War of Wizards (Web/App based play)

of $10,000 targetyrs ago
Closed on 30th Jun 2014 at 7:19AM.

Apprentice - Unlimited games on FREE basic maps playing via email or via app - FREE download of War of Wizards game app upon completion - Access to founder member forum where input into general game design can be given - Opportunity to participate in BETA playtest games - Listing on credits page.

3 chosen / 9997 available

Est. delivery is Sep 14

Scribe - FREE turn credits for one game on premium commercial map - Unlimited FREE online games of original text based version War of Wizards 2.0, while new version developed (claimable prior to Sep 2014) - Name a region, select its terrain and write a description - All benefits of Apprentice above

0 chosen / 1000 available

Est. delivery is Sep 14

Scholar - Name and create description for one city on a game map and select a race to occupy it - FREE turn credits to play on the premium commercial map as the wizard controling the city and race you designed + All benefits of Apprentice and Scribe reward. => 2 Premium Commercial Games

3 chosen / 497 available

Est. delivery is Sep 14

Illusionist - Create one game artifact with the WoW designers; name, description and bonuses bestowed - FREE turn credits for two additional games on premium commercial map starting with one of your newly designed artifacts + All benefits of Apprentice, Scribe and Scholar rewards. => 4 Premium Commercial Games

1 chosen / 99 available

Est. delivery is Sep 14

Elementalist - War of Wizards Founding member T-shirt - Design and name one wandering monster type with the WoW team including all attributes and special abilities - FREE turn credits for six additional games on premium commercial map + All benefits of Apprentice, Scribe, Scholar and Illusionist rewards. => 10 Premium Commercial Games

5 chosen / 45 available

Est. delivery is Sep 14

Sorcerer - Design entire game map/world with WoW team including background story, terrain types, special places, wandering monsters, treasure, starting races and cities. - FREE turn credits for twenty additional games on premium commercial map + All benefits of Apprentice, Scribe, Scholar, Illusionist and Elementalist rewards. => 30 Premium Commercial Games

2 chosen / 18 available

Est. delivery is Sep 14

Magician - Design new race, including race specific units - FREE turn credits for thirty additional games on premium commercial map + All benefits of Apprentice, Scribe, Scholar, Illusionist, Elementalist and Sorcerer rewards. => 60 Premium Commercial Games

1 chosen / 9 available

Est. delivery is Sep 14

Arch-mage - Major sponsor on opening screen of App - Monthly Skype calls to update progress and allow specific input into game design - FREE turn credits for one hundred additional games on premium commercial maps + All benefits of Apprentice, Scribe, Scholar, Illusionist, Elementalist, Sorcerer and Magician rewards. => 160 Premium Commercial Games

1 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Sep 14