Wonky Health

of $8,800 targetyrs ago
Successful on 30th May 2014 at 9:12AM.

I am a GP in south-western Sydney and am passionate about my work, looking after my patients and advocating for a healthier society.
I am sick of media stories that suggest good health is created by “miracle breakthroughs”, or the latest fad diet, or news of more hospital beds being opened.
Every day in my consultations, I see the impact of government policies upon the health and wellbeing of my patients.
I want to write a regular column for the public health blog Croakey investigating the impact of governments’ policies upon the health of people and communities, particularly those who are most vulnerable.
Wonky Health will investigate questions like:

- How will losing your job at Qantas, Holden or SPC Ardmona affect your health?
- Might funding cuts to education now have an effect on our children’s lives in the future?
- Surely a top rate tax cut couldn’t affect hospital admission rates for diabetes?
- Would repeal of laws limiting free speech have a beneficial effect on our health?

With your support, every 2 weeks there will be a new article on the Croakey blog examining questions like this.
We’ll have a strong focus on the federal budget in May, and we’ll take tip-offs from anyone who spots a particular policy idea, from any level of government. Each column will be thoroughly researched and entertainingly written.
With your help, we can contribute to a different conversation about how to be healthy – WonkyHealth.

How The Funds Will Be Used

For each fortnight
Dr Tim is paid $500 for the time spent promoting, researching and writing the article.
Melissa Sweet is paid $100 for time spent promoting, subediting and publishing the article.
Pozible take a 5% cut for their wonderful work!
The column will run fortnightly for 6 months, or 13 columns.

The Challenges

If we do not raise the money, we will not be able to fund a regular column.
You will miss out on the insights.
The main risk for me is getting the time to write all this stuff - which becomes a priority when you have funded me to write!

For the cost of the proposed Medicare Bulk-billing co-payment, you will receive an acknowledgement on the Wonky Health homepage at Croakey.

24 chosen

Est. delivery is May 14

For the cost of a PBS prescription co-payment, you will receive an acknowledgement at the end of each Wonky Health column and a fortnightly e-mail only available to subscribers highlighting and providing unique commentary on one interesting health article.

27 chosen

Est. delivery is May 14

For the cost of the average gap payment to see a GP, you will receive all of the above plus a fortnightly e-mail only available to subscribers highlighting and providing unique commentary on three interesting health articles.

44 chosen

Est. delivery is May 14

For the cost of the average gap payment to see a specialist, you will receive all of the above plus a beautiful doctor’s certificate signed by myself pointing out that as you can afford this, you are likely to live a long and healthy life

21 chosen

Est. delivery is May 14