aime lou
Alice Springs
Art & Craft


of $1,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 29th Jun 2014 at 3:29AM.

I am a visual artist with strong ties to the desert, having spent the last few years living and working in Central Australia.
This September, I have been invited to participate as a featured artist for FREE BBQ CASH GIVEAWAY - a mini arts festival in Alice Springs.
I have created many extravagant sculptural pieces as part of the many unusual performative arts happenings of Alice Springs. For this festival I want to get back to the desert and make several ambitious sculptural installations - to do this, I need your help.

The festival FREE BBQ CASH GIVEAWAY is an interactive live art extravaganza! A mini art festival that takes place over three weeks in September. It's a showcase of works by artists from Alice Springs and beyond, which has been created by the creative team Elephant Island and the Alice Springs based ARI, Watch This Space.

What is Watch This Space?

Watch This Space was established in 1993 and is the only artist run initiative in Alice Springs. Unfortunately many people in Alice Springs don't know much about it or know that it even exists. FREE BBQ CASH GIVEAWAY is all about changing that perception. We want to generate a wider interest in the space and bring new people through the doors. 

I am participating in the exhibition because I feel that artist run initiatives like Watch This Space are very important in communities and are an amazing resource that anyone can use.

This is a poster for the event:

So how am I contributing?
I plan to make a series of giant BBQ themed meat pinatas. I want to make sausages, chops, steaks, hamburgers, roo tails, VB cans... anything bbq related. They will be filled with heaps of fake money which people can use to pay for art in the art auction. The idea is simple, the purpose is to make something fun that anyone can interact with and get something in return (art). In addition to creating new work for this project, I will also be acting as an assistant coordinator in the running of the festival

I am so excited to be part of FREE BBQ CASH GIVEAWAY!!!!

Please donate and support this project!

Our exciting funding situation

Initially this project was going to be put on completely through volunteer hours and begged/ borrowed/ stolen materials. However,
we have had some exciting news:

Thanks to Creative Partnerships Australia, every dollar you give will be matched up to $1000 through their Match: Crowdfunding for the Independent Arts Sector initiative.

This means that every dollar you donate is sort of like two dollars! Hooray!

In addition to this matched funds campaign, there are also seven other individual artists from around Australia aiming to raise $1,000 each for their involvement in FREE BBQ CASH GIVEAWAY, as well as Elephant Island who are looking to raise $2000. These fellow-Pozible artists are the key collaborating artists who had initially volunteered their time free of charge. The opportunity to take part in the matched funds program means that these artists can now be fairly payed for their time, and also have the scope to be more ambitious with their projects. As this group is made up of mostly emerging artists, we feel that the matched funds opportunity has acted like a sort of instant karma for a group of amazing artists that never fail to throw themselves into projects despite often going unpaid.

As thrilled as we are about the matched funds program, the funding does come with a catch - which is - if any of the nine Pozible campaigns for FREE BBQ CASH GIVEAWAY fail, then none of the raised funds will be matched. Which means that if one of the campaigns misses it's target by $1 none of the funds will be's scary.....

How The Funds Will Be Used

The way in which the matched funds are being divided between the artists is very simple, the funds raised through the individual Pozible campaigns will go straight to the individual artists. Which means if I am fortunate to raise an ammount over my funding target, these funds will go to me to assist in covering my costs associated with travel, development and time invested in the project. The funds that are to be matched, which is a maximum amount of $1,000 being matched for this campaign, will go towards covering some of the other costs of putting on the festival. In the event we are successful and receive the matched funds for this event, the matched $1000 will go towards covering materials for the sculpture space and a portion of the documentation that we hope to create. However, the most exciting thing that we will be able to spend the money on is getting more artist involved in the project.

The funds that I hope to raise through the Pozible personally, will be used for travel and to cover pinata materials. You may have heard that Tiger Airlines will stop flying to Alice Springs in July 2014. This means that a return ticket from Sydney on Qantas will be $600.  The remaining $400 will be used to buy paint, glue, brushes, tape, staples and print fake money. 

The Challenges

Some obstacles are getting to Alice Springs from Sydney, sourcing materials and creating the sculptures in a small amount of time and in a public space. There is going to be input from the general public on some of the pinatas so that might be challenging coordinating that but the core group of artists will be there supporting the project.

A prime position on the FREE BBQ CASH GIVEAWAY honour board. At 12 noon every day of the festival, a sound effect .wav of a cannon firing shall play and all those present will salute the honour board. Your effort shall not go unnoticed! Plus, thanks to Creative Partnerships Australia your $10 support will be matched $ for $, and you could think of it as $20 victory for community art projects around the world.

11 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 14

A personal video thank you from a participating artist and mention in the credits of the FREE BBQ CASH GIVEAWAY DVD + signed web copy of DVD

3 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 14

Original A5 pencil drawing

7 chosen / 23 available

Est. delivery is Sep 14

All previous rewards +
 $500 Elephant Island Dollars to be spent at Elephant Island Not Silent Auction. This event is the last scheduled event of the festival, where sections of the created sculpture stage will be auctioned off to raise money for Watch This Space Gallery. There will be a Skype bidding platform available for those interstate or overseas.

1 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 14

All previous rewards + The limited edition FREE BBQ CASH GIVEAWAY stubby holder. Prove to the world that you are indeed a philanthropist and keep your drinks cool at the same time. Double threat!

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 14

VIP Seating and First Class Service at the Not Silent Auction Event. This event is the last scheduled event of the festival, where sections of the created sculpture stage will be auctioned off to raise money for Watch This Space Gallery.

0 chosen

Est. delivery is Sep 14

Custom Piñata of your wildest dreams

1 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Oct 14