protected) grade 28 and harder. That said, this is not a place where the grade of the climb takes precedent. More important is the spirit of place. There is adventure to be had and wonderful places that few have laid eyes on that exist far from the road.

We want to make a film that will be inspiring to nature lovers and bush walkers as well as climbers. Many of the climbing areas in this film are some of Australia's most coveted bush walks. A lot of people get into climbing as a natural transition from bush walking. We want to explore this theme through interviews of early climbers and video narration in places like Federation Peak that have rarely been filmed.

Tassie is not Patagonia and it is not the circus of Yosemite. It is our home. Understanding this is when the magic really happens. We want to show Australians (and Tasmanians) that they don't have to fly around the world to some remote crag in Pakistan to find world-class objectives with big time commitment in beautiful and alien landscapes.  We want to capture these places on video in order to inspire you to quit your damn job, get out of the city and go explore Tassie!

We have assembled the best gear at the best price point to produce a movie that will do Tasmanian climbing justice without breaking the bank. We are asking for your support because financially we cannot make this film by ourselves. Just as important to us is your personal desire for us to make this film. Knowing people want this movie will keep the drive alive. Filming all these locations will be quite a task, but with your help, it will be done.

How The Funds Will Be Used

To create a legitimate film in Australia requires over $2000 in insurance and operators permits. We have already damaged over $2500 in equipment due to the nature of the filming and expect to damage this amount again over the summer. Cameras break, drones fall out of the sky. We are not asking you to support our expensive electronics hobby (we didn't own camera equipment before we started this movie) but if we break a camera 25 km from the car park 1 day before the weather sets in, we need to have a backup or the movie is lost.

We are asking for $6000 to cover film insurance, business insurance, transportation, operators permits, parks passes, and damaged equipment costs. Our current expenditures on equipment and film insurance total over $10000. We do not plan on making money from this film. We do plan on making a film that we will be proud of for the rest of our lives.

Who we are:
John Fischer aka crazy john is an American immigrant to Tasmania. 13 years ago he came to Tassie and started rock climbing straight away. Since then he has spent a fair bit of time bashing around the place. He finished University in Hobart and after traveling around is settling down in Hobart with his beautiful German wife Anna-Veronique... After spending the summer filming Isle of Rock!

Simon Bischoff graduates university at UTAS in November. He is a modern day renaissance man; chef, gardener, artist, film-maker, musician. He has also demonstrated himself a competent climber. In his short time on the Island he has repeated some of the hardest trad climbs, bouldered some pretty hard pebbles and established his own test pieces.

The Challenges

The logistics involved in filming all of these locations in one summer would be impossible if we had full time work and family commitments. Thankfully we have neither. We have been into all of these areas and know what it takes to do it. We have the support of the best climbers in Tasmania to fall back on. More importantly we will be prepared to move on the best weather windows at the drop of a dime. Anyone who wants specific details of any of our missions this summer is more than welcome to ask. Better yet, jump on board and get out there with us. We have developed a big and getting bigger support crew as this project builds steam!

Guilt Free Downloading

Of course you could pirate it off the internet like every other climbing movie you have. But this is a way to support a film you want to see made and save 5 bucks. When released the DL will be $20. This will be a full HD video from a fast server.

42 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 15

Put it on the shelf

This is for the folks who still desire something that they can hold in their grubby little hands. The official DVD of Isle of Rock. This price includes shipping to anywhere in Australia. For international shipping, please add $20.

26 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 15

Multimedia Coupling

Get the brand spanking new inaugural Vertical Life print issue and Isle of Rock download at a big time discount. This sexy combo includes free shipping within Australia. Add $5 if you want the DVD instead of the download. $20 for shipping outside Oz.

6 chosen / 14 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14

Warm and Fuzz-balls

Maybe you couldn't give two flying donuts about Rock Climbing and wish for none of our petty trinkets. However you do desire to see two grown men have their dream movie fulfilled. Sign up for this and you will receive your name in the film credits and feel all warm and fuzzy.

9 chosen / 11 available

Est. delivery is Jun 15

I Love Rockit!

A 3-Month membership to the Rock It Climbing Centre. They have just received the 2014 Hobart Exceptional Service Award. More importantly, they are sponsoring the movie event of the decade... Isle of Rock! Top-roping, lead climbing, bouldering, slacklining, rings, hangboards, campus and of course award winning customer service. These guys Rock It!! 3 months starts from first use. Comes with your choice download of Isle of Rock or DVD with free shipping.

2 chosen / 8 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14

Memory of a Journey

The Ben Lomond guide book that contains the climbing memoirs of the rock climbing legend Bob McMahon. This is a comprehensive guide to the entire Ben Lomond massif and an entertaining and thorough history of its development. Bob had an intimate and explicit writing style that leaves the reader with a gritty impression of place. Crack this one open after repeating one of his classics and read the exploits that occurred on the first ascent. Download included. Free shipping. Add $5 for DVD.

10 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14

Let The Mullet Guide You

The new 2014 Climb Tasmania Selected Best guide book written by Gerry "Mullet Master" Narkowicz is an absolute necessity for any climbing trip to Tasmania. Get it now and try not to drool too much over the full color topos and pics before you come to Tassie. 25 Crags including updated Ben Lomond, Tyndall's, and The Acropolis. Plus a bunch of new sport areas like the Boneyard at Fingal. Includes the download of Isle of Rock. Add $5 for the DVD. Free shipping in Australia. $20 overseas.

9 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14

Safety Never Sleeps

The PAS-22 Metolius Daisy Chain Safety. Courtesy of Climbing Anchors. Afraid of breaking your back by zippering your daisy chain when your partner accidentaly clips the haul bag into your harness? Well every loop of this daisy is rated to 22kn. You can hang a truck off of every point. Now that is safety. Free shipping. Your choice: DVD or download of Isle of Rock.

2 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14

TassieDevil Maker

A portable and efficient fingerboard. Light weight enough to hike with but enough variety to train on at home. Made by the one and only Garry Phillips from Tasmania's own Big Red Climbing... The true inspiration behind the copycat beastmaker. You get the Isle of Rock download as well. $5 more for the DVD. Shipping is free in Australia and $20 international.

5 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14

Custom Leg Wrappers

We put CJ's wife back in the sweatshop to crank out some handmade climbing pants. Give us a size and choose your own color combo and and you get some of the first batch of the new Dragontail Climbing Pants. Download of Isle of Rock included. Add $5 for DVD. Add $15 for shipping international.

10 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14

Trad Nightmare

Feel a little bit safer climbing your next Trad Horrorshow with a Metolius Ultralight Size 0 cam. You will need this cam (and a few more) if you are coming down to Tassie to climb the hard stuff. We will throw in a big bag (425g) of Metolius Super Chalk to keep your hands less sticky from the fear. At least you won't die with sweaty hands. Please add $5 for the DVD. Free shipping in Australia.

2 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14

Hammer Time

Club Crazy John in the head with a mallet. Fulfill your ultimate fantasy and/or reenact the scene of the biggest bash up in Arapiles history. We provide the mallet. If you are not in tassie over summer we will get a proxy to smash CJ and film it for your sick pleasure. Included in this sadistic package is a print edition of Vertical Life, a Metolius chalk bag with a 425g bag of Super Chalk, your choice of Isle of Rock DVD or download, and an indemnity waiver that absolves you of any liability.

1 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14

The Philanthropist

Keen to make a movie but don't want to do it yourself? Do you want fame but not fortune? Some of the other rewards may not be for you. You're not a material person and you already have everything you need but want to selflessly contribute to our project. Here is your chance to have your name eternalised in the film credits as one of only two Executive producers of 'Isle of Rock'

2 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Jun 15

Pole Position

A guided trip up the totem pole by fully qualified and insured Tasmanian rock climber Garry Phillips of RCAT Guides The film crew will capture the ascent with Aerial photography and video to immortalize your ascent. This is for climbers of any ability- amateurs to experts. We provide a skills course on the first day and all the gear and transport from Hobart to and from the Totem Pole on the 2nd. Please ask if you have any questions. Fulfill the dream of a lifetime!

1 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Dec 14