Alchemy Magazine - Issue 01

Alchemy Magazine is an independently run publication focusing on both male & female fashion and the creative industries.
Up until now Alchemy has had no financial assistants resulting with me having to work multiple jobs just to stay afloat. Having started Alchemy alone with no prior marketing/publishing/writing experience, the journey to issue 1 has been long and very educational which has aided me in producing high quality work. Due to personal circumstances I never had the opportunity to work in an already established magazine, as a result of my passion and hard work I have put myself out there in order to create what Alchemy has become today.
I’m hoping to raise enough funds to help me produce Alchemy’s first print edition at the end of May, which I have always intended to do since I started the original concept of the publication.

How The Funds Will Be Used
After meeting the minimum requirement of producing 150 copies I will have the ability to put a back order on hold in order to print in bulk for future subscribers (by demand). The minimum cost per unit for this is $25 which covers off the fees of printing/shipping (In Australia) and physical copies to use as product samples for stockists.
Everyone who pledges money will be rewarded in his or her own right, most importantly those who contribute $25 or more get a physical copy of Alchemy Magazine Issue 01 along with rewards mentioned under each category.

The Challenges
This project will aid in gaining the trust of Alchemy's readers and show that I have the ability to provide a physical and well planned product for them. This will also result in better access to designer labels for editorials, which in turn will increase my ability to deliver the visions I have for Alchemy at frequent intervals (Issue 02 and beyond).
One copy of Alchemy Magazine Issue 01 posted to your door step with a personal thank you note. (cover shown may be different e.g. additional artists named, darker colour) (NB: International shipping incurs $30 additional fee)
One copy of Alchemy Magazine Issue 01, a thank you mention in Issue 01 and a framed A4 (8.3" x 11.7") print from an editorial featured in Issue 01. (NB: International shipping incurs $30 additional fee)
One copy of Alchemy Magazine Issue 01, a "special" thank you mention inside Issue 01 which includes your social media tags and 1 x limited edition A1 (23.4" x 33.1") poster print of an image from Issue 01 (NB: Poster is sent separately due to size/shape. International shipping incurs $30 additional fee)