Hi! We are TROLDHAUGEN! We're a 4-piece Progressive Folk-Metal outfit from Wollongong, NSW, Australia!
We're currently smack bang in the thick of recording and releasing our second full length album, to be titled:
Here at Troldhaugen HQ, we are ever-striving to entertain, turn heads and move feet! Since forming in 2008, we have wanted nothing else but to spread our blend of Heavy-Metal-Folk-Pop-Zappa-Esque-Funk-Fusion throughout the globe! Our 2012 album “RAMSHACKLE” has leveraged some fantastic opportunities thus far and has often left people asking “Where can you guys go from here?”
Our vision for our new album is to release the most wild, wacky and insanely unique musical experience you've ever heard!
We wish to cause a worldwide TIDALWAVE with our new material and in order to do this, we will be aiming to release “OBZKURE ANEKDOTES FOR MANIAKAL MASSEZ” (OAMM for short!) with all the bells and whistles (and boings)!
That's where YOU come in!
In order to take this album to the absolute NEXT LEVEL that we believe it should reach, we need you to be the Obi Wan to our Princess Leia. We know our fans are some of the most dedicated, interesting (and sexy ;P) people going around! We have fans from all walks of life and from all styles of music and we have full confidence that our new album will have something for absolutely everybody, and if you're a new fan, WELCOME! We hope you enjoy your stay!
This is your chance to not only feel that special tingly feeling you get when you know you've helped something awesome happen, but you'll also know that after years of hard work and determination, we will be able to deliver a fully polished and professional album to you that you will be proud to own and love!
We want to make everything about this album the best it can possibly be, and with your donations, however small (or large!) we are absolutely positive that we can make that happen!
Here's Mike Mills (TOEHIDER, AYREON) promoting our campaign!
Below is Lord Tim (LORD, DUNGEON, BLACKENED ANGEL) also getting behind our campaign!
Here's Mike from Bird's Robe Records giving our campaign some props also!
How The Funds Will Be Used
As expected, recording, mixing and mastering in the studio costs money. We have been hard at work to make sure OAMM sounds as amazing as it possibly can. The largest portion of our funds will be directed towards the costs of studio time. This will allow us to spend the necessary hours tweaking and adding that magical sparkle in order bring the album to life.
The physical version of the album will be printed in high quality digipak format with no expenses spared.
We wish to deliver a truly professional looking package that we believe matches the quality of the music that's inside.
In addition to our album costs, we are proud to say we will be taking the music of “OAMM” to international audiences! We are heading to Europe in September to support UK Pirate Metal Buccaneers ALESTORM on their “Sunset on the Golden Age” album launch tour!
For the length of this mammoth 14 country tour we will be creating and performing a one-of-a-kind stage show that more represents a crazed, theatrical musical rather than your average gig!
Any extra funds raised will directly help in spreading the word of OAMM & Troldhaugen across the world. This money will go towards helping us fully realise our international stage show. Along with the costs of T-shirt printing and other merchandising, you will be helping to make sure we don't starve on the road and end up in some sort of Trans-Europe tour-bus cannibalism scandal.
As a quick reminder, we only receive your pledged amount when our project target is met. No money changes hands until our goal is reached, and if it isn't reached, you keep your money.
The Challenges
We are extremely humbled by the fact that 2014 is proving to be the year where all our hard work and determination has led to our goals becoming a reality! We are beyond ecstatic to be able to have you all along for the ride! All of us here on the Troldhaugen team can not wait to have “~OBZKURE ANEKDOTEZ FOR MANIAKAL MASSEZ~” out to you!
Immediate download of our new single "Catoptric Contortions"! Plus a personalized email letting you know that TROLDHAUGEN thinks that YOU are a great guy/gal!
THANKS! You are going to get a HQ digital download of the brand new album "OBZKURE ANEKDOTEZ FOR MANIAKAL MASSEZ" when it is released August 2014! Also, have a digital download of the new single "Catoptric Contortions" - on the house!
Fancy a beautifully designed digipak copy of our brand spankin' new album "OBZKURE ANEKDOTEZ FOR MANIAKAL MASSEZ" as soon as it's released? You got it!
Custom made B-Side cassette tape, featuring never before released tracks from the pre-EP days. This will be rarer than rare! You also get a digipak physical copy of our album "OBZKURE ANEKDOTEZ FOR MANIAKAL MASSEZ" as soon as it's released!
A fresh, 500g batch of our intergalactically famous Troll Gristle! Cooked by Reventüsk himself, vacuum sealed and shipped straight to your door! (AUSTRALIA ONLY). Also have a physical digipak copy of the new album!
A physical copy of the new album SIGNED by all band members, your name in the booklet and an exclusive pledger-exclusive t-shirt, designed especially for our Pozible campaign!
Supafan! You get the pozible-exclusive t-shirt, A SIGNED physical copy of our new album with your name in the booklet, a physical copy of our 2012 album "RAMSHACKLE" as well as a physical copy from a limited re-pressing of our long out of print debut 2010 self titled E.P.! RARE!
Complete Troldhaugen physical discography (SIGNED new album with your name in the booklet, our 2012 album "RAMSHACKLE", and our 2010 EP), 2x t-shirts (pozible-exclusive shirt AND our "Don't Break my Heart" shirt), Troldhaugen rarities cassette tape AND mystery bonus item ;)
We will write and record you your very own TROLDHAUGEN song 1-3 minutes. About whatever you want. Genre, theme and lyrical choices are welcome (keep it somewhat appropriate - no C-bombs or anything)
We'll record a cover of any song of your choosing (we'll make it our own though), record it and send it your way! Ever wanted to hear Troldhaugen play the blues? NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! (keep your songs of choice under 10 minutes.)
Ultra rare Troldhaugen hat. One of a kind, classic staple of the Troldhaugen merch desk...RRP: $1000, but for you, half price!!!
We will compose and record a 30 minute musical for you- TROLDHAUGEN style! You can suggest whatever story/idea you want, and have this ultra rare commissioned composition completed in your honour!
Our singer Reventüsk will learn and perform the dance from Beyoncé's "Single Ladies" video clip. It will be filmed. It will be beautiful.