NOISY RITUAL People-Powered Winery

When winemakers Alex and Sam got wind that their mate Cam had found a concrete wine fermenter under his house, they did the obvious thing: ordered half a tonne of shiraz grapes and got their friends over to help them stomp it. Word spread, and over the coming weeks more and more people dropped by to get in on some old-timey low-tech urban winemaking goodness. The thing was a hit for everyone involved and when we were done, we received so much positive feedback we decided to take the next step and bring this low-key style of winemaking to even more city-dwelling people.
To bring this handmade winemaking experience to the most people possible, we're crowdfunding an urban winery where you get to make the wine. Through a series of events we’ll guide Members through the process from grape to glass. There’ll be food, music and wine to indulge the senses while, piece by piece, we strip away the mystique of winemaking – all in a relaxed, inclusive and fun environment. With Noisy Ritual it’s all about basking in the glory of wine, minus the bullshit.

EVENT 1: STOMP – A Saturday in early/mid March (Members only)
The grapes arrive – heaps of them. There’ll be destemming, crushing and stomping. You can get as messy as you like. There'll be wine tastings and food supplied by someone’s Nonna (all included), plus a bar (mates rates) and a DJ.
EVENT 2: PRESS – A Saturday in late March/early April (Members only)
Using nothing more than an age-old basket press, buckets, funnels and a sense of humour, you’ll capture the goodness from the grapes and lock it away in oak barrels. There'll be wine tastings and food supplied by one of our food truck friends (all included), as well as a bar (mates rates) and a DJ.
EVENT 3: BOTTLE – Saturday in late November 2015 (Members / general ticketed event)
Bring your friends to help bottle the magic! It’ll be corks in, labels on and boxes packed, all to a soundtrack of live bands and DJs. There’ll be food trucks and a bar, plus Members and Supporters get to take their wine home with them (or we can deliver it).
Between all the major events there’ll be opportunities to drop in, taste the wine straight from the barrel, take some measurements, bend a winemaker’s ear or just give a barrel a hug. And to whet your appetite while you’re there, there’ll be a bar as well as tastings from local specialty wine stores. There'll be at least three of these events for members during the year, and you'll be able to bring along a mate or two to show them the fruits of your labour.
Exact event dates are dependent on optimum grape harvesting times. We’ll be in regular contact to let you know the confirmed dates closer to the events (we're processing two batches, so there will be some flexibility with the dates you can attend).

Frequently Asked Questions
It’s first-in, first-served. You can select your preferred variety when you buy a membership, and we'll do our best to make sure everybody's wishes are granted. If lots of people sign up we’ll probably move onto a third variety too (TBC).
You’ll be able to get one at the bar, but making white wine isn’t as fun for the first-timer because there’s less of the hands-on stuff. 2015 members will stick to making reds because they respond well to hands... and hugs. We’re not ruling it out in the future though, and we may have a barrel or two around just for the fun of it.
If you select a wine pre-purchase Reward, a postage charge will be added at checkout. We've tried to keep it simple, and all figures are below market rates. If you are able to pick your wine up at the bottling party, we'll give you a refund on any postage you've paid.
Thanks for bringing it up. Noisy Ritual memberships are a great gift idea. Just send us an email after you pledge to let us know it's a gift and we'll happily post you a gift certificate (by mid-December).
Can I make my own personalised wine? Can I have my wedding at Noisy Ritual? Can I hire your barrel room for my event?
Now? No. In time? Almost certainly.
Stay in touch and share
Even if you're not in a position to purchase a reward, you can help us hugely by sharing our story with the fun/wine lovers in your life.
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Questions or ideas? Please drop us a line at: [email protected]
What is it?

With your help, Noisy Ritual will be Melbourne’s first interactive urban winery. It’s all about learning through doing – getting your hands (and feet) dirty in the name of making good-quality wine. We’re out to demystify the winemaking process by bringing good people together over great wine, food and music to learn about, taste and create wine in an urban environment.
Making and drinking wine should be a celebration: relaxed, loud, inclusive and fun. And we want you to be part of these Noisy Rituals, sharing the experience of people-powered urban winemaking.
Why we need you

To make the transition from Cam’s basement – which is, y’know, cosy – to a fully functioning urban winery, Noisy Ritual is asking for your support. Basically, we can’t bring this people-powered urban winery dream to fruition without one key element: the people. There are a couple of membership options to cater for differing levels of preferred involvement and we're hoping the costs will be offset by generous supporters pre-purchasing bottles of wine. Once we’ve reached our target it’s all systems go for the 2015 vintage.
Small Print
About us

How to get involved

In 2015 we’ll be making two batches – Shiraz and Pinot Noir. You can either pre-purchase some wine, which will help us out enormously, or you can choose to become a Noisy Ritual Member and follow a variety from grape to glass. Here's the lowdown:
SUPPORTER– If you like the idea and want it to become a reality, you can pre-purchase any quantity of Noisy Ritual wine and get a discount on the retail price. You’ll also get discounted entry to the 2015 Bottling event, so you can see your wine being bottled before your eyes and, if you want, take it home that day.
NOISY RITUAL MEMBER– This is where the real fun is at. Become one with the grape, learn about winemaking and meet other good people in a fun and inclusive environment. Don’t know anything about wine? It doesn’t matter. It’s all about learning through doing and our expert winemakers will guide you through the processes at all the events.
FULL VINTAGE MEMBER – This is for people who want to dig that little bit deeper. You’ll tour a source vineyard before picking and get access to the barrels whenever we’re around. On top of the major events there are additional tastings and cheese fests, and you’ll be involved in key decisions before the wine is bottled.
***Reading this on a mobile device? Check out all the donation/reward details by hitting the PLEDGE NOW button towards the top of the page.***
We've had some people contact us after the finish time who are interested in buying memberships - so we've decided to make them available now at
How The Funds Will Be Used

Noisy Ritual HQ will be out the back of an existing place that has some extra space (most likely Brunswick - negotiations ongoing!). With your help we’ll be able to pay the rent and fit it out with everything we need to make a premium product. Bottling and labels cost money, and we need some oak barrels and other basics to get the best from the fruit.
Most importantly, we won’t be scrimping on the quality of the grapes - the key to maximising deliciousness.
Target – $32,000
Space – $11,000
Grapes – $10,000
Vessels – $5,000
Bottles, corks and labels – $6,000
Things like insurance, permits, utilities and event costs will come out of our pockets. We’ll offset some of this via the bar and presale tickets to the 2015 Bottling Party, where you can bring your friends to celebrate Noisy Ritual’s first vintage.
The Challenges
1 Bottle
One bottle of the finest. A great way to show your support. - 1 bottle of Shiraz or Pinot from the 2015 vintage (all 2015 bottles will retail for $28) - 10% discount on tickets to the 2015 Bottle event
3 Bottles
The more wine you buy, the greater the discount. Choose from Shiraz, Pinot or mixed. - 3 bottles from the 2015 vintage (rrp $84) - 10% discount on tickets to the 2015 Bottle event
3 Bottles and a Party
Get three bottles and pick up the variety of your choice fresh off the bottling table. - 3 bottles from the 2015 vintage (rrp $84) - 1 ticket to the 2015 Bottle event (rrp $50)
The Half Case
6 bottles and discounts on further wine or ticket purchases. - 6 bottles from the 2015 vintage (rrp $168) *Free delivery to Melbourne metro - 10% discount on 2015 wine for 1 year - 20% discount on tickets to the 2015 Bottle event
The Full Case
12 bottles and a big ongoing discount. - 12 bottles from the 2015 vintage (rrp $336) *Free delivery Melbourne metro - 20% discount on 2015 wine for 1 year - 40% discount on tickets to the Bottle event
Noisy Ritual Member
Welcome to the Noisy Ritual. The fun starts now! (Well, in March) - Access to all 3 events: Stomp, Press and Bottle. - Access to EXTRA STUFF (as listed over in the Events section) - 6 bottles from the 2015 vintage (rrp $168) - 20% discount on 2015 wine for 1 year - Name on the Noisy Ritual Honour Board (and forever in our hearts)
The Full Vintage Member
Full behind the scenes access to Noisy Ritual 2015! Access to everything (and then some) and biggest discounts on any further purchases. - Access to all 2015 events - 12 bottles from the 2015 vintage (rrp $336) - 1 tour of a source vineyard - 1 exclusive tasting/cheese fest at Noisy Ritual HQ - Participate in winemaking decisions including blending - 30% discount on 2015 wine for 1 year - Your name IN GOLD on the Noisy Ritual Honour Board (and forever in our hearts)
Early Bird Membership x2
**only 15 available!** Grab a friend and get in early for a reduced price membership! - Access for 2 people to all 3 events: Stomp, Press and Bottle. - Access to EXTRA STUFF (as listed over in the Events section) - 12 bottles from the 2015 vintage to share (rrp $336) - 20% discount on 2015 wine for 1 year - Name on the Noisy Ritual Honour Board (and forever in our hearts)