“Since it is so likely that (children) will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage. Otherwise you are making their destiny not brighter but darker.” — C.S. Lewis
It was a dark week for Singapore in early July when the National Library Board, long the bastion of the freedom of reading and the literary arts, decided to cave to homophobic bigots' demands to withdraw some books on their catalogue which were deemed to be 'not pro-family'.
In a cowardly move, they arbitrarily removed these books without consultation. The homophobic activists behind the move had publicly urged other 'pro-family' Singaporeans to review the library's catalogue and to continue to agitate for more withdrawals of books which they deemed not to fit their theologically structured value systems.
Not only will the Library withdraw these books — they will also pulp and incinerate them, in an act not befitting of a developed nation.
In the ensuing uproar, with petitions and online protests, some friends and I have decided to try to keep these books on the shelves in a publicly accessible manner. Better still — to expand on the collection to include other titles of children's books which cover topics such as adoption, interracial marriages, homosexual parenting, and other non-traditional family units. Because what really is a family unit? A man and a woman and children? How many 'traditional' family units can really get to say they get to tell us how much better they are? Really? With divorce and infidelity, no one other than the religious fundamentalist lobby in Singapore is really saying that. Instead of just fighting back with words, let's fight back with action. Action that puts words which challenge and inspire our children back onto bookshelves.
Action that puts words back onto the shelves in order to tell our children from broken homes, unconventional families, adopted homes, and any other home really, that they are loved and that being different is something we can celebrate.
Let's build the Penguin & Swan Collection of Books for Brave Knights & Children, at the Pelangi Pride Centre in Singapore, so that every Saturday, any parent who wishes their child to have access to great books which will invigorate and inspire them.
How The Funds Will Be Used
S$1500 will be needed to purchase two copies of each of these books on this list:
http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/279HWYJ...Every book on that list deals with unconventional family structures.
Each book, when purchased and delivered to Singapore, will be freely available on the shelves of the Pelangi Pride Centre.
Any surplus will be donated to a LGBT- organization or charity, and / or kept on hand to purchase similar books to expand the collection in the future. Clear financial records will be kept and publicly shared.
The Challenges
- Pelangi Pride Centre may not have the physical space to store all of these books. In that case, we will work with allies with storefronts, such as cafes and bars around Singapore, which will store these books and promote them for public consumption
- We may not have the manpower to carry all of these books. We will issue a call for minions on social media
- The Pelangi Pride Centre library is only open on Saturdays. We will run a poll and see if we need to ask for volunteers to man this section, with this new addition, if required