Send Boswell Project to NewOrleans!

of $3,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 8th Aug 2014 at 5:28AM.



For people that are visiting our pozible site for the first time - please find information about us and our quest to get to New Orleans below - I just thought I'd take a little of this space to update everyone one where we're at!
Firstly, we want to thank you all SO MUCH for the amazing support we've had so far... as of June 16th we are already a whisker away from our initial goal, which was to pay for half of our flights to New Orleans. 

So welcome to phase 2!

For this next stage of our fundraising, we're setting our sights a little higher. If we are able to make it to $6000, not only will that further help us with costs for our trip, but we'll be able to properly produce an actual real live proper proper physical version of the EP we'll be recording soon! With artwork! and a cd in it! I know. It's exciting right? This is all because a dear friend of ours has already offered his studio and donated his time to us in order to help this happen, and a another friend has offered to create our artwork. We were already excited to be able to offer that recording as a digital download to our pozible supporters - but now we are working towards making a cd to send y'all... well quite frankly i can't contain myself!

Of course, if we do manage to hit this next target EVERYBODY that has already selected a reward prior to this point will also be getting a physical copy of our EP too! so if you've already supported us... you get extra stuff! Woo Hoo! 

Once again, thank you so much to everybody, and also for your continued support! We have to keep pinching ourselves to make sure this is all actually happening...!

Much love and sunshine, 
The Boswell Project


Greetings and Salutations from "The Boswell Project"

Our names are Louise Messenger, Kylie Ferreira and Valeska Laity. We originally met teaching music in a school in Adelaide, Australia, and became friends through our shared love of singing, jazz and close voice harmony. in late 2011 we were searching for a project... and we inadvertently stumbled across the Boswell Sisters - they were three sisters who were not only CRAZY amazing singers, but talented instrumentalists from the 1920's and 30's in America. 

Our love of all things Boswell began a journey that saw us throw ourselves into a putting on 3 sell-out shows for the Adelaide Fringe in 2013, a sell out show for the Southern Jazz Club later that year, and most recently playing at the Adelaide Cabaret festival, in June 2014 (with our incredibly talented 5 piece band) to full houses!!

In January of this year, we were approached by none other than Kyla Titus, grand-daughter of the youngest Boswell Sister, Vet. She had found us vie the magic of the Internet, and told us that 2014 was going down in history as the year of Boswell! -Not only is a documentary and book being released about them at the end of the year, but a museum in the girls' hometown of New Orleans "The Historic New Orleans Collection" were staging an exhibition on them this year, called "Shout Sister, Shout!".  Kyla then went on to ask would we submit some footage of us singing to be considered for inclusion in the exhibition, as they want to have a feature on musicians that are keeping the music alive all around the globe.   The answer - as you can imagine was a resounding YES!. 

Then something that we never dreamed would happen, did!

Not only was our footage accepted as part of the Boswell exhibition, but we have now been invited to sing at the celebrations being organised to mark it's closing! For three vocalists from little ol' Adelaide to be asked to sing in New Orleans.. we don't even have adequate enough words to sum up how giddy with excitement we are. 

The chance to meet a real Boswell, play and sing with some of the finest jazz musicians in New Orleans, to make connections with musicians from around the world that love the same music we do, is an opportunity we never dreamed we would have. 

Which is why we need your help to get us there.... 

How The Funds Will Be Used

Return flights for the 3 of us to get to New Orleans is $6000. As you can see above, our initial target is based on raising half the cost of our flights. ($3000) 

HOWEVER! If we are able, we are definitely hoping to raise above and beyond that target!

We have done our sums, and if we are able to raise a grand total of $6000 then we will be able to press and master our EP to send out to you all (instead of the digital download it was intended to be... have no fear though we'll still have a digital download available for those who'd prefer it)  

The cost of doing the minimum run of 250 CD's is approximately $1000

Accommodation is approximately about $1200, however we may have a been offered a place to stay for all/part of our 5 day visit to New Orleans, which means that some of the costs will hopefully decrease dramatically...
(We'll let you know when it's confirmed, keep your fingers crossed! for us) 

In regards to Government funding, lots of people have asked us why we didn't just apply for a grant. We have spent hours pouring over what grants are available, and as this has happened at such relatively short notice, we have missed all of the grant rounds. The out of round funding that exixts through ArtsSa is only for original bands, which means we are not eligible. Though this was a blow to us, we have decided to follow our dreams and seize this once in a lifetime opportunity anyway!

And you're the ones making it happen :)

Feel the Love! The reward for this is the warm amazing feeling you get when you've just done something really nice for somebody else! We'll also thank you on our fb page and website.

2 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 14

An autographed 8x10 glossy picture of the Boswell Project, and an exclusive digital download of our 3 track EP which will be released later in the year. We'll also thank you on our facebook page & website. (For businesses we will include a link to your website from ours) (PS you get to feel warm and fuzzy too!)

17 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 14

All of the above (photographs, recordings) as well as a very special hand written and bound copy of the vocal arrangement to the Boswell Sisters version of "It Don't Mean A Thing, If It Ain't Got That Swing". Featurning all the Iggle Diggles, Eggle Deggles and Nose Trumpet parts. We will also thank you on our website and fb, and link any businesses to our site.

9 chosen

Est. delivery is Nov 14

High Tea with the Boswell Project! Join Valeska, Louise and Kylie at an exclusive vintage themed "high tea" hosted by the girls. On arrival, a professional photographer will take your photograph with the girls , then we will all sit around, nibble on delicacies, sip champagne, and have a generally lovely time. You will then be treated to an intimate 1/2 hour set of tunes exclusively for you! You will also receive all of the above rewards. *nb. High Tea will be held later in November.

8 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Nov 14