Redheads for Orangutans
After a successful Pozible campaign we have a beautiful 2015 Redheads for Orangutans Calendar available. Its the perfect gift for your redhead friends or anyone really!
And what makes it even better is that profits from the sale of these Calendars goes directly to Orangutan Conservation efforts. I will be supporting two organisations: The Orangutan Health Project, based in Indonesia and The Orangutan Project of Australia.
Read on for some more info on why this is an awesome project to support!
I'm a Redhead and this is for Orangutans.

Most people will be familiar with the threats our ginger-tinged cousins, the orangutans, currently face. We hear stories of lush tropical rain forests being burnt to the ground and dotted with tiny palm seedlings that grow fat nuts to provide us with oil. Of orangutan mothers hunted and killed for their young to be sold as pets and illegal logging where silent boats float down murky rivers piled high with ancient timber ready to be carved into a dining table.
In the past decade the number of orangutans in the wild has halved.

We share 97% of our DNA with these gentle Red Apes, and they face the very real threat of extinction.

I'm not sure if it is because my hair is RED but I've always had a very special place in my heart for orangutans. One look into their gentle intelligent eyes and I was done.
Since September (2014) I have been living in a small village in North Sumatra, Indonesia volunteering for 6 months as a Project Assistant with the The Orangutan Health Project (OHP). Established in 1999 by Dr Ivona Foitova, this organisation studies wild populations of Sumatran Orangutans, investigating special behaviours and ecological conditions necessary to combat parasitic infections and maintain health (like self medication through diet) and is the world’s only ongoing, long-term orangutan health research initiative. The focus is the critically endangered Sumatran Orangutan, of which there are less than 6300 individuals left in the wild.
This centers research is used to aid rehabilitation programs by teaching reintroduced orangutans health practices similar to those of wild orangutans, enabling a higher chance of survival once they are on their own in the forest.

Having studied Conservation Biology (Bachelor of Conservation Biology with Honours in Botany), I am very interested in how we use research to aid conservation.
I am especially fascinated by OHP's research investigating the healing properties of plants and their utilisation by wild orangutans. This data can also be used to aid forest protection by bringing to light the importance of the biodiversity found in Indonesian rainforests. Dr Ivona is currently writing a book that documents plants found within the study area and their medicinal properties.

All profits will go towards Orangutan conservation efforts!
Below are some of the wonderful redheads.

If you are not in a position to help financially, sharing this page with friends, family and others you meet is a wonderful way to help!
Thank you xxx
How The Funds Will Be Used
The Challenges
Give a little love
Thank you for your support! You are wonderful! I will give you a personal shout out on Facebook and do a little dance around my computer.
For your contribution you will receive your very own Ginger tinged, Hot to touch, Glossy, 12 month 2015 "Redheads for Orangutans" Calendar delivered right to your door! Plus a shout out of love from me, of course.
A whole lot of Ginger
Nice one! This is the real deal! Not one, Not two..... BUT Three "Redheads for Orangutans" Calendars delivered to your door! Plus a massive shout out of love from me and your name printed with thanks in the Calendar itself!
Organic Pampering
You're an inspiration! For your generous contribution you will receive 2 Redheads for Orangutans Calendars, a shout-out of love, Plus a beautifully nourishing Organic face mask by Organic Skin Care Guru Mukti! Containing only pure, certified organic ingredients including Kakadu plum and honey or rich minerals, these hydrating masks are an wonderful winter treat!
Rocking it Red Style
You legend! For your generosity you will receive 5 Redheads for Orangutans Calendars, have your name printed with thanks in the Calendar itself, PLUS Two 11" x 14" Calendar Prints of your choice! And a massive shout out of love and thanks from me!
Ginger Fetish
Wowza! you really do like us gingers don't you? Not that I can blame you. For this hot little donation you will receive Ten Redheads for Orangutans Calendars to put up all over your house.. or even better Give to people as Gifts!! Christmas presents sorted like a BOSS! Plus 2 Calendar image Prints of your choice 11" x 14" (unframed). *The first person to choose this reward will also receive a beautiful Temple Rubbing Print from Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Popping like Ginger Ale!
Whoa! You're just a little bit sensational aren't you! For this epic generosity you will get 20, Redheads for Orangutans Calendars to do with as you please; A sweet piece of Organic Pampering in the form of a Mukti Face mask; A handwritten personal postcard from me each month I am away (six) with wonderful tales of tropical extinction fighting adventure! 5 Calendar prints of your choice 11" x 14" (unframed), an in-calendar thanks, And finally.. your very own stuffed Orangutan- made by me!
Ginger Love and Decadence
Now this one is more than a little special.. For your lovely contribution you will receive 2 Redheads for Orangutans Calendars Plus a deliciously decadent suite of goodies from the wonderful LovingEarth. Raw Organic Caramel and Coconut Mylk Chocolates, Whole ground Organic Coconut Paste, Cold Pressed Coconut Oil, Single Origin Organic Drinking Chocolate and Raw Kale Chips with Carrot, Raw Cashews and Corriander to thoroughly treat yourself! There is only one on offer so get in quick!
Life is Sweet
Life is sweet and so are you! For your generosity you will receive Two Redheads for Orangutans Calendars Plus a Life is Sweet Gift Pack from the wonderful Tinderbox, that will Revitalise your body, Restore your skin and Revive your mind! In this precious package you will find Restorative Brown Sugar Body Scrub, Cacao and Goji Body Lotion and Cacao Maca Chai to warm and soothe!
So hot and so Clean Clean
Wow you are amazing! And now your house will be squeak-ethically-clean! For your generous contribution you will receive THREE Redheads for Orangutans Calendars PLUS a bounty of Clean Conscience ethical Palm oil free cleaning products! You will receive no less than 14 Products including Air freshner, Multi-purpose Sprays, Window Cleaners, Bathroom Cleaners, Creamy Cleansers, Toilet Cleaner, and Kitchen sprays!! Valued at over $120!