Small/Developing State Scholarships

For the last 12 years, the Diplo Foundation has been addressing this problem by helping small and developing states build the capacity to engage effectively in international policy processes, negotiations, and diplomacy through our long-standing, proven online training courses led by expert lecturers.
Online training allows course participants to study while remaining on-the-job. It can be combined with professional and personal responsibilities, allowing participants to update their skills and knowledge without the inconvenience of travel, and the loss of needed income through time away from work. Further, attending a short face-to-face training can be a stimulating experience; however, much of the knowledge gained is soon forgotten when participants return to their daily responsibilities. Online training engages participants in learning and discussion over a longer time period, allowing in-depth reflection on new ideas, and the immediate application of what is learned in the workplace.
We are developing our education and training programme into a social business. As a small, new Not-for-Profit organisation, Diplo has been supported so far by the Maltese and Swiss governments, as well as by specific project funding from a range of other public and private sector organisations. But these sources are volatile, and can be a constraint on the work that we do. We want to build up our education and training programme as a more independent business, where those who can afford it pay and those who can't are able to access support.
How The Funds Will Be Used
* Multilateral Diplomacy
* 21st Century Diplomacy
* Infrastructure and Critical Internet Resources
* Diplomatic Law: Privileges and Immunities
The funds will be used to offer substantial scholarships to diplomats, people working in international organisations, or NGOs focusing on diplomacy, international relations, and international development. The scholarships will cover 60% of the course fees, and recipients will be asked to cover the remaining 40% themselves. Our experience shows that commitment to online learning is increased with a personal financial contribution, even if it is a small one.
In awarding scholarships, priority will be given to applicants from the developing and emerging countries of South-East Asia and small Pacific Island States.
We have deliberately set our initial target low - at €1700, which will support the participation of four people in our online courses starting in late July 2014. But we very much want to generate a fund to support more scholarships, and hope that we will exceed out target - by a lot! All contributions will be used to provide scholarship support.
The Challenges
So alongside this project, to raise scholarship funds, we are also seeking funds in other ways.
The knowledge that you are strengthening diplomacy by contributing to the capacity development of international relations professionals in small and developing states. In addition, a personal thank you message posted on Diplo’s Facebook page.
The knowledge that you are strengthening diplomacy by contributing to the capacity development of international relations professionals in small and developing states. In addition, a personal thank you message posted on Diplo’s Facebook page and sent out via Twitter.
The knowledge that you are strengthening diplomacy by contributing to the capacity development of international relations professionals in small and developing states. In addition, a personal thank you message posted on Diplo’s Facebook page and sent out via Twitter, and a thank you postcard mailed from Diplo's Malta office.
The knowledge that you are strengthening diplomacy by contributing to the capacity development of international relations professionals in small and developing states. In addition, a personal thank you message posted on Diplo’s Facebook page and sent out via Twitter, and a DiploFoundation memory stick (1 GB) containing a set of core Diplo resources.
The knowledge that you are strengthening diplomacy by contributing to the capacity development of international relations professionals in small and developing states. In addition, a personal thank you message posted on Diplo’s Facebook page and sent out via Twitter. Your choice of one book from selected Diplo publications (list of available publications to be sent to contributor by e-mail).
The knowledge that you are strengthening diplomacy by contributing to the capacity development of international relations professionals in small and developing states. In addition, a personal thank you message posted on Diplo’s Facebook page and sent out via Twitter. Two books of your choice from selected Diplo publications (list of available publications to be sent to contributor by e-mail).
The knowledge that you are strengthening diplomacy by contributing to the capacity development of international relations professionals in small and developing states. In addition, a personal thank you message posted on Diplo’s Facebook page and sent out via Twitter. A discount of 20% on the DiploFoundation online course of your choice (does not apply to courses run in partnership with other institutions).
The knowledge that you are strengthening diplomacy by contributing to the capacity development of international relations professionals in small and developing states. In addition, a personal thank you message posted on Diplo’s Facebook page and sent out via Twitter. One hour private online coaching session (via Skype) with a Diplo Faculty member on a topic of their expertise (list of available faculty members to be sent to contributor by e-mail).
The knowledge that you are strengthening diplomacy by contributing to the capacity development of international relations professionals in small and developing states. In addition, a personal thank you message posted on Diplo’s Facebook page and sent out via Twitter. Lunch with Diplo’s director, Jovan Kurbalija, in Geneva, and an autographed copy of his latest publication An Introduction to Internet Governance.