Cambodian women with disabilities

of $2,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 18th May 2014 at 2:05AM.
The Cambodian Handicraft Association (CHA) is a Cambodian organisation established in 2000 to assist disabled young woman from poor families learn skills in sewing and gain knowledge that will enable them to have a better future. The students are mainly polio and land mine victims.

CHA has to move from their current premises due to rent increases and lack of maintenance. The current building now leaks and the owner is reluctant to fix the leaks. Moving will provide CHA to relocate to cheaper premises and have better facilities for the student to learn and live. Your help is needed.

Many of the students are unable to walk. If not attending CHA they would be in their village doing nothing with little to no prospects. CHA teaches them skills and when they are confident and ready finds them employment. The students gain confidence and self esteem. They are taught the value of a good work ethic.

The students are from the provinces, where they are often marginalised in the villages and not taught skills. At CHA they are taught life skills such as cooking, keeping house and English as well as sewing. The students live at the centre. Through supporters and volunteers they are opened up to many things from many countries.

Following training and when they feel confident enough in the abilities they are found work. During their training products made are sold at the CHA shop and on the CHA website. They also do wholesale orders from other countries. The money from sales goes to pay for operating costs of the centre.

Many of the students cannot walk or have difficulties in walking.

There is an increasing need to take on further students which continues to put pressure on their operating costs. As the student families cannot make a contribution to the cost.

The Centre is dependant on its sales to survive. CHA receieves only once off small donations from supporters. The girls and young woman love CHA for what it gives them - skills, self-esteem, confidence and an opportunities for their future. They are a close and loving group. New students are quickly accepted and become part of the "family".

It is always a struggle for CHA - but especially now when sales are down. They are looking for new products and customers. The conditions of the centre need to be improved and a program of recreational and physical activities provided for the students.

A video of the students performing "You are my sunshine"

Visit the CHA website to find out more information. See us on Facebook

How The Funds Will Be Used

CHA needs to relocate their facility as the rent in the current premises has increased and land lord has asked them to leave if they cannot pay. Due to their tight budget staying is not possible. The current premises has never been adequate for their needs - providing poor work/study area lighting and poor sleeping and toilet facilities. Relocation is an opportunity to improve the students working and living areas and provide some space to do activities when not studying or working, including music, group singing, art, craft and basic dance and exercise lessons for all. This space is really needed to let their creativity shine - a space that matches the happiness and brightness in their hearts.

Funds will be spent on:
- Improving the CHA premises including:
- Appropriate workshop working areas (including lighting and solar power options to keep ongoing costs down)
- Living areas for students ( more beds, and appropriate toilets and bathroom)
- Paint for shop area
- Training, recreational and other supplies

The Challenges

I foresee no real risk to the project. Once funds are secured the Director is very adept at getting value for money and will be able to make the improvements.

Supporters will receive a thank you email and special photo from the students

4 chosen

Est. delivery is Jun 14

Supporters will receive a short thank you video from the students.

4 chosen

Est. delivery is Jul 14

Supporters will receive a thank you email and video from the students as well as a special handmade gift.

4 chosen

Est. delivery is May 14