My Everyday Marseille

of $1,500 targetyrs ago
Successful on 5th Jul 2014 at 3:11AM.

As featured on

Hi there!
I'm Rachel Minn Lee, a native of Singapore. I am a film photography enthusiast who enjoys journeying into little-known places, with the aim to document the fragile moments in the everyday, through the medium of 35mm film.

This is my first Pozible project and I will be creating a photo book in mobile and tablet format, with bilingual descriptions, it will be launching at the end of June 2014.

The chapters in the book will showcase:

01// The Calanques - Formed by crashing waves & savage mountains

02// Doucement - Divergent moods, infused with a sense of being timeless.

In the digital photo book 'My Everyday Marseille: The Film Photographs', you will encounter in the first chapter, the beautiful natural landscapes around the Calanques that dot the Mediterranean coastline.

The second chapter throws a spotlight on a variety of street scenes, a capsule of the essence of the daily lives there, these spirited images observed and documented with gentleness.

My senses seemed to come to life when I visited Marseille. It was the very first place I had ever stepped into in Europe, and like every first time, we become young children again, noticing the scent of pine and thyme in windblown gardens, enjoying the divergent nature scapes close to the Mediterranean seas and mountains.

I first photographed these scenes in 2012, using a plastic toy camera that produces incredible ultra-wide shots.

Different types of film were used - some cross processed to highlight the vivid azure blue skies, some were in shades of red.

In 2013, I went back to Marseille, in the South of France, and stayed there for a month, capturing the summertime scenes.

The aspiration here, is to share the love for travel & film photography as well as showing others a different part of France, contrasting from the familiar images popularized today.

Some of the images in the chapters are highlighted in the video above. I hope that you will watch it and be a part of this journey!

The Next Project

My next project delves one step deeper into collecting thoughts about this fascinating area in the South of France. I hope to compile stories contributed by the residents of Marseille, and publish it as a selection of short stories, created by the residents living in and around Marseille. I look for stories about the everyday, the joys and woes in the daily moments, living, breathing moments.

These travelogues and photo-essays captured with a sense of nostalgia and spark, giving a poetic glimpse into fragile moments, love stories, and quotidian daydreams.

Read the stories on:

How The Funds Will Be Used

The funds raised will go into:

1. Paying a very talented Lithuanian artist for the design of the digital photobook. There will be several versions he needs to design - one for mobile/android, one for iphone, one for tablet as well as some illustrations. The cost will add up to $500, it includes proofs and line illustrations.

2. Translator fees for translating the paragraphs of descriptions from English into France. I've found talented professional translators who are more than able to take on this assignment. $200 for 1000 word length, $100 for proofreading in total.

3. There will be usage of videos and licensing of talented singer/songwriters' works in the digital photobook, similar to the video you've seen: of which I need to pay a yearly fee. $310/yearly

4. Landing page with domain online $120/yearly ($96 USD for the lowest package on squarespace)

5. Distribution maintenance into independent publishers $380(estimated minimum)

I hope to continue paying my designer and translator a percentage of the book proceeds, as well as donating 10% of the profit of each book to an NGO helping kids at risk in Cambodia, one of the poorest South East Asian countries. I believe that these children are the future for South East Asia, and hope to play a small part in shaping their lives.

Additional funds will go into translating the digital photo book for launch & distribution into the Chinese speaking market, so that more people can enjoy and appreciate this. This would be a slightly more complex procedure compared to launching into the French and English speaking markets.

Even more additional funds (whee!) will completely go into purchasing and processing 35mm film and purchasing of lenses, to take more photos, which is quite costly usually. Lens often get wrecked in transit and travel, especially spending months abroad in humid environments.

I really need the funds to get this digital photobook launched - please back me if you support the idea of launching a photo book to be enjoyed in a digital format! 

The Challenges

There would be some challenges if both the designer and translator decide not to proceed,
If that is the case, I will need to delay the launch by 1 month at least.

Thank you for stopping by! A social media tweet about your support with your name/handle.

7 chosen / 193 available

Est. delivery is Jul 14

You made me smile =) The digital photobook in mobile & tablet versions. A social media tweet about your support with your name/handle.

9 chosen / 41 available

Est. delivery is Jul 14

You made me jump for joy! The digital photobook in mobile & tablet versions. A high quality, glossy photo 5R print of 'Caravans at Summertime along L'Estaque' A social media tweet about your support with your name/handle.

11 chosen / 19 available

Est. delivery is Jul 14

I'm screaming in cheerfulness!!! The digital photobook in mobile & tablet versions. 2 high quality, glossy photo 5R prints in the summertime theme An evening cocktail with me in Singapore's Arab Street Quarter. (*You have to be located in Singapore to claim this part of the reward) Your logo or name in the appreciation pages of the book. A social media tweet about your support with your name/handle.

2 chosen / 8 available

Est. delivery is Jul 14

I'm overwhelmed with gratitude! A BIG HUG! 10 high quality, glossy photo 5R prints of my favorite photographs. A half day photo-walk from the cultural fringes of Chinatown all the way to the gleaming buildings along the Marina waterfront featuring the famous Singapore skyline. (*You have to be located in Singapore to claim this part of the reward) Your logo or name in the appreciation pages of the book. A social media tweet about your support with your name/handle.

0 chosen / 3 available

Est. delivery is Jul 14