Ur 1st Luv: A Sound Investment
What is sound art’s purpose? What function does it serve socially, culturally, politically and financially? What is the value of artistic labour? What do you, the consumer, get out of it? Ur 1st Luv seeks to find innovative sound art solutions for the consumer of sonic culture.

Ur 1st Luv: A Sound Investment is a work about the political economy of art and sound. It is about the value of artistic labour and how we fund the arts. It is about the relationship between neoliberalism and the production of art. It is about what we invest in when we invest in culture, and what return we expect from that investment. It is about the value of ideas and the value of objects. It is about the commodification of art in our modern world.
Ur 1st Luv: A Sound Investment is a project that investigates these ideas through the platform of crowd-funding. In this project, the crowd-funding platform Pozible becomes both the subject and the medium of the work. Ur 1st Luv develop and produce sound art products that respond to, and comment on the dilemmas facing the culture business today.
A Sound Investment relies on crowd-funding to raise the money required to produce and develop unique and innovative sound art products. These products simultaneously function as art objects and as an interrogation and critique of the multi-faceted and interconnected issues that assemble when we fund arts through crowd-funding platforms such as Pozible.
We offer you the chance to hold in your hands limited edition Ur 1st Luv sound art products. We offer you the chance to be a part of work that critically examines the political economy of sound art and the complexities of crowd-funding. Take the leap with us, invest in Ur 1st Luv. It’s a Sound Investment!

This project is a commission from Liquid Architecture, one of Australia’s leading festivals of sound art. The Liquid Architecture Festival will take place later in the year in both Sydney and Melbourne. The work we are proposing here (and relying on you to help us make) forms an integral part of our performance work for the Festival. Both works focus on the notion of exchange-value in art and explore the political economy of sound art. We seek to create works that use sound as a starting point for interrogating the social, cultural, political and financial conditions of our world. We attempt to respond to the question: what is the purpose of sound art?
This project is supported by Creative Partnerships Australia’s Matched Funding program. That means, if we successfully reach our target, Creative Partnerships Australia will match the funds you have invested $ for $. Want to find out more about what this initiative is, where the $ comes from and what the implications of funding art in this manner are? Then invest in Ur 1st Luv: A Sound Investment and you'll find out...

"This initiative was supported by the Australian government through its philanthropy and social investment agency for the cultural sector, Creative Partnerships Australia."
"Thanks to Creative Partnerships, every dollar you pledge will be matched through their Match Crowdfunding for the INdependent Arts Sector initiative, provided we reach our target!"
Who We Are
Select the following text and click edit>speech>start speaking.
You don’t know.
I can’t tell you.
You can’t know.
In the past you may have associated Sam with the double bass, with improvising, with the NOW now and with pink milk. You are not wrong.
In the past you may have associated Andrew with the saxophone, with improvising and with the NOW now. You are not wrong.
You are interesting and awesome.
In the present Andrew and Sam are thinking of the ear as a type of brain.
You might know Sam as Sally.
Sally might love you.
Or you might know Andrew as Bookys.
Bookys might love you too.
Good luck.
How The Funds Will Be Used
All the funds received will go towards the development and production of limited edition Ur 1st Luv sound art products and towards the production of a new performance work for the 2014 Liquid Architecture Festival. This Pozible campaign is our latest artistic endeavour and each reward is an innovative artistic solution to various issues surrounding the economics of funding and creating art.
With the money raised, Ur 1st Luv will produce:
- A Sound Investment: Limited edition pdf download of text works
- A Sound Investment: Limited edition digital download of audio works.
- A Sound Investment: Limited edition CD.
- A Sound Investment: Limited edition Ur 1st Luv: A Sound Investment t-shirts
- A Sound Investment: Limited edition conceptual sound artwork.
- A Sound Investment: Limited edition series of live lounge room performances by Ur 1st Luv.
- A Sound Investment: Limited edition artist book %20 CDs documenting and detailing the works and process involved in the Ur 1st Luv: A Sound Investment project.
Creating these works will involve numerous production costs, such as: manufacturing limited edition CDs and art objects, and the printing and manufacturing an artist book. It will also cover the fee for a graphic designer/typographer, who will work with us to transform our ideas and concepts into unique art products for the 21st century.
Find us at http://ur1stluv.tumblr.com/
The Challenges
Thanks to Clare Cooper for the visual concept and design of our video.
Thanks to all at Liquid Architecture
$1 - $9 Knowledge is a product. A limited edition pdf download of a text created by Ur 1st Luv that explores the political economy of sound and art and charts the relationships involved in crowd-funding and the state of arts funding.
Digital Download A limited edition digital download of a new audio work by Ur 1st Luv, exploring networks and relationships involved in crowd-funding and the political economy of sound and art. + pdf
A Sound Investment. Invest in the intangible and watch as Ur 1st Luv turn your investment into artistic products for the modern world.
CD Sonic solutions for the modern world. A limited edition physical CD of a new audio work by Ur 1st Luv, exploring networks and relationships involved in crowd-funding and the political economy of sound and art. Designed, produced and composed by Ur 1st Luv. + pdf + digital download
T-Shirt A personalised, limited edition Ur 1st Luv: A Sound Investment t-shirt. Sure to be the hottest brand in sound art! + pdf + digital download
Less Art. More Product. A limited edition Ur 1st Luv: A Sound Investment conceptual sound art product. Developed and produced by Ur 1st Luv in response to issues surrounding arts funding, crowd-funding, the value of artistic labour and the political economy of sound and art. + pdf + digital downlaod + CD
Live Performance Invest in the ephemeral. Your very own live performance by Ur 1st Luv. Ur 1st Luv will perform a special concert in your house or place of choosing (interstate and international travel expenses not included). Get the most intimate sound art product on the market while you still can... + pdf + digital downlaod + CD + artwork
Artist Book A Ur 1st Luv sound art product is forever! A limited edition artist book documenting the Ur 1st Luv: A Sound Investment project. This product, conceived and produced by Ur 1st Luv utlises the format of an artist book to present an investigation of the complex issues surrounding crowd-funding, outsourcing government arts funding, the politicisation of art and sound art in Australia and much more. + pdf + digital download + CD + t-shirt + artwork